40% Open Rates but ONLY 1 Click through

10 replies
Hi Guys

I am completely baffled, we have been having really great opening rates for nobody clicks on the emails.

Can you tell me what Im doing wrong? You can see the email below, thats the subject line we have been using.

*** Win a Free Photo-Shoot ***


#40% #click #open #rates
  • Profile picture of the author neeraga
    When you say 40% open rate .. How many email subscribers did you sent the emails to ?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jan Brzeski
    Yeah same thought... how many people did you test this on?

    Remember that numbers aren't accurate until you run hundreds or even thousands of leads...

    But probably the swipe tells people too much about the offer.

    My best tip I ever got for writing swipes:

    Think of yourself as a journalist, not a marketer. Create curiosity, don't sell!

    All the best
    Jan Brzeski
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  • Profile picture of the author ranstey
    HI, thanks for getting back to me, the list was for 500 people in MailChimp.

    We had one click through who actually entered the competition so may be Jan is right and the reason they are not clicking is because the email provides all the info they need so they wouldnt click unless they actually wanted to enter...
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Iannotti
    Very simple process to follow for email marketing...

    Low open rate - tweak subject line..

    High open rate - low ctr - tweak/change copy

    High open rate - high ctr - low conversion - tweak change offer and/or copy on offer page.

    Each step's goal is to get the end user to the next step, ie; email hit's inbox - goal 1 - get user to open it - once achieved, next goal is to get user to take action/click link - once that's accomplished, next step get user to make purchase or initiate something else..

    Looking at that email - it's way to long IMO. KISS .. Keep it simple stupid... You're only goal of the email is to get them to the next step..ie clicking a link..
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    • Profile picture of the author modgerody
      Originally Posted by Matthew Iannotti View Post

      Very simple process to follow for email marketing...

      Low open rate - tweak subject line..

      High open rate - low ctr - tweak/change copy

      High open rate - high ctr - low conversion - tweak change offer and/or copy on offer page.

      Each step's goal is to get the end user to the next step, ie; email hit's inbox - goal 1 - get user to open it - once achieved, next goal is to get user to take action/click link - once that's accomplished, next step get user to make purchase or initiate something else..

      Looking at that email - it's way to long IMO. KISS .. Keep it simple stupid... You're only goal of the email is to get them to the next step..ie clicking a link..
      Very good information! Great way of breaking things down.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mattdawg841
    Maybe the email copy needs to be tweaked? Remember, with emails, the only job of the subject line is to open the email….the only job of the email is to get the click….

    You definitely don't want to give everything away in the email…just keep it simple and invoke curiosity.

    But at the same time, it depends upon how 'hot' the email list is….if you haven't emailed them any good content in the last 8 months, it will probably be thought of as spam as the people have no idea who you are..

    I hope that helps and good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author ranstey
    Thanks for your help everyone, Im taking a look at the copy and seeing what I can do with it
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  • Profile picture of the author benschop86
    clearly there is too much info in the offer.

    Sell the "click" not the product.
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  • Profile picture of the author helisell
    There is a very simple reason why you are
    not getting the responses.

    Nowhere in the ad does it say WHY you are
    offering this great free deal.

    Try something like this instead.

    Jeff [our bossy boss] has this theory that it is
    easy for us hard working makeover folk
    to make an already beautiful model look
    great on camera.

    He threw us a challenge, and we just
    lurv a challenge.

    The deal is this.

    We want two girls who are not models
    to come in and have a complete FREE
    photo shoot We'll work our magic on
    the shots you know....smooth the skin,
    whiten the teeth and generally bring out
    the very best in you.

    We'll give you 10 of the digital shots free
    after the shoot.

    We are setting out to prove Jeff wrong
    and at the same time promote our
    business by showing the world that
    girls who are not models can be made
    to look stunningly beautiful with our
    photo skills

    So you win and we win.

    All you have to do is tell us etc etc etc etc

    You've now given believable reasons why
    they should give it a go.

    You've always got to have a 'reason why'

    Good Luck

    Making Calls To Sell Something? What are you actually saying?
    Is there any room for improvement? Want to find out?

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