Which theme is the best choice?

by bsurb
4 replies
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Hey guys, I narrowed down my choices for a woocommerce theme for my clothing line. One is a lot newer and the other has excellent reviews, but that means a lot of people have it... good or bad thing?

Pros and cons of each? I want the cleanest but simplest design...

Young And Reckless <<< They are not running WP but this is an idea of how I would like my layout to look:

What do you think?? Which theme below...

Flatize Fashion

Flat Responsive WooCommerce Theme Preview - ThemeForest
#choice #theme
  • Profile picture of the author erickz
    If they are not running on WP, how are you going to incorporate with woocommerce?

    Check out the WP themes on themeforest, there are a lot of such themes built for woocomemrce. Check out also yithemes. They have a lot of nice themes with quite a tons of good reviews. And their support is very helpful and fast. I bought a theme from them for my client, and so far every question or issue I have, they have responded and solved the issues.
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  • Profile picture of the author bsurb
    I didn't say anything about that site using wordpress. I was just mentioning the layout, how basic it is which is the reason why I like it.

    The last two links I posted above are two woocommerce themes that I have narrowed my choices down to.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lipipaliwal
    Well, there are some fabulous Word Press themes provided by the Woocommerce eCommerce platform, by which you can choose the best one as per your needs. Some of them are:
    1. Fashion theme
    2. Flatize theme
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  • Profile picture of the author bsurb
    What makes that fashion theme #1?
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