Whole Foods Copywriting
Joe and Dean were talking to Yanik Silver and Marie Forleo. Yanik was discussing "creation stories" and how the vendors at Whole Foods (http://wholefoodsmarket.com) often have fascinating stories about their company and products. (Here's an interesting interview with a Whole Foods copywriter: Camp Copy - Meet Chad Lott, a copywriter at Whole Foods! )
One example is Cowgirl Creamery (http://www.cowgirlcreamery.com/aboutus.asp). Why they started the company and how they make their products is part of the value they offer. Their creation story in an inherent part of their brand and unique selling position.
Working with local businesses, I find sometimes they are reluctant to share the background story of their company. They have a misguided desire to be impersonal so they are thought of as businesslike and professional, or as Carlton says, "retain their so-called dignity." They cut off any personality they have!
This ain't your father's marketing world. People want to know about the owner and the "why" behind your company. If they buy the "why," you are halfway home.
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