Conversion Testing and/or Split Testing Results Website?

11 replies
Hi Fellow Warriors & Copywriters,

A month or two ago, I found a reference to a website in this forum that had lots of split testing results for all sorts of things, from length of copy to color of Buy buttons and so on.

It had an example and then tried to get you to sign up for a yearly membership for about $49 or something like that, which would give you access to all of their other results.

Wish I had signed up when I had the chance, but I waited, and then my Firefox crashed and I lost all my saved windows

And now I can't find the link anymore.

It was NOT Convertasaurus (which is a very useful resource too), or ConversionX (which is waaaayyyy more expensive).

Does anyone remember seeing that website or does anyone know it and could you please post it here?

Thanks so much.

#and or or #conversion #conversion rates #conversion website #results #split #split testing #split testing results #website
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
    Hello Elisabeth

    It wouldn't by any chance have been this one would it as offered by Mike Humphreys one of a handful of top copywriters on this forum...

    Easy Multi Tracking: Professional Copywriter Reveals His Proven Conversion Boosting Tool That You Can Use To Skyrocket Your Conversion Rates FAST!

    Smoking hot,

    Mark Andrews
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    • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
      Originally Posted by Mark Andrews View Post

      Hello Elisabeth

      It wouldn't by any chance have been this one would it as offered by Mike Humphreys one of a handful of top copywriters on this forum...

      Easy Multi Tracking: Professional Copywriter Reveals His Proven Conversion Boosting Tool That You Can Use To Skyrocket Your Conversion Rates FAST!

      Smoking hot,

      Mark Andrews
      Hi Mark,

      thanks so much for this very interesting tool. I'm going to take a closer look and watch the whole video, for starters. It IS more expensive, but I was just thinking...hmmm I could also test copy I write for clients, and of course, if I sell more stuff...

      It wasn't quite what I was looking for, but it clearly has potential and made its way on my "may want to buy" list.

      Are you using it by any chance? How are the results, and how long does it REALLY take to test things?

      The site I was really searching for had a demo example for length of ad/sales page, and then if you tried to see more, it tried to get you to sign up to see all their other 186 or however many other tests they've done, on all sorts of aspects of sales copy and squeeze pages.

      Thanks again,


      FREE Report: 5 Ways To Grow Your Affiliate Income

      Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
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      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
        Sounds like you are after the split test results resource.

        Here's the paid one...

        marketing experiments goes more into the science
        of what gets people to take action
        with over 1,000 split test results.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7539936].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
          Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

          Sounds like you are after the split test results resource.

          Here's the paid one...

          marketing experiments goes more into the science
          of what gets people to take action
          with over 1,000 split test results.

          Yes, that's it! Thank you so much, Ewen!

 How could I forget a name like that!

          And thanks also for mentioning Marketing Experiments! That looks really
          interesting too!



          FREE Report: 5 Ways To Grow Your Affiliate Income

          Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
        Originally Posted by wordwizard View Post

        How are the results, and how long does it REALLY take to test things?
        Best thing to do Elisabeth? Contact Mike directly and ask him...

        View Profile: MikeHumphreys

        Kindest regards,

        Mark Andrews
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      • Profile picture of the author Andrew Gould
        Originally Posted by wordwizard View Post

        How are the results, and how long does it REALLY take to test things?
        Not having used it, I can't comment on the results of Mike's software.

        But I can tell you how long it takes to REALLY test things:

        It depends on the traffic the site gets and the difference in results for the variations.

        The less traffic, and the smaller the difference, the longer it takes.

        For example, imagine I'm testing the color of an opt-in page headline - on one page it's red, on the other it's blue.

        After each version has been seen 100 times the red headline page has 20 opt-ins, and the blue headline page has 25 opt-ins.

        Seems like an easy win for blue, right?

        But it's not, not yet anyway.

        Because with only 100 page views for each version the result is not statistically significant, that is it's not a definite result, it could be down to luck.

        To be confident that it's statistically significant (not down to luck) I'd need to let each page be seen 300 times (to be super-sure 400 would be ideal).

        Then, if the opt-in rate stays the same blue is the definite winner.

        So for that example, how long the test would take is how long it would take to get each page seen 300 times.

