Increase my sending cold emailing volume

11 replies

I am currently using an emailing tool + SMTP of a web host to send to my cold emailing lists, which is well segmented and verified !

I've been successful with these sendings for quite a few months now, i've taken my time with my daily sendings and warming up.

I am currently sending from Monday till Saturday 400 emails everyday. But i cannot keep this slow pace, i absolutely need to increase my daily sending volume from 400 emails to 1000 emails.

So i would like to know how can if i change that volume overnight will that cause me some troubles, any suggestions how i can increase the number of my sending volume ?

Your help and suggestions are much appreciated !

Thank you.
#cold #emailing #increase #sending #volume
  • Profile picture of the author owenlee
    I would suggest to increase 50 to 100 every 2 to 3 days.
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    • Profile picture of the author kurosaki4d
      Thank you, these accurate values will certainly be very useful to me.

      By doing so, i assume i will need to watch out for the amount sent per minutes and per hour aswell, right ?
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  • Profile picture of the author acnescars
    Increasing your mailing volume step by step is the best suggestion i would give. Increasing the search volume drastically will make you in problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author kurosaki4d
    I understand what your saying. I will proceed step by step like you've advised !

    However, i have one question though, if i send the recommended volume but in different times and dates with no regularity, will that spike attention from the ISP or the blacklisters ?

    Thanks again for your help and interest in this topic !
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  • 1000 emails for 24 hours won't cause problems for 1 IP even if you don't increase gradually.
    If you are in a rush you can do this without any worries.
    Otherwise people are right about warming ups but this is for larger volumes.
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    • Profile picture of the author kurosaki4d
      Wow so what your saying, if someone let's say is just starting to send around 50 emails he can go up directly to 1000 emails per day with no problems ?
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  • Profile picture of the author calvynlee
    which email tools you are using?

    can it set increase 50 per day and 100 next day?
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    • Profile picture of the author kurosaki4d
      Interspire, yes i can increase the emails per day.

      The thing is i dont think it's related to the app limit but rather the domain reputation that might get affected by a sudden high increase in the daily sending volume, wouldn't you agree ?
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  • Profile picture of the author ishboo
    This is pretty easy with SENDY and AMAZON SES.

    Take a look at my daily sending limit:

    You can currently get the Sendy PHP script for around $50 (because of Black Friday) and Amazon SES you can send those 50,000 emails per day for $5.

    In my course, I recommend people start with the obvious autoresponders for ease of use (as with Sendy, if you're not a technical person -- or at the very least -- don't know how to effectively follow technical instructions to a t -- you will likely not like this piece of work as a newbie), but if you're beyong the starting point which it sounds like you are, then I highly recommend making the switch.
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    • Profile picture of the author kurosaki4d
      Thank you bro for this valuable input. I believe i can do it, however, i never understood how these services always allow you 50.000 emails sending per day without for your domain get blacklisted. How do they control and protect that part of your business ?

      Is it because their SMTP servers is whitelisted, is that what keeps me off the radar ?
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  • Profile picture of the author calvynlee
    as per research, a lot said SES Ip is not clean, higher chance fall into spam box even property configure.

    any thought?
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