Single Optin or Double Optin.... That Is The Question???
I guess someone has done something where they're targeting my optin forms with fake leads (why? no idea...)
So my question for you email marketing mavens out there is this...
If I decide to start doing Double Optin I already know that my lead conversions will drop.
I also know that those that remain "should" be a much higher quality lead.
My big issue is this...
I don't want anyone who is not giving me a real email to see my offer, so what would you recommend me putting on the confirmation page that I could use to monetize the people who haven't given me a legitimate email address?
I promote mainly biz opps... so I'm a little confused as to what I should put on the front end (the confirmation page) while I wait for them to confirm their email so they can see what I was originally promoting?
Hopefully you guys have some good advice, because I'm ready to next level my sh*t and I need to step things up in a major way.
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