i need some kind advice on were to find good solo ad providers.

by darren199025 Banned
20 replies
Hello, Can anybody Refer me to any good solo ad sources. I heard i could find some descent ones on udemy, soloadirectory.com, and facebook. Also i been reading other peoples threads and i can find some good ones here on WF too. I'm new to affiliate marketing and i want to build a list as quick as possible. I am starting off with clickbank.
#advice #affiliate marketing #clickbank #kind #make money online #soloads
  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    Do you make money online? If so, how? If not, do you really think you should be in the "make money online" niche?

    Honestly, in my opinion, the "make money online" niche is full of newbs and rookies just trying to make money online themselves. Become successful in a niche, become an expert in a niche, then build a sustainable business around it. Then it will be possible to make $2,000 or $5,000 or more a month.
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    • Profile picture of the author Christopher Deo
      I'm with Gambino, at least in part. The MMO niche is ripe with those seeking fast fortunes with little to no effort. Like our brick and mortar counterparts in the traditional business world, results do not appear without doing the work. Yes you can make money with one list and no, your earnings requirements are not out of the realm of possibility. Having said that, you will need to have laid a solid foundation upon which you can build. If you are promoting only as an affiliate and not driving traffic to YOUR site, whether an opt-in landing page or your own domain, you are essentially spinning your wheels. Be sure your traffic is going to a property that you control to maximize returns. when you make a sale, the product owner will capture the emails and such anyway. You may as well have the folks on your list as well.

      In reality we all have one list. Its our list. It may be segmented across different campaigns and opt in devices, coming from different sources/methods, and further divided by tire kickers and buyers, but in the end its all one list, owned by you.

      I would recommend focusing on a particular aspect of the MMO niche rather than the niche as a whole. Although there will still be some stiff competition, you will be in a better position to build credibility, create authority, and gain a following by becoming the go-to guy in one or two specific areas. For example, rather than focusing on "how to make money online" center on using video to build traffic and increase conversions, or advanced list building techniques, etc. You are still well within the MMO niche, but your focus is more centered on a key aspect of the broader niche. You can then cater your material to that sector, making it easier to get attention and ultimately customers.

      Remember that everybody here started with minimal knowledge and/or experience so keep asking questions and seeking knowledge.
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    • Profile picture of the author Shane Williams
      I would always be cautious when buying solo ads since click Freud schemes are constantly be uncovered with the traffic received being worthless. That being said my even though I can't recommend any solo ad seller I would recommend:

      1) Don't buy more than 100 clicks from a seller until you're happy with the seller and the traffic they send you and aim for a 40% conversion rate.
      2) Before buying from a seller check out https://www.facebook.com/groups/SoloAdsTestimonials/ and read the reviews.
      3) Sign up and get a free account and buy at Solochecker.com and check out the ratings.

      Hope my recommendations help...
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      • Profile picture of the author hubreality
        Originally Posted by Shane Williams View Post

        I would always be cautious when buying solo ads since click Freud schemes are constantly be uncovered with the traffic received being worthless. That being said my even though I can't recommend any solo ad seller I would recommend:

        1) Don't buy more than 100 clicks from a seller until you're happy with the seller and the traffic they send you and aim for a 40% conversion rate.
        2) Before buying from a seller check out https://www.facebook.com/groups/SoloAdsTestimonials/ and read the reviews.
        3) Sign up and get a free account and buy at Solochecker.com and check out the ratings.
        Hope my recommendations help...
        The facebook fan page for SoloAds group testimonial is worth the trial
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  • Profile picture of the author mjcole76
    With Solo ads make sure you have some sort of tracking lik clickmagick or meter, so you can see if the traffic you get is legit, its true there are a lot of people out there selling crappy clicks, so be careful
    Private Message Me To Get The 2 Most Costly Mistakes Affiliates Make And How You Can Avoid Them Make Ten
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by darren199025 View Post

      Can anybody refer me to any pretty good solo ads that they have/had great results with? i'm getting into the "make money online niche" and i want to start building my list! and is it possible to make atleast $2000-$5000 a month from only one descent sized list? I am promoting clickbank offers, and probably start messing around with a little cpa in the future also.
      Just stop now please.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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      • Profile picture of the author Tony Dean
        Reed Floren has solo ads listing with reviews in his directy here.

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      • Profile picture of the author darren199025
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        • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
          Originally Posted by darren199025 View Post

          what? that was kind of rude. i'm just looking for friendly advice

          Pls re read what John and the other have posted and then asked yourself why would say that if they have not already been through the pain...!

          What you trying to do is bad and not the best for your rep.
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          • Profile picture of the author darren199025
            Yea, i understand lol. what i meant was if anybody could refer me to any good solo ad providers. i heard i could find good solo ads on udemy, some good ones on here, and soloadirectory. just wanted to know if i can find legitimate ones that send real traffic. Like i said i'm kind of new to this and i apologize if i came off wrong.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by darren199025 View Post

    ...i'm getting into the "make money online niche" and i want to start building my list!
    Listen to what Jill said. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into.

