What do you guys use for ecommerce?

42 replies
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I am looking at doing my first ecommerce website and was wondering where to even start.
#ecommerce #guys
  • Profile picture of the author Robert Mangan
    For my website: Fitness Equipment | Exercise Equipment | Gym Equipment I use Magento. It's free software though you will want ot pay someone to customise the look and feel (maybe even functionality). What's great about Magento are the extensions you can get for free or pay. These extensions greatly add the functionality of your shoppingcart and there's hundreds of them. Anyhow, check out Magenot yourself at Magento - Home - eCommerce Software for Growth


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  • Profile picture of the author yigitkonur
    It depends on your content and country. Some countries like Turkey has laws about using Turkish bank's card systems. You can't use Paypal or Plimus in long-run. In addition, some content oriented e-commerce scripts are here. If you need hosting sale e-commerce system, you should use AWBS or WHMCS. As I said, If you give further details, we can help you easily.
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  • Profile picture of the author bigballin6161
    i want to sell a health supplement on one of my websites
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  • Profile picture of the author keyuria
    I do recommend Prestashop 1.4 Alpha Version. It is my favorite. It is very easy to configure and various modules are also readily available (just like wordpress plugins).
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    • Profile picture of the author FrankRumbauskas
      If you're hosting Magento or another script on your own server then you need to be PCI compliant or risk losing your merchant account which means 2 dedicated servers behind a hardware firewall - very expensive!

      For a great low-cost hosted solution I like UltraCart. 1-click upsell, etc., and you can even use their API to have the order form on your own site so you're not sending them to a 3rd party URL for checkout.

      New York Times Best-Selling Author
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  • Profile picture of the author SpiderHunter
    From my experience I prefer them in this order:

    1. Plimus for security.

    2. 2checkout for its appeal to users.

    3. PayPal for simplicity but sometimes PP can be a pain in the ass.
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by SpiderHunter View Post

      From my experience I prefer them in this order:

      1. Plimus for security.

      2. 2checkout for its appeal to users.

      3. PayPal for simplicity but sometimes PP can be a pain in the ass.
      yes i agree, you will get more sales if you give your customer more options.... but not always, it depends on your niche and your offer obviously but plimus and papal work for us.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    I'd recommend a custom cart or maybe Interspire/BigCommerce. Those are the best.
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    • Profile picture of the author AnitaCross
      I've been using osCommerce for a very long time, and I'm quite happy with it. They've made some big changes recently, making it much easier to customize from the admin.

      Like Magento, it is free software. However, there are thousands of add-ons, not hundreds. As with all open source software, some of those add-ons are as good or better than software you'd pay for, some of them are totally useless, and most of them fall somewhere in between.

      I think it's readily apparent that we all like what we are use to.

      If you aren't into coding, the Presta-Shop keyuria mentioned may be the best bet for you. Although I've never worked with it, plugins would be nice...

      If you only have one product, you probably don't need a full-blown shopping cart. But when I put up a site to sell silk plant cleaner, I used osCommerce. I made the front page the sales page. then when someone would buy, there was a full shopping cart supporting their decision. And it made it really easy to expand into other products later.

      The nice thing about the free software, though, is you can install one and try it out, uninstall it, then install another and try it out, and so on. After you've played around in the Admin, you'll have a better idea of which solution will work best for you.

      Best of luck.

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      • Profile picture of the author FrankRumbauskas
        If you're going to self-host then get Synergyx, it's really awesome. I use it. I believe Paul has recently reduced the price and he has a 60 day money back guarantee.

        And his support is AMAZING - pretty much lifetime free support if you buy from him.

        I've also installed Delavo and love how feature-rich it is but can't figure out how to use it. It's way overly complicated.

        New York Times Best-Selling Author
        Certified Google Partner Company
        Fast Company's Top 30 Most Influential People Online

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    • Profile picture of the author abpages
      Originally Posted by JamesGw View Post

      I'd recommend a custom cart or maybe Interspire/BigCommerce. Those are the best.
      +1 for this.

