Clayton Makepeace courses...

8 replies
Anyone know where I can get Clayton's courses?

I've tried Ebay but no luck.
#clayton #courses #makepeace
  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Gould
    You might try contacting him, or his office, directly to see if they've got any left they'd be willing to sell you.

    [EDIT] This is on Ebay now, it's in the USA but the seller ships worldwide:

    The Ultimate Desktop Copy Coach Clayton Makepeace | eBay

    Andrew Gould

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  • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
    His stuff pops up on ebay every now and then. You might want to save a search for "Clayton Makepeace" so you get notifications when there's something. It took me months to track down his stuff, but I've got everything he put out besides the eagle newsletter or whatever it was called.
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  • Ahh yes - "The Screaming Eagle" it was always a red letter day when that envelope arrived from Team Makepeace.

    But don't despair if you haven't got them. Because the "Desktop Copy Coach" aka the "Quick Start Copywriting System" is based on all the editions plus lots more "how to" copywriting techniques.

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    • Profile picture of the author Wgmakepeace
      Hi Everyone...Wendy Makepeace here. If anyone is interested, I still have a small inventory of our Quick-Start Copywriting System in storage. Our website is still up with all our back issues in the archives. And, you can see how to contact me. And, did you guys know that Clayton is doing a Video Sales Letter intensive in April with AWAI? You should check it out on their website. Cheers!
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