by Riq
3 replies
Hi guys, gals

Am I over reacting? I keep getting emails and web sites that start:
From the Desk of... {enter name}

I have even responded to some as...
Dear name, are you aware that your desk is sending out emails?
Everyone misses the point, or am I??
Is this acceptable practice now?

Am I too sensitive to this? :confused: should I just use it and go about my business?
#dear #desk
  • Profile picture of the author Written
    Originally Posted by Riq View Post

    Dear name, are you aware that your desk is sending out emails?
    OK, this was pretty funny I might have to try this sometime.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason_V
    You must have missed when it was the hip cool thing when the "wife" or "girlfriend" or "secretary" were sending the email but "shhh....don't tell [insert name of whoever the hell's list it was you were on]

    Does this post really date me? Probably.
    "When you do something exactly wrong, you always turn up something."
    -Andy Warhol
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