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  • Profile picture of the author drumguru69
    i just built a site using ecwid and I am quite happy with it... .it is a third party shopping cart which means all of your inventory can be controlled at one place... and put onto as many site as you wish... also has delimiter file so that you can set up "auto feeds" to other sites...

    good stuff....
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  • Profile picture of the author Morphius
    I just used Word Press shopping cart and it works great, Magento requires a lot of hardware. Great software, but you better be ready to host it on a strong server. BTW had lunch with Magento's SEO and he totally agreed with my hardware concerns. He told me...Magento is not for every server"
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    • Profile picture of the author ferriswannabe
      Do you use wordpress?, if you do and your familiar with the backend, then use a theme.

      I just built an online store using a wordpress theme from themeforest.

      Go to the wordpress section, then retail, there are a variety of quality looking sites there.

      The was way easier then learning a new type of software. I use wordpress for other sites, so it was easier for me.

      Paypal is integrated into the theme already, so it was a matter of only putting the id type info.

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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    BigCommerce is probably the best solution out there at this point. 3DCart & Magento are probably 2nd & 3rd in my mind.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    I use Cart66 & Wordpress. Works very well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mikeys
    I use big commerce. Hands down the cheapest and best cart out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheila Atwood
    I have been on a similar search for a client. I would love to put her on WordPress but I her shopping cart needs to much more extensive.

    You might find this article very helpful. It explains the formats the others have mentioned.

    40 Fantastic eCommerce and Shopping Cart Themes

    Also take a good look at PrestaShop Free Open-Source e-Commerce Software for Web 2.0 - very nice themes and plugins.
    WordPress Freak

    WordPress For Business and Personal Use

    "You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose." -Dr. Suess
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  • Profile picture of the author warrich
    Content is king buddy, this is just about the worst kept secret these days. For Ecommerce sites it is better to target long tailed keywords that bring traffic to specific pages in your site. Make sure you rank for these words and have them in all the places.
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    • Profile picture of the author FrankRumbauskas
      Originally Posted by warrich View Post

      Content is king buddy, this is just about the worst kept secret these days.
      Yep this is the "dirty little secret" that the SEO guys don't want anyone to know! Especially after the recent Google changes. Example: I set up a new AdWords blog about a month ago, starting doing one post a day with good solid content, and it's already on the first page of Google results for 'adwords blog' and with zero back links or bookmarking or any of that nonsense.

      Sorry to resurrect a thread that's a bit old, but here's why:

      I may be moving back to UltraCart. I love Synergyx- in fact I like it better - but the problem is that to avoid storing cc #'s for recurring products I need to use Authorize.net's CIM which does not process AVS on recurring orders. And my merchant account like most others throw a 2.5% penalty on top of the existing fee when there is no AVS which is costing me a couple of thousand a month.

      The solution is a PCI-compliant solution to store cc #'s but that's 2 dedicated servers in a qualified datacenter plus hardwire firewall and would defeat the cost savings.

      So a year after canceling UltraCart, I'm returning, go figure LOL.. I'll be using there API since my site has the "green bar" EV SSL which massively improves conversions, so I'll keep the checkout page on my site and it will send the data to UltraCart to process the order.


      New York Times Best-Selling Author
      Certified Google Partner Company
      Fast Company's Top 30 Most Influential People Online

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  • Profile picture of the author AceOfShirts
    I use WordPress with wp eStore. I also use idevaffiliate, which integrates with wp eStore, to run an affiliate program where 1 account tracks commissions on all of my custom shirt printing sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author pbdollars
    hi, you can contact me via PM if you like. I should be able to help you with this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Rieth
    I started out with ProStores... It SUCKS, don't use it. I moved over to Adobe Business Catalyst and I'm really happy with it. I haven't found anything that we can't do with it. Our site we built on it is shieldskins.com if you want to take a look at it.
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  • Profile picture of the author murtuza
    If you are a non techie...

