How to spin this credential?

2 replies
Hello fellow copywriters,

Later this year my book 6 Steps to Free Publicity will have achieved 20 years of staying in print continuously. Today while mulling over ways to celebrate this, other than writing a 4th edition of the book (which I just do not want to do right now), I realized that this is actually the second book I've had that remained in print from a traditional publisher for 20 years running.

This is no small thing.

Some people will understand why this is impressive and others won't care. That's fine.

I have some ideas for redoing my bio to highlight this and to peg some new programs on it.

I welcome your thoughts and suggestions for capitalizing on this upcoming milestone.

Marcia Yudkin
#credential #spin
  • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
    You could launch a new publicity info product. Either one that you put together yourself or JV with an existing publicity guru who has a new publicity info product to sell.

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  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    Congrats Marcia,

    Several years ago I asked my library director to order several books. I had a good working relationship and he always got what I wanted. He's retired and the new person doesn't have the interest in business books, too busy getting videos of old TV shows. Anyhow,

    This goes back a ways, but I requested your books, books by Jeffrey Lant and some by Melvin Powers. Also asked and got some books which were not readily available, like 7 Steps to Freedom ll.

    Well. long story short, YOUR books are still on the shelf and in circulation while the Lant, Suarez and Wilshire books have long ago been put up at the the bi-annual book sale. Not a single reminder they ever existed.

    So, my question to you would be HOW do you want to use these milestones, because within your answers could be several smart, low time involved opportunities for, you can leverage these 4 decades of success (combined) to appeal to several different niches.

    I think new or wannabe WRITERS offer the biggest opportunity, you have what few other writing "teachers" have...shelf life.

    Just an opinion, but the writers I know love to see their work on the shelves, not in the book sale donation bin. As much ego in this niche as there are potential best-seller types.


    Originally Posted by marciayudkin View Post

    Hello fellow copywriters,

    Later this year my book 6 Steps to Free Publicity will have achieved 20 years of staying in print continuously. Today while mulling over ways to celebrate this, other than writing a 4th edition of the book (which I just do not want to do right now), I realized that this is actually the second book I've had that remained in print from a traditional publisher for 20 years running.

    This is no small thing.

    Some people will understand why this is impressive and others won't care. That's fine.

    I have some ideas for redoing my bio to highlight this and to peg some new programs on it.

    I welcome your thoughts and suggestions for capitalizing on this upcoming milestone.

    Marcia Yudkin
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