How to nail down your USP

6 replies
I remember paying John Carlton a lot of money back in 2004 or so, just
so he could help me work on my USP... because I knew it was THAT

And the thing is... I would spend hours and hours trying to find what was
most unique about me, my business, my products, etc... and up until a few
years ago, it's how I tried to find my USP on all my products.

I was going back through my emails that John had sent me, about
my USP... and something really jumped out at me.

Most marketers, when trying to find their USP... simply think about what they've DONE... as in "past tense"

But there's no reason you can't CREATE a NEW USP based on what you WANT to do in the FUTURE.

In other words, don't limit yourself to what you've done and what you feel is unique about you/your products up until now.

Instead, think of what you WANT to do and how you WANT to be unique... and run with that. in other words, CREATE a USP.

Think of what you want to achieve/be known for/help with, etc... and try to think of the single biggest way you could stand out from the others in the market.

So... your USP can be something you're not even doing right now... but COULD do better than anyone else.

That's where I had been limiting myself in the past... thinking of only those
things I had done already... not thinking my USP could be something I could create based on what I wanted to do in the future!

Your USP is what makes you unique... why someone should choose you over the competition.

so if you can't think of something that just packs a punch... create one and stick with it... and perhaps it will take your marketing/business to an entirely new place.
#nail #usp
  • barnstormingly* good advice.

    My own thought is - try to make the "future" the present and just start doing it.

    Because you may as well do it now.

    No need to wait.


    * in case that doesn't translate well - it means "really excellent"
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  • Profile picture of the author shawnlebrun
    Thank you Steve and Angela, it's much appreciated.

    I just find it pigeonholes us when coming up
    with our USP if we simply try to think in the past tense.

    So if there's not a glaring difference or uniqueness that
    you offer, hell, why not invent one and then trump that
    puppy around!

    No one says your USP has to do something that you DO...
    it can be something that you want to do better than the

    These days, when i work with clients, I ask them to imagine
    they had a genie that would grant one wish for their prospect
    or customer, what would it be?

    What is the single most important thing you can do for your
    customer, their wildest wish or dream for their prospect?

    Once you come up with it... see if you can't use that as your
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  • Tell you what Shawn - there are many "guru's" who would have (and for we know still turn your sage advice into the "next big marketing secret" and coin it in.

    Coughs ... you might consider doing this yourself - before it gets turned into a course or seminar.

    For the fortunate seekers of knowledge in this esteemed forum...

    You have kindly given them the formula for USP super success.

    And it would have been well worth paying for.

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  • good advice,

    I find when it comes to USP's as a service provider you have to really believe in it for it to resonate with your customers.

    How I found mine was looking at how I view my market and what I think is missing in it.

    This really tunes you into what you are passionate about providing and what you can bring to the table.

    tying this into what your customers really want is key of course.
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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    Very awesome perspective. Frankly, now that I think of it, I'd be more likely to hire someone who had a "here's where I want to go next" USP as opposed to "here's what I've done." It shows ambition and initiative forward thinking.

    Thanks for this post my man.
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