Is it Script Writing or Copywriting

by Jordi
5 replies
I was just wondering if the two are quite similar or the same. Also is it possible copywriting be converted into a script as well.

What are you guy's thoughts? I'm trying to start a new service providing script but at the same time sell, and copywriting pops into my head. Same or not?
#copywriting #script #writing
  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    Copywriting tends to refer to sales copy, which I guess you could connect to a script (if say you were to write out the script for video copy or something like that).
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    • Profile picture of the author videolover7
      Script for what?

      TV show... no.

      Video sales letter... yes.

      "Free" strategy session over the phone... sorta.

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  • Profile picture of the author shawnlebrun
    One would have to wonder... if you're going to be starting a service
    offering something... but you're not sure what you're offering, should
    you even be offering it?

    Not trying to sound rude, but in order to succeed... you need to know
    exactly what it is you do, so you can convey that to a prospect clearly
    and specifically as possible.

    The fact that you have doubt about what you should call it, or what the
    difference is, makes me wonder if you've fine-tuned your niche and USP
    as clearly as possible.

    I was to see you succeed... and not being able to competely tell a client
    the end result benefits they'll get... well, it will put you on shaky ground.

    Try and think of what your service is... then picture the end result benefit
    that you'll offer a client. then make yourself different or position yourself
    as different/unique/better... and use that in your marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author digesource
    Originally Posted by Jordi View Post

    I was just wondering if the two are quite similar or the same. Also is it possible copywriting be converted into a script as well.

    What are you guy's thoughts? I'm trying to start a new service providing script but at the same time sell, and copywriting pops into my head. Same or not?

    Scripting and copywriting are different, but have similar objectives and approaches in terms of sales. Learning about copywriting will give you a good idea of how to write a sales scrip, but scripting does have differences, depending on the medium, phone, Video, Audio, etc..., that you are using it for.

    I would seek to learn more about copywriting and how the sales flow works, and then see how you can turn that into a script for the service(s) you want to apply it to. It would also be a good idea to find fellow warriors that are selling a video sales letter course.

    A very good one is right here: Keep Ken Strong | Supporting Ken Strong's Cancer Treatment

    Good luck,
    Darin Walker
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  • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
    Before you starting writing any pages for your website to sell your services, you definitely have to be clear on your focus and purpose.

    Script writing for videos and radio ads are definitely a form of copywriting since you are usually selling a product or service or trying to get the prospect to take some kind of action.

    Whenever you are trying to get a prospect to take some action by using any form of media, such as web pages, direct mail, brochures, radio, or tv, you are creating copy.
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