Any advice for your wrist?

by Tony M
18 replies
I've been working like a mad man these past two
weeks (huge email follow up series) and my wrist is killing me.

Any advice from the veterans here?

I've taken some Advil earlier but it doesn't seem to be
doing the trick.
#advice #wrist
  • Profile picture of the author marciayudkin

    1)Ice - no more than 15 minutes at a time

    2)Get an ergonomic keyboard. They're not expensive and truly make a difference.

    You can do serious damage to yourself if you ignore what your body is telling you right now.

    Marcia Yudkin
    Check out Marcia Yudkin's No-Hype Marketing Academy for courses on copywriting, publicity, infomarketing, marketing plans, naming, and branding - not to mention the popular "Marketing for Introverts" course.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    Take breaks for starters.
    Learn to mouse with your other hand. That helps a lot. I have learned how.
    Make sure your arms are in the right position.
    Use talk to text where possible.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    This happened to me several years ago. I experimented with some things, and here's what helped:

    1) Drinking more water. Most people don't drink enough. Water lubricates the joint and dramatically cuts back on microtrauma.
    2) Get a wrist brace. Makes a world of difference.
    3) Rest it on a heating pad for 30 minutes every night to increase blood circulation.
    4) Get a hold of "Dragon Naturally Speaking," it's not perfect but you'll write MUCH less when you use dictaction software for the bulk of the work.
    5) Meditation. It heals the body faster because it lets your body use its energy to recharge and rebuild. You're wearing it out right now.
    6) Raise your rates and spend more time thinking and researching and marketing your business, less time writing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tony M
      Originally Posted by marciayudkin View Post


      1)Ice - no more than 15 minutes at a time

      2)Get an ergonomic keyboard. They're not expensive and truly make a difference.

      You can do serious damage to yourself if you ignore what your body is telling you right now.

      Marcia Yudkin
      Thanks Marcia, I appreciate it.
      I've never heard of an ergonomic keyboard.
      I'm gonna search that up.

      Originally Posted by sethczerepak View Post

      This happened to me several years ago. I experimented with some things, and here's what helped:

      1) Drinking more water. Most people don't drink enough. Water lubricates the joint and dramatically cuts back on microtrauma.
      2) Get a wrist brace. Makes a world of difference.
      3) Rest it on a heating pad for 30 minutes every night to increase blood circulation.
      4) Get a hold of "Dragon Naturally Speaking," it's not perfect but you'll write MUCH less when you use dictaction software for the bulk of the work.
      5) Meditation. It heals the body faster because it lets your body use its energy to recharge and rebuild. You're wearing it out right now.
      6) Raise your rates and spend more time thinking and researching and marketing your business, less time writing.
      Thanks a bunch Seth.

      Any advice on which meditation to choose from?

      I laughed at #6 -- I know it, man. I just took my last client
      about 3 weeks ago.

      I'm launching a new business in the Health Market
      and my wrist started acting up while was jotting all of my research
      down. Damn near 200 pages.

      It just started to get worse these past 48 hours.

      Thanks man I appreciate it.
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      • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
        Originally Posted by Tony M View Post

        Thanks Marcia, I appreciate it.
        I've never heard of an ergonomic keyboard.
        I'm gonna search that up.

        Thanks a bunch Seth.

        Any advice on which meditation to choose from?

        I laughed at #6 -- I know it, man. I just took my last client
        about 3 weeks ago.

        I'm launching a new business in the Health Market
        and my wrist started acting up while was jotting all of my research
        down. Damn near 200 pages.

        It just started to get worse these past 48 hours.

        Thanks man I appreciate it.
        There's a meditation the Buddhist Monks use called "tilling the inner garden." If you've got a hyperactive brain, that's a good place to start.
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        • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
          Use the tips above, and if you want to try something extra...

          Check out DMSO gel (Google it). You'll find it in many health food stores, and of course online.

          It's not officially approved for humans (although I believe it used to be), but vets use it for inflammation and other injuries on race horses and such all the time. Very interesting stuff. A physician friend told me about it decades ago when I had lots of knee problems, and I'll be forever grateful to him for shaaring this info with meit's been part of my emergency kit ever since.

          Of course, here comes the disclaimer! This message is for entertainment only and is not intended to cure, treat, etc. any medical condition.

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          • Profile picture of the author MikeHumphreys
            Disclaimer: Many years ago, I worked as a physical therapist assistant and as a massage therapist. My educational background is in these two professional fields.

            Here are some quick tips off the top of my head.

            1. Ice 15 minutes, 3 times a day. If it's a small area like carpal tunnel or base of thumb then ice massage (Google it) works great to pin point the area of pain.

            2. Ergonomic keyboard help A LOT. I've been using Logitec ones for years.

            3. Pay attention to your typing methods. If you're slamming the keys then you're slamming your fingers down on every keystroke like repeatedly banging on a table. Something's gotta give and it will be your hands or wrists so learn to type quickly and lightly.

            4. Stretching and massage of your forearms and hands. Almost all of the wrist-related muscles are in the forearms so treat them to get to the source of most wrist pain.

