Question on Scheduling Emails Using the Fibonacci Sequence
My only concern, is that when you start getting to email 10 or so, there's starting to develop HUGE gaps of time between emails.
34 days between emails, then 55... Aren't you risking your subscribers forgetting about you with such large gaps in-between emails? I understand that you can always send broadcasts in those gaps, but I'm just saying....
I also wanted clarification on something. I was reading this article on using the Fibonacci sequence for email marketing, and in the second-to-last paragraph, he says that when you include CTA's in the emails, you "initiate yet another Fibonacci sequence..."
What does he mean by that? Is he saying that you would create a Fibonacci sequence on how often you include CTA's in the emails, so if you put your first CTA in say, email #1, you'd put one in the next one, the one after that, then you'd skip one before you'd include a CTA again (since the 4th number in the Fibonacci sequence is 2)?
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