Squeeze/Landing page recommendations

by mr@new
11 replies
hey guys!

I am an experienced financial trader and want to test out IM.

I want to get a squeeze/landing page designed. Since I am new to IM, I want to start small with an intent to learn the IM space. I am looking to launch an E-book (may be a small course). I want to offer it for free.

Since my offer is free, I don't really want to spend a ton to get a nice squeeze page done. How much would a decent squeeze page designer cost? Can you offer any recommendations? Is $200 too cheap?

I definitely don't want to go down to odesk or elance for this lol. I do want quality and would pay for quality ...

Thanks a bunch!
#page #recommendations #squeeze or landing
  • Profile picture of the author DanielBlue
    Check out this plugin, a lot of "gurus" are using it and a lot of people I know:

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  • Profile picture of the author KevinW
    You can do it yourself and spend that money on getting traffic to your squeeze page.

    On your squeeze page just highlight 4-6 features of the ebook. A short video would help.

    To create squeeze pages try HowToSqueezePage.net

    Check out the site. Click on "How It Works" and "Must See". This should give you enough info and confidence that will allow you to create the page you need.
    FREE Squeeze Page Guide: - A How To Guide Including Setup, Resources, & Google Adwords

    Squeeze Page Software & Hosting - Instantly setup effective & unlimited pages.

    Discount Travel Search Engine - Bookmark this site & save big on your travel.
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  • Profile picture of the author marc@clickbitz
    Hi, even if your ebook is free, you are presumably giving it away to generate business, so it is worth investing in a quality squeeze page.

    The most important thing is strong text paired with professional (but not necessarily fancy) layout. You could easily spend the bulk of your budget on creating a nice ebook cover.
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  • Profile picture of the author shawnlebrun
    You could get a huge range of prices for squeeze pages... from $50 all the way to $1,000 or more.

    Perhaps you could use this one as a model for doing your own?

    Forex Trading Cheat Sheets

    If you're knowledgeable of your market... just try and think of the biggest problem or issue your market has, and give away content that will appeal to helping them solve that problem.

    It's not magic... it's simply selling yourself.

    Think of the biggest issues in your market, and give away content that will help them.

    Then, write like you would tell your mom about what you're giving away.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kustomoinc
    Hello i want to make custom squeeze pages were i can pick my own font,theme layout,color and able to upload images and video.
    I dont want to use the typical template i want to be original
    can anyone recommend the software or what i can use for that?
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  • Profile picture of the author ProfitGoblin
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  • Profile picture of the author website design
    If you just want to build a newsletter list to upsell to then go with a single huge background image with signup form. For text all you need is a killer headline and maybe 3-5 bullet points. Split test the designs. Possible to do it all yourself very easy.
    no sig needed.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShutupAndEarn
    Optimize Press is great. Version 2.0 just came out as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author smoor2012
    This is a good question. You might try optimize press for one. I think you can get a membership for a reasonable price and pay for a year, but don't quote me on that. I know several people in one of the programs I am in like it and I may do the same later on.

    Also, you might take a look at Capture Page Creator. I am currently using it for a campaign. It makes a nice, simple capture page that you can load a youtube video on as a welcome video.

    Maybe one of these two options will help you with what you are looking for. Good luck.

    PM me and I will respond as soon as possible

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  • Profile picture of the author mr@new
    Thanks for all the great advice guys!
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  • Profile picture of the author mr@new
    Hey guys .. quick update .. I did start in my niche .. currently I write on a specific trading strategy and growing my social media base slowly. Its been a couple of months now. However, still learning ... first year is going to be a lot of falling but thats expected.

    At the moment I just have my homepage as my landing page. A free offer, and aweber sign-up form on the side. I am going to test out PPC / bing traffic and see the response.

    I want to get a grip on sales funnels .. any gurus out there kind enough to share what works and what doesn't? any sites / threads you'd recommend?
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