Beautiful Homepages - Which Copywriters have the best website desings?

6 replies
I've been looking at the directory of copywriters one by one and it's pretty slow going. I like the look of a lot of the sites out there, but does anyone have any particular favorites?

I know artistic tastes are completely subjective, but I'm curious to see if any particular sites are more popular than others.
#beautiful #copywriters #desings #homepages #website
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    I paid a web designer to give me a pro version of my site. It bombed. My dinky little, self -made Wordpress site still converts really well.

    Go Ghetto.


    Do you want a 10 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you and your team, on zoom. Discover More

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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
    Originally Posted by slowgain View Post

    I've been looking at the directory of copywriters one by one and it's pretty slow going.
    Think of it as research... slow going but necessary.

    Good training for the real world if you plan to be a successful copywriter some day.

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    • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      Wow, very impressive. I immediately wanted to get my hands on the sales packages, and discovered that I can have them, for $295! Probably worth every penny but still...

      The free downloads are mostly testimonials and teasers, though interesting in themselves...

      FREE Report: 5 Ways To Grow Your Affiliate Income

      Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
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      • Profile picture of the author splitTest
        Originally Posted by wordwizard View Post

        Wow, very impressive. I immediately wanted to get my hands on the sales packages, and discovered that I can have them, for $295! Probably worth every penny but still...

        The free downloads are mostly testimonials and teasers, though interesting in themselves...
        I had trouble opening the zip files. (My unzip program says they're empty.) Thanks for telling us what's in them. Sounds like they're not really worth the download.

        Great site though!
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    • Profile picture of the author Spiderwebcopy
      Heck forget the fancy shmansy web design there! I'd be happy enough to just have the success this guy has had over the years to put in a portfolio.

      "A good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing attention to itself." ~ David Ogilvy

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