Amazon AFFILIATE + Ecommerce

by GGpaul
5 replies
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Dumb question, but I always want to learn.

Do any of you guys have an ecommerce site where you monetize as an affiliate through amazon instead of dropshipping or having your own products etc?

Just wondering if you guys have done his and what was the best source of traffic. Thanks.
#affiliate #amazon #ecommerce
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8727218].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Oranges
    Yeah possible with WooCommerce + WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates wordpress plugin.

    Here's how i'm doing it for my sites:

    Setup the store using WooCommerce plugin (Free) with your theme.

    Then use this plugin to create a setup in which the buyer will be redirected with your Amazon affiliate links to amazon cart after he proceeds to "checkout" on your site.

    Here's the DEMO.

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    • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
      Originally Posted by Oranges View Post

      Yeah possible with WooCommerce + WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates wordpress plugin.

      Here's how i'm doing it for my sites:

      Setup the store using WooCommerce plugin (Free) with your theme.

      Then use this plugin to create a setup in which the buyer will be redirected with your Amazon affiliate links to amazon cart after he proceeds to "checkout" on your site.

      Here's the DEMO.
      Ah so it has to be this theme right? WordPress - WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates - Wordpress Plugin | CodeCanyon did you buy the extended license?

      RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8731532].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Oranges
        Originally Posted by GGpaul View Post

        Ah so it has to be this theme right? WordPress - WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates - Wordpress Plugin | CodeCanyon did you buy the extended license?
        Extended license for sure as im running 30+ sites.

        It's a plugin, you can use it with any theme. Almost every latest WP theme will work with WooCommerce + this plugin.

        The best part with this plugin is that you force your visitors to add the product in Amazon's cart which is 90 day cookie compared to 24 hours cookie period that we get with usual Amazon affiliate links clicks.

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        • Profile picture of the author court-red
          Originally Posted by Oranges View Post

          Extended license for sure as im running 30+ sites.

          It's a plugin, you can use it with any theme. Almost every latest WP theme will work with WooCommerce + this plugin.

          The best part with this plugin is that you force your visitors to add the product in Amazon's cart which is 90 day cookie compared to 24 hours cookie period that we get with usual Amazon affiliate links clicks.
          Hi I want to buy this but got a bit confused with the licenses scenarios. So for the extended license, would I be able to make unlimited websites of my own with it?
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