Is there any free e-commerce platform

40 replies
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I have seen that there are number of e-commerce platforms. Some of them offering limited trial period while other put limitations about number of products. So is there any platform that would let me set up my store and not charge me anything not even the hosting.
#ecommerce #free #platform
  • Profile picture of the author leader
    Woo Commerce is a free WordPress plugin that can turn any WordPress site into an ecommerce store. I personally use Woo Commerce and I wouldn't use any thing else. Ive tried Shopify, Ive used BigCommerce, and I much prefer the interface on WooCommerce. So the fact that it is free is a bonus, but I actually use it because I really find it easiest to work with. You can build a fabulous store that looks as good as any Shopify store with Woo Commerce.

    Now of course, to run a WordPress site, you do have to pay for hosting. But hosting costs are minimal if you shop for a good, but affordable hosting provider.
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    • Profile picture of the author salmonjames21
      Thanks for your suggestion but I would like to know such a platform that is free. By free I mean entirely free not even hosting. As I would give myself a try without any risk.
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  • Profile picture of the author wholesaleduniya
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    • Profile picture of the author salmonjames21
      But don't you think that it's not even free. For instance even Magento would let me add only 150 products and then I will have to go for enterprise so the thing is, I want one that should let me add as many products as I want and shouldn't play me tricks.
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  • Profile picture of the author salmonjames21
    But what if I need to go more than 10 products. So I would prefer someone that wouldn't do tricks to me as a matter of fact offer me something that is flat and plain.
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    • Profile picture of the author Splatterfox
      Originally Posted by salmonjames21 View Post

      But what if I need to go more than 10 products. So I would prefer someone that wouldn't do tricks to me as a matter of fact offer me something that is flat and plain.
      That has nothing to do with "tricks". You want a software that is powerful enough to visualize your complete business and make it work smoothly? Well, you gotta pay for that, there is nothing tricky about this. Its cheaper than ever before to get your online store running.

      If you really want to pay NOTHING go with WooCommerce for WordPress, but you need your own webspace of course. If you don't have the money to afford this, then you are entirely wrong in the eCommerce business. When it comes to ads you will see that you need several hundred $ to get your business going (with few exceptions only). If you bargain for every $ you will have hard times. There is no "zero investment zero risks" in eCommerce.
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      • Profile picture of the author salmonjames21
        Your prompt and detailed answer is appreciated. But the purpose for starting this platform was to seek such a platform that is entirely free. Say if I get sufficient business and I need mobile application. So should I pay again? IF so then why? Why isn't there any platform that would let me enjoy things freely. Say I don't want to get domain. As a matter of fact I kind of person who loves free rides.
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        • Profile picture of the author yukon
          Originally Posted by salmonjames21 View Post

          Your prompt and detailed answer is appreciated. But the purpose for starting this platform was to seek such a platform that is entirely free. Say if I get sufficient business and I need mobile application. So should I pay again? IF so then why? Why isn't there any platform that would let me enjoy things freely. Say I don't want to get domain. As a matter of fact I kind of person who loves free rides.

          What's wrong with you?
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        • Profile picture of the author Shay S
          Originally Posted by salmonjames21 View Post

          Your prompt and detailed answer is appreciated. But the purpose for starting this platform was to seek such a platform that is entirely free. Say if I get sufficient business and I need mobile application. So should I pay again? IF so then why? Why isn't there any platform that would let me enjoy things freely. Say I don't want to get domain. As a matter of fact I kind of person who loves free rides.
          I'm not sure whether you're just here for the trollz, but from my experience, if you don't want to pay for this, and don't wanna pay for that, then you end up with the worst possible domain name and the worst possible bad-looking store, and with zero credibility.