        Next, let's say I go for a more radical test - at the moment the opt-in page is simply asking for an email address to get free updates, my test variation will also offer a free report in exchange for their email address.

        This time, after each version's been seen 100 times, the original (the control) has 25 opt-ins, but the variation (the test) has 40.

        The larger difference in results means this is already statistically significant.

        So this time the test only took as long as it took to get each page seen 100 times.

        You don't need to worry about the maths behind this, most split-test software will do it for you, and there are plenty of free calculators to do it. Here's an easy to use one that'll tell you if a result is statistically significant or not:

        Split Test (A/B Test) Calculator

        As you get more experienced and a feel for things you'll typically be able to stop quite a few tests before they're statistically significant because the result's already obvious to you.

        Hope this helped.

        Andrew Gould

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      • Profile picture of the author MikeHumphreys
        Hi Elisabeth,

        Let me answer your questions as you asked them.

        Originally Posted by wordwizard View Post

        Hi Mark,

        thanks so much for this very interesting tool. I'm going to take a closer look and watch the whole video, for starters. It IS more expensive, but I was just thinking...hmmm I could also test copy I write for clients, and of course, if I sell more stuff...
        I understand. My testing tool is a one-time investment for use on unlimited sites of yours. You could use it with client work as long as it is for a client project only test (i.e you can't give it to them to use on all of their sites).

        If funds are limited, then you can also use Google's testing tool which is free and is quite popular with marketers. I've been using my own software for years so that's what I use for my testing. There's a number of reasons why I don't use Google but I don't want to derail the thread to explain them.

        How are the results, and how long does it REALLY take to test things?
        Andrew's advice is spot-on. The amount of traffic being delivered to the page being tested is a big factor in time to run a split-test or multi-variate test.

        The rule of thumb is to aim for at least 100 actions... for an opt-in page test, that's 100 new subscribers. Whatever software you use to test with, aim for a statstical confidence level of 90% or greater as well. That way you can be extremely confident the test results aren't going to change at all.

        Hope that helps,

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7541043].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
          Originally Posted by MikeHumphreys View Post

          Hi Elisabeth,

          Let me answer your questions as you asked them.

          I understand. My testing tool is a one-time investment for use on unlimited sites of yours. You could use it with client work as long as it is for a client project only test (i.e you can't give it to them to use on all of their sites).

          If funds are limited, then you can also use Google's testing tool which is free and is quite popular with marketers. I've been using my own software for years so that's what I use for my testing. There's a number of reasons why I don't use Google but I don't want to derail the thread to explain them.

          Andrew's advice is spot-on. The amount of traffic being delivered to the page being tested is a big factor in time to run a split-test or multi-variate test.

          The rule of thumb is to aim for at least 100 actions... for an opt-in page test, that's 100 new subscribers. Whatever software you use to test with, aim for a statstical confidence level of 90% or greater as well. That way you can be extremely confident the test results aren't going to change at all.

          Hope that helps,

          Hi Mike,

          thanks so much for the details on your split testing tool. About using it for clients - yes, I meant for just the project I was working on of course! Of course, there may be some logistics issues since people can't actually buy if the site is not live, etc. Have to figure out what to do about that, but from what you say, I should be able to use it on THAT site of theirs, just not any others.

          That was why I had been looking for the site that had already done all the testing FOR me... But of course their sites are all over the place in terms of niches and product types. And testing my own work will help me improve my results, so I'll be putting your testing tool on my Belated Christmas List for things to invest in within the near future

          Since I can use it on unlimited projects, it's a great deal!

          Thanks again!


          FREE Report: 5 Ways To Grow Your Affiliate Income

          Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
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  • Profile picture of the author davemiz
    what is split testing?

    “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV

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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by davemiz View Post

      what is split testing?
      Here's how the term "split testing" came about.

      Back in the late 80's a local distillery set up a card table at the local Piggly Wiggly with two styrofoam cups.

      Each one with a shot of vodka from a different manufacturer.

      They asked the women pushing the carts around to drink both cups...then they asked which one they liked the best.

      They found there were several testers that seemed to keep coming back to take the challenge over and over.

      One woman, after her 4th taste test, did the splits.

      Thus the label "split testing" was spawned.
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  • Profile picture of the author davemiz
    LOL @max5ty - dude... it was sarcasm.

    “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV

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