How many of you have day jobs ?

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I'm curious to know how many warriors have day jobs? Do you do IM after your day job or your main source of income is IM.

Myself, I do not have a day job. I earn my living online.
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Yes. Used to work as a software developer. I picked up a lot of useful skills for IM there.

    Now I work in education. I have a lot more spare time, so I can do a lot more IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author zoldusta
    if your IM business is booming really well, why would you need a day job since you've already created one for yourself. i haven't started making consistent income online that's why i do part time job. but once my IM business is set and running, i'll quit my job without thinking twice,
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    I had a day job a long time ago when I got into eCommerce. Eventually, I was making far more with my online businesses than I was at a "real job" and I definitely liked eCommerce and the freedom of controlling my own destiny better. My brothers saw my success, learned how to do it, themselves, and also quit their jobs.
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  • Profile picture of the author Darrell Hagan
    I do. By day I'm a certified group fitness instructor. Been at it for 12 years now. I teach dance fitness, step, strength training, and other weight training. I do love IM and it certainly helps pay the bills here but my day job is so rewarding and I'm thankful to be able to do it . So I'll keep at it until I can't!
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrey3333
    I don't have day job. But I'm working flexitime from time to time.
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  • Profile picture of the author sendizo
    I work online too!
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  • Profile picture of the author Easton234
    I'm completing my Bachelor Degree as a Software Engineer. After the completion, I'll try a day job. Also I have a plan to do IM as I'll be skilled in it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nemanja Babic
    The only reason i have day job is to invest in internet businesses.. Jobs that doesn't provide me skills that i need to reach my goal are not useful.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Me i have also a job as i find IM to stresful to work everyday but my dream its to be full time online and to travel around world
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  • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
    Best advice I ever got about my home business was a from a millionaire. He told me this:

    Your first objective when starting a home business is to have a day job. This gives you cash flow to pay your bills, keep your spouse happy, and fund your new business.

    Start part-time and stay that way until you are debt free, have six months worth of living expenses saved up, and are making three times in your home business as you do in your job.

    He also told me that if you can't figure out how to build a successful business working part-time, you'll never be able to do it full-time.

    After having my own successful home based business for nearly 17-years now, I couldn't agree with him more. Food for thought.
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  • Profile picture of the author CaptGage
    Originally Posted by leroy fang View Post

    I'm curious to know how many warriors have day jobs? Do you do IM after your day job or your main source of income is IM.

    Myself, I do not have a day job. I earn my living online.
    Those of you who make your living online are crazy lucky! You're living the dream!
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Originally Posted by leroy fang View Post

    Myself, I do not have a day job. I earn my living online.
    People work online in corporate company premises, they work for online corporate companies at home on their behalf, people work for online themselves in a rented or purchased office, or they work online for themselves at home.

    A 'day job' simply means the primary source of income, so in any case, a person doing any of the above, has a day job.

    Those who need to boast that they are self-made or self-sustaining, tend to resort to the bold term: 'entrepreneur', because they know that 'working from home' makes them sound like a person who actually doesn't work at all.
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