          Would you purchase from such a free store? You pay for what you get.
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        • Profile picture of the author Splatterfox
          Originally Posted by salmonjames21 View Post

          Your prompt and detailed answer is appreciated. But the purpose for starting this platform was to seek such a platform that is entirely free. Say if I get sufficient business and I need mobile application. So should I pay again? IF so then why? Why isn't there any platform that would let me enjoy things freely. Say I don't want to get domain. As a matter of fact I kind of person who loves free rides.
          Hope you're trolling, because with this attitude I guarantee you won't even make a penny.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    The OP wants to "run a store" - 50 items isn't enough - and doesn't want to pay for anything - not even hosting.

    Question: If someone buyers something from your (totally free) you expect them to pay for that purchase? Or should they get it for free?

    How will you get paid for the purchase - I doubt you would want to pay a percentage for paypal or other payment processor.

    You want no investment, no cost, no risk - but expect to make money. That doesn't work. It's like opening a shoe store but not buying any shoes to put on the shelves...and still expecting to make money.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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    • Profile picture of the author salmonjames21
      Thanks but I haven't used or referred PayPal. My question only limits to E-Commerce platforms. OK! say I already have PayPal with me. Now what? So tell me the suggestions where I can help realizing my dreams.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Shopify shows a free 14 day trial with no credit card signup.

    You better make sure you have a traffic source first otherwise it's kinda pointless.
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  • Profile picture of the author davejarvys
    If nothing else this is an interesting idea.

    You can get a free .tk domain if you visit I am really not convinced on the value of a tk domain. In my personal opinion it's a false investment but you wanted to do this free.

    From there point your domain at an account you've created at hostinger (free hosting). Again not something I would do especially not for a money site.

    Install WordPress and woocommerce and probably the optimizer theme.

    This theme does have a premium upgrade but is still good enough to run a woocommerce store.

    Now you can be up and running within a few hours for no money.

    Just a side note - if anyone is serious about their business don't do this.
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  • Profile picture of the author shaqsquash
    In general you get what you pay for. There are several self-hosted platforms such as those already mentioned but IMO if you have 19.99 a month it's worth to just get a paid platform, it makes things much easier and your site will look better. I personally wouldn't go with anything else but Shopify.
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  • Profile picture of the author Melissa Gothard
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  • Profile picture of the author salmonjames21
    Why would I troll even. Thanks for your all help anyways! I have figured out that Tibolli.NET is here that is offering each and everything for free.
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  • Profile picture of the author tokyothekid
    If you want an entirely free store why not just use Craigslist. Free hosting, don't need to purchase a domain, and can have unlimited items (I think). Brand the image for each product.
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  • Profile picture of the author curly sue
    here are some of the best 11 opensource ecommerce platform you can install automatically in your cpanel;
    Magento Community Edition
    Zen Cart
    Spree Commerce
    Drupal Commerce

    11 Open Source Ecommerce Platforms | Practical Ecommerce
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    • Profile picture of the author salmonjames21
      I have seen the interface from one of these. Let me tell you to be honest that was really complicated. Since I am not aware of with the coding and these things so I would like something that offers me drag and drop.

      After subscribing to many of the platforms, I would say that so far I like the interface of Shopify and Tibolli(.NET). This is because they are really easy and user friendly.
      Out of these I would further say that the difference is, later one is entirely free, while the first one is free only for 14 days.
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  • Profile picture of the author cjshu99
    Oberlo has different levels. The basic level is free:

    5 products listed here are free
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  • Profile picture of the author salmonjames21
    No doubt it has but I would say that I want one plan and that is entirely free though. I discussed these with their technical team and they've been saying that each and everything is for free. At the moment I was amazed but now I am convinced that they are saying the rye thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author xhankx
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    • Profile picture of the author salmonjames21
      That's fine though. But in my question, I had said that I want something that is entirely free and I don't have to pay for hosting too. So any suggestions in this regard?
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  • Profile picture of the author darsh
    You can use magento or woocommerce are you free ecom partners.

    But it all depends on what products you want to sell ? How many products you want to sell ?
    Who do you want to sell it to ?
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  • Profile picture of the author swamuluk
    You can try uCoz, as it's a very powerfull free website builder with a lot of nice features. It offers a paid e-shop solution at a low rate, which can be purchased individually or within a package.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrtom414
    I think the time it takes to preform a task is more important than getting an item for free.

