E-Commerce site, Amazon, Ebay?
I believe this is my first post in this particular section so Thanks for any help here given.
I have a list of used computer parts that changes on a weekly basis. The owner of this list is giving me an opportunity to find value in the list and come up with a game plan that can include a sales job within the company.
The current salesperson, or anyone else there, is not keeping up with this list as well as one could. There are lots of parts not even cataloged. I have that to offer as I will go into the warehouse and get a grip on the inventory.
The salesperson draws a small salary, plus commission and answers the phone with incoming calls from ads or accounts like BrokerBin and some others that I don't know which ones yet. He does not actually come up with sales on his own except from previous customers obtained from the marketing of the company.
Sorry if this post is long-winded.
My question is: any suggestions on helping me find the opportunity here?
I am going to suggest he lets me see where the online accounts are and start there with what can be sold realistically in each of the accounts and the tools available within the accounts.
He also is a reseller of the major computer companies products, so maybe a suggestion of their own E-Commerce site? Amazon, Ebay, cold calling, emails, or combination of many methods?
Their current company website looks nice (No Sales on the site) but it's not even mobile or SEO friendly, and I also have lots of other suggestions for them there.
I should stop here before I babble on even more!
Thanks Again
JosephI -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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stockutopia -
[ 1 ] Thanks
Signaturehttp://stores.ebay.com/stockutopia{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10720866].message }} -
Joe J -
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