    Why the "make money online" niche, as opposed to something smaller such as "grilling tips for people who can't even boil water"....?!?
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by darren199025 View Post

    Can anybody refer me to any pretty good solo ads that they have/had great results with? i'm getting into the "make money online niche" and i want to start building my list! and is it possible to make atleast $2000-$5000 a month from only one descent sized list? I am promoting clickbank offers, and probably start messing around with a little cpa in the future also.
    Is this some kind of a joke?

    Even if you were serious, which I'm afraid you might be, no one in their right mind is going to post links to "their" sources on a public forum and create both competition for mailing slots and upward price pressure.

    At best, you'll get referred to a list of sellers, like Tony gave you. At worst, you'll hear from every scuzzy solo seller who smells blood in the water.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Yunker
    Hey Darren,

    Finding solo ad providers can be a very tricky task. Hands down the best way would to of course get recommendations from people in the industry that you trust.

    There is a Facebook group that does have a bunch of Solo Ad buyers on it that post how they did and who they got the solo ad from, meanwhile there is also buyers that post on there.

    Here's the link to the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sale...als/?ref=br_tf

    On the other hand, if you are looking for my personal opinion, I always go with Justin Spencer. His website is:

    Justin Spencer's Solo Ads | Quality Results Or Your Money Back.

    His list is SUPER responsive. I've been using him for ages now and hands down he's my go-to guy for solo ads.

    Also, I'm assuming your niche is internet marketing? Because the solo ad sellers really go based off the niche you are in, but since you're on this forum I'm guessing most likely it's internet marketing.

    Anyways! Hope this helped, Justin is a great dude with phenomenal results and will work with you. If you don't want to, always check out that Facebook group for great sellers as well

    Take care, Adam
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  • Profile picture of the author kartik09
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    • Profile picture of the author darren199025
      I appreciate all of the advice, and i will definitely find a good solo ad provider with a good reputation, and do all my research on the demographics first. Hopefully i will start to see results in the future. But another thing i was wondering to is if i find a good provider and start seeing results, do they allow me to keep buying the same solo ads over and over again?
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by darren199025 View Post

        I appreciate all of the advice, and i will definitely find a good solo ad provider with a good reputation, and do all my research on the demographics first. Hopefully i will start to see results in the future. But another thing i was wondering to is if i find a good provider and start seeing results, do they allow me to keep buying the same solo ads over and over again?
        I'm certainly not an expert on selling solo ads, although I'm acquainted with a couple through this forum. Here's how I understand things.

        Many solo sellers, the legit ones, have large lists. They also have a handle on how many ads they have to send to get the clicks sold, which usually is only a percentage of the whole list.

        So they can sell you the same ad multiple times, emailing a different segment of the list each time.
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  • Profile picture of the author gcbmark20
    Okay here's where SO MANY people go wrong with buying solo ads.

    THEY BUY solo ads just because they see a load of testimonials on the sellers pages.

    SO WHAT!!!

    Here's ONE golden rule when buying solo ads:

    "Ask the seller whether he or she SELLS their own products".

    Simple right.

    If they do, then you already know that they have BUYERS on their lists.

    Then, check to see how recent they've sold those products.

    How many sales they made etc etc......

    I mean why not just go to Warrior Plus, JV Zoo etc and ask some of those product creators whether they're willing to sell some of their buyers clicks to you.

    You'll cut out 99% of the POOR sellers out there who are just there to take your money.

    Hope that helps,

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  • Profile picture of the author jonmoss
    I recently used two different solo ads providers I found on Facebook. This was purely for testing the concept of solo ads as a traffic source, so I bought 200 clicks from each. One of these was really quick and over-delivered giving me an opt-in rate of 33% and the other took some time to deliver an overall opt-in rate of nearly 45%.

    However, despite a total of 213 opt-ins, no sales were made. Each of the providers had loads of encouraging testimonials from other buyers but it has taught me a lesson not to cherry pick based on other buyers' apparent results.

    Just follow the advice provided above by considerably more experienced marketers like Gavin and I'm sure you won't go wrong.
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  • Profile picture of the author furkan199x
    I always use 3 Sources for Solo Ads,
    1. Facebook Solo Ads Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/SoloAdsTestimonials
    2. Buy Solo Ads | Udimi
    3. www.clickonomy.com

    If you have a product, first ask the seller if he promoted it in the last time, only to make sure the people wont close it directly.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Check out THE TRAFFIC SOURCE - Your number one source of online traffic!

    I know someone that spends $30K-$40K per month with them.

    For every dollar they spend, they make like $2.

    However, this is due to their funnel / back-end. So even though it works for them, it may or may not work for you.

    One word of advice. Try and actually get on the solo sellers lists. That why you can see how they operate and if they do anything that is questionable to get clicks. Also, as others say...start small and test.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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    • Profile picture of the author darren199025
      Thank you all for your kind advice, and helpful information!. I wanna get started in this soon. Is there any person out there that is good and experienced in setting up squeeze pages for a descent price? All i need is the squeeze page, the free give away, and then have them get directed to my product after they optin. I'm sure i could do it myself but i'd rather have someone experienced and know what they are doing
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  • Profile picture of the author Kojo25
    I would highly recommend you to buy solo ads on Udimi (Solo ad Marketplace).
    This website is very secure and has a lot of truly great sellers and unique filter system that filters all useless traffic.
    Also you can see the feedback on each sellers profile from other members.
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