            4. Make an appointment with a physical therapist. Specifically one who specializes in manual therapy or sports medicine. Get them to show you a stretching program for your hands, wrists, and forearms. They may also do TENS treatment or pulse ultrasound treatments for pain management. Either one can help a lot.

            Cheaper option is to book an appointment with a massage therapist. Any of them who do deep tissue work (like I use to do) for years and years know that your hands and wrists are your livelihood and know how to treat them to keep them pain-free. If you find one who's agreeable, they'll teach you their hand, wrist, and forearm self-care program.

            5. Don't work 7 days per week. Give your body a day off physically to rest and recover.
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            • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
              Originally Posted by MikeHumphreys View Post


              4. Make an appointment with a physical therapist. Specifically one who specializes in manual therapy or sports medicine. Get them to show you a stretching program for your hands, wrists, and forearms. They may also do TENS treatment or pulse ultrasound treatments for pain management. Either one can help a lot.

              I did the typical male thing and didn't see a professional about the pain in my wrist or shoulders for years. Now, I have a chiropractor, reflexology and acupuncturist in my Rolodex. Feel 15 years younger now. If only I'd started 10 years ago.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Farthing
    I've been trying to keep away carpal tunnel, as much as it keeps trying to show up in my wrist.

    The main things that help me:

    I wear a wrist brace when I'm typing. Wearing it to bed helps a lot, too.

    I also use an ergonomic keyboard. This is the one I have: Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard...
    When it's really flared up, I've worn the brace 24/7 and taken Aleve until it dies down.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tony M
      Originally Posted by Benjamin Farthing View Post

      I've been trying to keep away carpal tunnel, as much as it keeps trying to show up in my wrist.

      The main things that help me:

      I wear a wrist brace when I'm typing. Wearing it to bed helps a lot, too.

      I also use an ergonomic keyboard. This is the one I have: Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 for Business: Electronics

      When it's really flared up, I've worn the brace 24/7 and taken Aleve until it dies down.
      Thank you very much. Do the palm pads get worn out much?
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      • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Farthing
        Originally Posted by Tony M View Post

        Thank you very much. Do the palm pads get worn out much?
        Not so far. I've had it over a year and it's holding up fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author jjosephs
    If the "quick fixes" don't fix it...

    Consider that a huge amount of so called "wrist strain" is actually just stress.

    Yup. The mind is an asshole. It creates diversions like a pain in the wrist (or anywhere else, frankly) as a physical manifestation of mental stress. Doesn't mean the pain isn't real, but that it can have nothing to do with your routine or anything physical.

    Much like a headache. It's accepted in western society to have a headache cause you're stressed. But don't think the mind can't pull it off elsewhere.

    I speak from experience.
    Marketing for ACTION & REACTION.
    Roll Out "The Cannon"
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Thomson
    Had the same problem a few years back in college, ice spray from a pharmacy helped!
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  • Profile picture of the author joe golfer
    Marketing is not a battle of products. It is a battle of perceptions.
    - Jack Trout
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  • Profile picture of the author Johnny12345
    The same thing happened to me years ago. My wrist pain was so bad that I thought I'd have to give up using a computer.

    In my case, the problem turned out to be the mouse. I switched to a graphics tablet and the pain went away.

    Using a mouse causes you to twist your wrist inward, but holding a stylus (pen) is very natural. When I type, I palm the stylus (I don't set it down).

    Wacom makes the best tablets. You can get them at Amazon or Best Buy.

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    • Profile picture of the author Marvin Johnston
      Originally Posted by Johnny12345 View Post

      The same thing happened to me years ago. My wrist pain was so bad that I thought I'd have to give up using a computer.
      I had the same thing except my elbow received the brunt of the pain from using the mouse. Stretching, doing some exercises, and not using the mouse as much took the problem away. I've always called it "mouse elbow" .

      BTW, the angle of the buttons panel on the Space Invaders arcade game coupled with repetitive motion also caused the same type of wrist problem. The wrist pain even got the name "Space Invaders Wrist."

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  • Profile picture of the author JDWater
    Finger Curls Exercise Guide and Video

    Those, I had wrist problems from too much computer work + I use to kick box.

    Haven't had any problems since doing those.
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Like others have said, Dragon Naturally Speaking is the best.

    I work within a studio environment with 3 computers, 3 screens, synthesizers (access virus ti2, andromeda, etc etc) mics, sound proofing, bass traps, etc etc.

    Then I have 2 mics set up. One in the booth for recording, another for The Dragon. The one I use for The Dragon is clipped to my desk with an adapter switch. So regardless of which system I'm using, I can switch back and forth and give commands directly through the mic.

    What is super cool, I can detach my mic, go all the way to the kitchen when I'm cooking (I do a lot of cooking), switch the tv in my kitchen from cable to any of the 3 pcs in my studio, and "write" as I'm standing in front of the stove.

    There is 0 strain on your wrists. No strain on your elbows. You can "type" 5-10xs faster, and what's crazy is I get far less typos using The Dragon than I do when I use my keyboard.
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