How To Avoid the Spam Folder

11 replies
I'm using an email scraper which has an integrated emailer to send emails. I created an email and tested it on Gmail and Yahoo and both ended up in the spam folder. So now I'm trying to figure out how to avoid the spam folder. Any help is greatly appreciated. PS Subject line was "Your Website".

#avoid #folder #spam
  • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
    Originally Posted by PaulintheSticks View Post

    I'm using an email scraper which has an integrated emailer to send emails. I created an email and tested it on Gmail and Yahoo and both ended up in the spam folder. So now I'm trying to figure out how to avoid the spam folder. Any help is greatly appreciated. PS Subject line was "Your Website".

    There are so many things wrong with this.
    Email scraping is going to land you in a ton of trouble.
    If your trying to do email marketing, this is not the way to do it.

    Just stop, do some research and setup a legitimate email marketing operation and do things by the book. This way wont make you money and will just have a black cloud follow you around.
    LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
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  • Profile picture of the author Hiep Le
    Some tips tp by pass spam folder are:
    - Sender and reply to must be the same.
    - Include unsubscribe link to your email (even you don't unsubsr them )
    - Don't include a lot of URL or pic in your email.
    - Spintax also helps to by pass spam filter.
    - Using the good SMTP server (my suggestion is Amazon SES, just $1/10k email)

    Check out iMarketing Center app to send bulk sms marketing and bulk email marketing from your android phone.

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    • Profile picture of the author Zoe_21
      Originally Posted by Hiep Le View Post

      - Include unsubscribe link to your email (even you don't unsubsr them )

      Are you saying you know they never subscribed (opted in) BUT they are a subscriber anyway


      once you have their address, they have no say with you sending 'emails' again and again because you now own their email address?
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    If your having a spam folder problem...test (see below) and isolate what the problem is and fix.

    1. Back-end set up: spf, dkim, rdns, etc...
    2. IP / domain reputation: any IP / domain associated with the mailing
    3. Content: everything in the message body / subject line, including template
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author Zoe_21
    Originally Posted by PaulintheSticks View Post

    I'm using an email scraper which has an integrated emailer to send emails.
    Your screen capture shows an unsubscribe link at the bottom.

    How can this be if you weren't given permission to send an email to that address?

    Isnt a subscriber, a person that agreed to you having their email address?
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  • Profile picture of the author EmailKing
    You need to adopt the following practices if you do not want your emails land in spam.....

    *1Avoid Purchased Lists. ...
    *2Watch What You Say. ...
    *3Team Up With A Reliable ESP. ...
    *4Get Certified! ...
    *5Avoid Dirty Tricks. ...

    Affordable Email Marketing for High volume email marketers

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  • Profile picture of the author heaththompson
    I guess you are trying to get rich quick and not looking at the long game, in which case you will ignore most of the sensible advice of doing things correctly. I write email campaigns for companies and also offer lead generation services, and then provide email customer support I see it through all sides of the campaign. What I have come to learn is this...

    1) A targeted campaign works best i.e., whatever product a person sells, they should offer it only to the people needing it.

    2) Different countries have different rules. So in the USA and UK things are tight. So for example, I have a list of 1000 companies (not big huh?). I called each one of them to ensure they use the product , how often and when they might next be looking. I add this information into the list and clear out the crap. If the list is poor quality then I expect to end up with around 200 companies and may be only 30 or 40 Grade "A" prospects that fit my client's sweetspot.

    3) I mail without using any pictures, instead I make the email pretty with colours and borders etc with very concise wording and titles.

    4) I then follow up with another phone call to ensure they received it and what the interest is. I then clean up the list further until I have a great list of contacts, who I keep in touch with fairly regularly but without hassling them.

    5) I then build a strategy with my client as to how we approach the high priority and lower priority prospects over the coming 12-24 months, with a variety of approaches.

    It's a lot of leg work but it works and I get orders.

    There is a key difference between my way and your way; I may reach far fewer people but those I do reach will buy from me and not you. Why, because I will already have built up a rapport with them, they will have got to trust me on a number of levels and when they are ready to buy, they will be comfortable with me already, whereas pounding someone's email address, being a nuisance and not offering something good for the long term, likely sends you in to their trash bin, while I am banking their money for my customers

    Throughout all these changing times and different methods, new ideas and social media upgrades...people pretty much remain the same, or perhaps are more guarded these days because of scams and just information overload. Yes, we should move with the times but in doing so we should not forget what has traditionally worked.
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  • Profile picture of the author timokeefe
    Just to add to this, it's illegal in many countries to send unsolicited mass email (although there are sometimes b2b exemptions). If I were you I'd consider a different strategy.

    I'm part of the Warrior Forum team, hit me up with any suggestions that could help improve the forum!

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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    There are plenty of people that scrape B2B emails.If you go into the Offline Marketing section, there are lots of members that use scrapers.

    Scraping B2C to promote consumer offers can be problematic, as you will likely collect a lot of bounces and traps.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author bobby_shahzad
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Re: How To Avoid the Spam Folder

    Have you tested your campaign with ? This tool will tell you everything wrong which is stopping you from getting your emails delivered in the inboxes
    Signature Email marketing service , single and double optin accounts. List Hygiene Service Available.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicolredmay
    I am using Word Press blog. Whenever user post a comment on an article, Word Press sends an email to the author. By default, all the emails are landing to SPAM folder only. Also, few emails send through Hostgator and those also landing to SPAM folder.
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