Best One-Time Use of Well Vetted Names?

9 replies
Hey Warriors,

Looking for some advice as to how best to capitalize on an email list I'll be getting.

I donated one each of the two cuckoo clocks I have designed so far (8 more coming out in 2017!) to two sister magazines. They ran them in the magazines, Facebook pages, and newsletters in a contest. The response was fantastic - for both clocks they received more entries than they have ever had for any other contest. The list is currently being cleaned of duplicates. Still, it sounds as though I could have over 10,000 names to market to, a one-time use.

The question is, which approach to take and when should I send the email out? I could: (Keep in mind that these are $400 - $500 items.)

1. Push for sales for the appropriate clock for each list or aim to get people to sign up for my newsletter, so I have their names myself.

2. As for when, is it better to wait a bit until it's closer to Christmas buying season, which would mean after Thanksgiving or just go for it now that fall has hit?

#email marketing #names #onetime #purchased email list #vetted
  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Why are you saying one time use?

    If they entered to win a coo clock and there where only 2 clock...2 winners. Why not send them an offer to buy a clock?
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author Jodie Davis
    The magazine is allowing me to email the list just once. It was part of the agreement when the people who entered the contest entered it.

    The reason I'm thinking I shouldn't simply go for the sale is that these are $400 - $500 items. Most people have to think about a purchase that big. Therefore I am thinking my goal should be to get their email addresses.
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  • Profile picture of the author desireedavid
    Hi Jodie,

    This is a great deal you have. If the magazine is giving you the opportunity to send an email to the list JUST ONCE, then you should be preparing for that email now.

    My suggestion is to create an email offer that leads them back to your website, where they can subscribe to your newsletter. This way, you can get their email addresses, and actually continue the relationship. You can offer a discount coupon if they want to purchase a clock, like what diablo said.

    Does the magazine have any specific rules for your email? Like how many links are you allowed to include, how many images, what kind of email?

    I think that you should send out this email after halloween. this gives you ample time to design your email.

    I hope this helps.

    “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein
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    • Profile picture of the author Jodie Davis
      It is a great deal Desiree. A friend who has built his business buying lists (and says it's tougher now since most who have lists have agreed not to share it) said the price is fantastic just as a list, but that these are all people who bothered to enter to win my clock, it's amazing.

      There aren't any limitations on images/links/etc. I think a picture of the clock they wanted and a link to watch the video in action again, plus a few bullet point details about how special it is is enough. It's really a reminder "Oh, yes, I love that clock!" For all those legal and privacy reasons, the winner isn't announced, so there's been no reminder from the magazine about it.

      Ha! I won't use the headline "The Winner Has Been Chosen and It Wasn't You!"

      But I might make it personal. In the body something to the effect that the winner was chosen and the clock is making them smile every hour and half hour. I'm tickled that you thought so much of my cuckoo creation to enter the contest. Now here's your chance to get one for yourself...
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I'd use the one email to send them to my own site where I sell ALL the clocks so they have "choices and more information" - and I'd have a list signup on my site.

    For an item like this I'd put sales first and list building second. The list signup could be to receive a coupon for $$$ off - or the popular "get 10% off on your first purchase" popup so many sites use.

    I'd think the primary goal of a "one time" mailing would be to get those potential buyers to YOUR website. I would advise against a long, involved email with multiple links, etc - keep it simple and get those people to your site.

    If you want to test (good idea) - split the list and send a different email to each half (one for each clock you gave away). See which yields the highest activity and ROI....and use that info for your next ad promotion.

    A good list signup idea could be "notification of pre-Christmas sales"....which could morph into "post-Christmas sales" later.

    I totally disagree with "waiting till Christmas" season - this IS the buying season for Christmas for many people.

    Get the people to your sales site - and give them REASONS to sign up for your list.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author Jodie Davis
      Kay, I tend to think that with this product sales does come first. How many people are going to spend $500 for more than one cuckoo clock? How many want more than one in their house? that makes an email list kind of secondary. (One could argue that some will sign up to be reminded later when they have the $ to spend.)

      But then again I could be wrong. I keep hearing people say they want to see what else I come up with because they want to buy all of them. The manager of the factory was just here from Germany and said he's hearing that.

      Since I'll have so many names to work with, I think I should split test for both clocks.(Oh shoot, unless she's merging the lists. Hope not.)
      Half pitching the sale
      Half pitching signing up for the newsletter
      Does that sound good?

      As for coupons and sales, I've made the decision to never discount the clocks. I'm working with catalogs and limited brick and mortars and some affiliates. I want the price to be the same everywhere. I feel -- and the Schneider manager who was just here agrees -- that this is an extremely high end, unique product and I don't need to discount. Of course, that leaves me with no incentives to offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Of course, that leaves me with no incentives to offer.
    Then you won't build a list most likely. It doesn't matter who agrees with you, if you want list signups you have to provide an incentive. I can imagine people want loads of emails about how the clock is made or how it works - so the only reason to sign up would be price incentive or an additional product added to the purchase.

    What would the purpose of the list be? Perhaps to alert them to new models or SALES or remind them at GIFT seasons....

    If you have no discounts or sales - focus on getting them to your sales page and selling can have a list signup there but I wouldn't focus on it.

    By split test - I didn't meant one for sales and one for list. I mean two different sales pages to see which one converts the most sales.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author Jodie Davis
      Yes, new models -- seven next year -- and gift giving, plus new videos I make, etc. of setting up he clock, etc. is what my emails consist of.
      I just added an email signup to my site that comes up when one goes to exit.
      Plus, I am looking at retargeting.
      Thanks for the clarification on the split test. I'll do that!
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    You could run your own contest to giveaway a clock.

    Obviously there can only be 2 winners, so who wants a second chance to win?

    I would incorporate social media into it, so you can increase your reach.

    I guess the risk is if you will get enough users to signup that will make it worthwhile running the contest, by just sending one message?
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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