    1. Use wordpress to setup your site, make your first page squeeze page.

    2. Use ultimate marketing center to setup your autoresponder. You can even setup ad tracking system, membership sites, affiliate tracking, etc out there.

    3. Use hostgator to setup your web hosting and onlineNIC for your domain name.

    4. Use 2checkout, paypal, etc to accept payments from your clients. You can use 2checkout to setup your affiliate tracking system.

    This is all you need to get started...

    Want to know my true story & how I got started with my internet business? What kind of problems I faced to get started & how I finally cracked the internet code? I have also prepared a 30 day blueprint for you to get started. No signup is required, just rush in to check out pure content ==> how to start an online business - And yeah, if you like what you read don't forget to 'like' & 'tweet' it. All the best :0)

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  • Profile picture of the author digsea
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Woo Themes just put out a new ecommerce line of themes
    WooCommerce | WooThemes

    One of them is free. They look really nice.
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  • Profile picture of the author JimMichael
    I stick with paypal for now. Not a fan though.


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  • Profile picture of the author aaaa33030
    Zen Cart, a free cart, works perfectly for me. You can use almost any payment module with it
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  • Profile picture of the author TwinDragon
    Great thread. Answers the question for me.

    Seeking my teeth into all this great information.

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  • Profile picture of the author igenertation
    If you want a fast cart an very easy an simple to use. Try opencart it's free too.
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffreyhuan
    Opencart is a great ecommerce platform especially for starters. It is easy to install and use. Magento is complicated with more features. It is up to your choice.
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    • Profile picture of the author MarcoJardel
      I have built plenty of eCommerce sites using Joomla & Virtuemart component.

      This has worked well for my clients, but to be honest there are tons of eCommerce solutions out there that work well. Your choice would ultimately depend upon the functionality that you require and your budget.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benji786
    i am useing mycart 6.0 its inculude lot of fetures !!!
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  • Profile picture of the author RichMag
    Count me in the Zen-Cart camp. Lots of free templates and the help forum is second to none. There is a bit of a learning curve if you want to customize a template but you should have no problem finding answers on the forum. Best of all it is free.
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  • Profile picture of the author bkat52
    I use prestashop.. started with OSCommerce but dumped it in favor prestashop because it seemed easier to learn and quicker to build my shop (at least for me). So far so good. I was able to avoid all the paid modules. Although I can see now where some of them would be beneficial
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    • Profile picture of the author mdyson
      Originally Posted by bkat52 View Post

      I use prestashop.. started with OSCommerce but dumped it in favor prestashop because it seemed easier to learn and quicker to build my shop (at least for me). So far so good. I was able to avoid all the paid modules. Although I can see now where some of them would be beneficial
      Nice to see you again bkat! :p I use PrestaShop with only free modules as well, but I got lucky and discovered a great area on their forums with tons of additional free modules on top of the defaults to really customize my store.

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  • Profile picture of the author Increase Media
    1shoppingcart.com is a good one to use.
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  • Profile picture of the author mKane
    I'm intending to set up a Wordpress ecommerce site which has to be able to handle products with variations. For example, different item designs and sizes. I also need the functionality which would allow me to synchronize suppliers' inventories with mine, to allow me to display item availability in real time.

    Can anyone suggest a suitable WP theme and appropriate set of plugins for this?


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  • I recommend you zen cart. We did recently e-commerce website done with zen cart.
    seo services , website developing services contact subashcseo@gmail.com skype anushasubash
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  • Profile picture of the author easycommerce
    Hi we are the leading company of Magento Ecommerce and open Source E commerce online store development in India.

    Easy Commerce at Chennai, India.
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  • Profile picture of the author nuwav
    I would use FREE open source software like Opencart or Magento. You can also get good quality free templates, search Google.
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