15 replies
Hello, please i want to know the steps on how to select a profitable niche.
#niche #selection
  • Profile picture of the author Shirlyn
    Brainstorm and study about the niche audience and check if you find it interesting.

    Find out the issues and the problems that are faced by people belonging to the selected niche.

    Find those issues and problems which the niche audience would be willing to pay for getting them resolved.

    Research the keywords that belong to the selected niche.

    Evaluate the competition in the selected niche.

    Searches for trend pattern of the selected niche.

    Run a trial, decide if you want to enter the niche or want to try a different niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author tiffanymika
    Here are some ideas for profitable niches...

    1. The Home Business Industry
    2. Work From Home
    3. Network Marketing
    4. Internet Marketing
    5. Health & Fitness
    6. Dating and relationships

    These are the best ones where you can generate profitable income.

    But the niche you choose you then have to identify what their problems are, what keeps them up at night and you want to be the one who shows them how to solver their problems.

    If you need any help in figuring out which niche is best

    Just send me a message and we can chat more


    Tiffany Mika

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  • Profile picture of the author TomekBN
    Go to magazines.com and see whats popular... also try amazon and have a look at top sellers... could help!
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  • Profile picture of the author leilani
    One way is to go to Clickbank and check their categories in the Marketplace. These are niches.
    Click the category to see the subcategories. These are sub niches.
    Check how many products are in each subniche. Lost of products indicate people are looking for that subniche.
    Next Sort by Gravity. This let's you know how many affiliates are promoting that product. Higher than 30 is a good indication. The more products under that subniche above 30 probably gives you an indication that subniche is popular.
    That way you can put a list together of profitable niches.
    You can do further research with magazines.com or amazon.com.

    Just sharing one way that I learned. Hope this helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mairaj
      Nice answer leilani

      If you want to generate massive traffic and make money from your blog. Must Visit Etutorialblog which make it easy for you to learn online through video tutorials.

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  • Profile picture of the author KashKhullar
    I would recommend tappinginto one of the following evergreen niches
    It is very important you choose evergreen niches
    1) health and fitness
    2) IM
    3) Self help
    4) Dating
    5) Dog training
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    • Profile picture of the author bobtonline
      Yes, I'm in basically the same boat as you.

      I went to ClickBank and did the research as some threads here told you to do. It is simple to do and the results will amaze you.

      I ended up choosing the Health and Fitness niche...it is an evergreen niche and once I set up the initial website and auto responder...I can just direct continued traffic to it. Everyone starts off at day 1 and continues through. It never ends...I just keep adding to it. I can then send additional offers to the people in the list as set intervals based on where they are at in the auto responder. This will then send them to a new list and a new auto responder...

      It takes some time to set up...I'm still in the initial stages, but ready to begin sending traffic now. Take your time...at least a month...to do it right the first time. I tried to too fast and it cost me money (lots of it) - as I lost my initial lists due to problems with the funnel. This time, I've been slow in setting things up...and test...test...test...!

      But you can do it!

      Bob Thibodeau
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  • Profile picture of the author fulfilledlife
    Another way to select your niche.

    Go to ClickBank.
    Select product that looks like a good one and has great sales page.
    Drive traffic to it and see if the sales a good.
    If yes, then you just got yourself a niche, an example of how great product should be like. As well a sales page that you can swipe when you will write your own.

    Pretty much everything you need to be successful.

    If not, repeat the process until you find such product.

    Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value - Albert Einstein

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  • Profile picture of the author n3o
    online gambling is by far the most profitable niche
    India Casino Review - Best Casino Review India
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  • Profile picture of the author RonyAhmed
    Weight loss
    Home business
    Dog training
    Dental care
    Green energvhair care
    Hair loss
    Home mortgages
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    • Profile picture of the author tacassim
      The niches under the following are the most profitable...


      Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author TheDevloper
    Thank you guys , i am also new to email marketing and your answers help me very well
    thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author mohsin qureshi
    You can right on Sports like, Football, Tennis, Cricket, Golf, Wrestling, content about sports always profitable. You can also write on Unemployment, Depression, Men and Women Health, E-Learning, E-Marketing, Freelancing, Music, Movies Reviews, Cosmetics and weight loss etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    go to a site like clickbank. browse categories and sub-categories, select one that interests you, then research it.

    Or, use your brain and google in conjunction.


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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