Good Size For A Marketing Email.pdf?

7 replies
I had a person from Freelancer design me a nice Mailchimp marketing email and she sent me two pdf files, one 13mb and one 18mb.

they both look a little fuzzy, should I get a higher rez pdf?

Is pdf the right format for MC marketing emails?

EDIT: She also just sent me a jpg at 2600 pixels wide and a png at the same size. I suspose when I upload it Mailchimp will resize it?
#emailpdf #good #marketing #size
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    You need to ask MailChimp what formats you can use. You should not send anything that is 'fuzzy' - but why send pdf, rather than text or html?
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Originally Posted by joeatwoodsshop View Post

    I had a person from Freelancer design me a nice Mailchimp marketing email and she sent me two pdf files, one 13mb and one 18mb.

    they both look a little fuzzy, should I get a higher rez pdf?

    Is pdf the right format for MC marketing emails?

    EDIT: She also just sent me a jpg at 2600 pixels wide and a png at the same size. I suspose when I upload it Mailchimp will resize it?
    try upload a pdf if it resizes...
    If not, then contact Mailchimp they will help you
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Mizel
    You do not want to send it as an attachment, upload it to your host and send them the link. You'll get much better delivery, plus you can track how many people click through and read it.

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  • Profile picture of the author joeatwoodsshop
    Yeah actually I'm having her do it in HTML and mobile friendly now, might as well do it right!
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  • Profile picture of the author Insomniaman
    Probably the question is no longer relevant, but I would also like to know how you later edited the letter if its size changed, it is clear that the picture is an addition, but if you do not pay the reseller or the work will not work, how to proceed with the finished product? I know that it is possible to edit through special features and those who are trying to block the functions of changes can simply go to the forest, because the user gets access to the files again, even if they are locked. And why did you decide to work through the pdf format, if you can write letters in special programs that already have integrated schemes for editing different letter formats?
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Don't send attachments. Upload to your host and include a link or use a service like Dropbox.
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  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    It's better if the content is laid out neatly in your email. If your recipient sees an attachment, it's an automatic deletion.
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