What would you do if you found a seller that sells for $800.You make a profit of about 80-100% on it

9 replies
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Hey guys,
I'm new here but just wanted to ask you guys this.
I have a seller. He sells an expensive designer product.
He gets them for $800. But he needs resellers on Ebay and when that
product auctions it goes up to about $1500-$2000.
And that's 300% insane. He says he has quite a bit of resellers and that
they are all making bank. He wants resellers because he said his account is
at it's limit since they are so expensive.
He accepts paypal but I feel as if I will get scammed and pay him $800 and he would get away with it.
What would you guys do?
Thanks a lot !
#$800you #found #make #profit #seller #sells
  • Profile picture of the author ibas
    ebay - designer product - my account is at it's limits - HUGE profit - sell for me and I turn over all the nice profit to you. YEAH !

    What would I do ? Delete him from my skype/ chat and never ever touch any deal like that.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lorde
      Don't do this deal, it's a fairly well known scam. Once the item sells and you forward the his money to his paypal you will never hear from him again. The item will not be sent, The buyer will chargeback and you'll have a nice -$2000 on your paypal account.
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      • Profile picture of the author BarryAllen
        Thanks guys! Appreciate the advice! I was too scared to do this at first. Appreciate it!
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        • Profile picture of the author planetlubs
          Hi Barry,

          This opportunity sounds great, but it can also be one of those shiny deals designed to play of peoples greed for high profits.

          If it turns out to be true you stand to make a lot of money. But is the product also popular i.e is there market and demand for it on eBay? if there is, and the seller is leggit, then I would go for it.

          But how would you confirm the legality of the seller and if what he says if true?

          I would advise that you try to chat with him. Talk him into having a life Skype talk, explain to you everything and even show you around his facility and product stock. That way, you can confirm if it is true or not.

          If you have the money, you can buy a sample and see how his process works. Other wise, you would avoid investing too much money (e.g some scammers will ask you to first pay for 100 units, you see?).

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          • Profile picture of the author BarryAllen
            Originally Posted by planetlubs View Post

            Hi Barry,

            This opportunity sounds great, but it can also be one of those shiny deals designed to play of peoples greed for high profits.

            If it turns out to be true you stand to make a lot of money. But is the product also popular i.e is there market and demand for it on eBay? if there is, and the seller is leggit, then I would go for it.

            But how would you confirm the legality of the seller and if what he says if true?

            I would advise that you try to chat with him. Talk him into having a life Skype talk, explain to you everything and even show you around his facility and product stock. That way, you can confirm if it is true or not.

            If you have the money, you can buy a sample and see how his process works. Other wise, you would avoid investing too much money (e.g some scammers will ask you to first pay for 100 units, you see?).

            Well, here's the thing. I did in fact skype call him and he showed me the product. And the demand? It's INSANE. But the problem is I still think it's too much man to just "test out"
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert02011
    If it sounds to good to be true normally it is proceed
    with caution

    I`am looking for an honest legal business that can make real money online.
    I found one ??????http://successxxx.com

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  • Profile picture of the author ReferralCandy
    This totally sets off all the scam alarms. Avoid.


    Measure, manage and incentivize customer referrals with ReferralCandy.

    PS: Looking to get more repeat customers for a physical store? Check out CandyBar's digital loyalty cards!

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel J
    Even if this is legit (red flags are going up for me), I would never spend $800 on a single product starting out. WAY too risky. Build a business slowly- get some low cost, high demand products to start with, then move up to increasing your cost and profit. When you get comfortable with this, then you may consider high-ticket items (after thoroughly verifying that everything is legitimate.) I've got a strategy that you might be interested in my free e-book. There are many others on this forum as well that have great advice on this stuff as well. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author BarryAllen
    Thanks so much for the extra info guys! You guys are awesome here on WF!
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