    For example if you get a free piece of software that you have to work with for 3 hours a day to get it to work correctly.

    I would argue it far from free if you add up the hours your spending on it. If you value your time at just 10 dollars an hour that means your paying $30 a day or $210 a week for your free software.

    Where if you buy buy a package that automates the procedures and does everything correctly in 10 minutes for $200 it pays for the cost of the investment in the first week.

    If however if the paid version isn't any better than the free go with the free version and save some money.

    If the free option is hurting your brand and costing you time it really the most expensive option you can select.

    Wordpress Themes and Plugins

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  • Profile picture of the author salmonjames21
    You could be right in a stance but I would say that there are so many things that you have to consider and as far as when it comes to online business then people would not go straight and will keep on spending fee.
    Moreover, paying for the things that you can get for free could be your sole decision and it's not necessary that things that come in free are crap. If this was the case then all major platforms offer free trial. So is it like, they are offering crap initially?
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  • Profile picture of the author thomsoncody2
    I think facebook is the best free platform as its free as well as there are lots of people on facebook...
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  • Profile picture of the author Paxton21
    Wordpress + WooCommerce is completely free.

    If you integrate with PayPal you can also collect payments for free, the tracking of these purchases is a little tricky though as not all customers who checkout with PayPal can be tracked as they leave the website to make the purchase.
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  • Profile picture of the author dburk
    Hi salmonjames21,

    Nothing is free.

    Someone somewhere must always pay for all the things you get for free.

    The trouble with your plan is that eventually you run out of other people's money, and the free ride ends.

    Sounds to me like you are metaphorically "chasing fools gold".

    Forget about "free" stuff and focus on profitable stuff. It's way better to make a profit than to get a free ride. Try it, you might like it. Making a profit is a realistically achievable goal, while trying to get everything for free forever is a fool's errand. Wake up and get real!
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    • Profile picture of the author salmonjames21
      Hi @dburk

      Thanks for adding your valuable contribution in it. But I would slightly argue from your viewpoint by adding that finding something for free may seem to chase fools gold to you. But let's be honest, this is the difference in our perception level.

      In an era, where the web is loaded with so many solutions then I think getting free eCommerce website builder isn't difficult at all. Is it?
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  • Profile picture of the author Mysterious Robin
    I want to know too. Can Weebly or Wix be designed as an online store? Assuming there is a work around on getting Paypal to be your website's payment method without having to buy a Weebly Plan.
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  • Profile picture of the author hope83
    Hi, is free, and they have a limit of 10000 products. They say if you have a good amount of sales, they'll increase your product quota. is also free. However, for me personally, I'd prefer to pay for Shopify.
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  • Profile picture of the author VanteenCatering
    you can choose wordpress and shopify ecommerce platform. both are good.
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  • Profile picture of the author hope83
    The thing is Shopify isn't free! I agree that it's the best eCommerce platform out there though.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    There are tons of free eCommerce platforms. In every case, you get what you pay for!

    If your first instinct in business is to go for the cheapest way of doing things, your chances of success are not good. Invest $20-30-40/month in a good solution. If you cannot afford that for a business, you're in for a disappointing run.
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  • Profile picture of the author salmonjames21
    It's been long and I should say that all members here are active and really helpful. As a matter of fact, I have been learning and I have learnt lot of things from these champs. One of the guy mentioned me some sort of thing with the name of Tibolli(.NET) even I didn;t believe until I gave it try and for me it works fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShopifyMaster
    Well you could setup a woocommerce wordpress website. You would still need to pay a one time fee though
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    • Profile picture of the author salmonjames21
      Yeah, thanks for bringing this to my notice. However, I was looking for the one that is free entirely.
      And glad to find the one.
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  • Profile picture of the author jw22777
    Yes, you can try woo commerce. It's not as simple to deal with as shopify, but it works.
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