choppy, crappy and bad

4 replies
If you are struggling with birthing your first sales letter or email series, try this: "Hulk Out" and make it choppy, crappy and bad.

Then strive to improve it. Here is how you do it:
#bad #choppy #crappy
  • Profile picture of the author erinwrites
    Thanks, but I prefer the "throw whatever comes into my head on the page (no matter how stupid) and then go back and hone/perfect/edit" approach.
    I put words on the Internet.
    Silly Haikus starting at $5! PM me for details! (Because it's fun)

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    • Profile picture of the author joe golfer
      Originally Posted by erinwrites View Post

      Thanks, but I prefer the "throw whatever comes into my head on the page (no matter how stupid) and then go back and hone/perfect/edit" approach.
      Cool, that's what he is saying. Throw it down and then edit it:

      "The first thing to do when you sit down to write a sales message is to HULK OUT:

      (Yes, that's a picture of me with Lou Ferrigno,
      the original Incredible Hulk at a party)

      When you hulk out you're not worried about "perfect."

      The idea here is to write something rough - something choppy and crappy and bad.

      Trying to make writing “perfect” is futile. It never gets finished, you get stuck on page one, and getting stuck isn’t a great way to make progress in your business.

      Perfect = Procrastination. Done = Dollars."
      Marketing is not a battle of products. It is a battle of perceptions.
      - Jack Trout
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  • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
    Seems like an obvious place to mention that Tellman will be speaking at Warrior Event 2014 in a few weeks... Had a long talk with him on the phone Sunday.

    I'm really looking forward to his presentation. It will definitely be... hypnotic.
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