what is your objective?

10 replies
It's my 6 months transition into paid ads from SEO and my question is:

What are you guys building a list for?

Is it to grow into a list to sell clicks? or is it to grow a list to push affiliate products? or both?

I realize that most in the solo ads biz don't care about the product they sell they just want to grow their subscriber list. Getting a sale is like a bonus. Amiright?
#objective #solo ads #solos
  • Profile picture of the author Arsha
    Originally Posted by cyber_wang View Post

    It's my 6 months transition into paid ads from SEO and my question is:

    What are you guys building a list for?

    Is it to grow into a list to sell clicks? or is it to grow a list to push affiliate products? or both?

    I realize that most in the solo ads biz don't care about the product they sell they just want to grow their subscriber list. Getting a sale is like a bonus. Amiright?
    Well it depends, according Maslow Theory of Hierarchy or needs identify different needs people may want to satisfy according to their position in a society.

    What this means is, some would do it for selling affliate products or clicks others would do it for just personal branding, being recognized as authority and some would do it just because they love to do it.

    All of these things fulfills different kind of needs that vary from person to person, situation to situation..
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  • Profile picture of the author johnlagoudakis
    For myself, I'm building a list to promote my own products...

    ...but I also do affiliate promotions.

    I promote the products and services that I personally use, and also quality products of other Internet marketers that I know and trust.

    Tip: I wouldn't recommend going into the 'solo ads' business. It's not a good long-term business model.
    Need help getting more leads and sales? *** Click here to work with me ***
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    • Profile picture of the author cyber_wang
      Originally Posted by johnlagoudakis View Post

      For myself, I'm building a list to promote my own products...

      ...but I also do affiliate promotions.

      I promote the products and services that I personally use, and also quality products of other Internet marketers that I know and trust.

      Tip: I wouldn't recommend going into the 'solo ads' business. It's not a good long-term business model.
      Thanks for everyone's comments. John why do you not recommend solo ads biz? And by this you mean click trading/selling/swapping?
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      • Profile picture of the author johnlagoudakis
        Originally Posted by cyber_wang View Post

        Thanks for everyone's comments. John why do you not recommend solo ads biz? And by this you mean click trading/selling/swapping?
        Yes, that's what I mean.

        There's a few reasons I don't recommend it:

        1. For the amount of time and effort involved, the monetary return is not worth it.
        2. I don't feel that it is providing any real 'value' to the I.M. space. More and more emails going out all promoting the same stuff.
        3. Because of reason no. 2, you're not building a real 'business'.
        Need help getting more leads and sales? *** Click here to work with me ***
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I've been doing email marketing for 15+ years and have looked heavily into starting a solo ad business, but it doesn't really make sense. Looks like most sell clicks for around .50 and to do that you need a customer and to do it consistently you need many customer or repeats. Compare that to promoting an offer and I make way more than .50 per click and I don't need to find a customers to pay me to do it.

    What I do is heavily promote PPL (pay per lead) offers, which is basically lead generation. I do this on front-end campaigns and on the back-end I will also promote regular CPA offers as well. I just look to break-even on data acquisition costs using PPL, as there is no credit card required and all a user has to do is fill out a form for me to make money, so they typically convert at a much higher rate than offers that require a sale.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author campbelljof
    Originally Posted by cyber_wang View Post

    It's my 6 months transition into paid ads from SEO and my question is:

    What are you guys building a list for?

    Is it to grow into a list to sell clicks? or is it to grow a list to push affiliate products? or both?

    I realize that most in the solo ads biz don't care about the product they sell they just want to grow their subscriber list. Getting a sale is like a bonus. Amiright?
    my objective is very basic, means the objective which normal to every one.
    the basic thing is to become a successful businessman.
    every one want growth in his life so I also want the growth in my life.

    Niriya offers best Digital Marketing Services

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  • Profile picture of the author devidweb
    There's all this hype right now about Social Media Marketing. Social Media can send you a ton of traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author talalabd
    Don t find it hard to build a good list?
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  • What I've been hearing over and over again is "The Money Is In The List"...

    For me, my goal is to build a responsive list of email subscribers that value the emails they receive from me, enjoy being up-dated on new posts/articles written, and to whom I can market various products to, whether they be affiliate products or my own...

    Not sure exactly what the number is, but I think you need to market your product around 7 times before someone will buy from you, and I guess email marketing is a great way to achieve this, if your prospects don't buy the first time they visit your site...
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