scheduling broadcasts

9 replies
Anyone tested the best days and times to send broadcasts to your list if you don't do it every day? Perhaps the list quality matters?

#broadcasts #scheduling
  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    Things like this are not worth worrying about IME.

    I've tested it and sending out a broadcast when the bulk of my list is in bed doesn't make any difference. Open rates remain consistent for the most part.

    The list quality totally matters. If you've built a list full of low quality subs who have no relationship with you and don't really care about your emails then no matter what time of day you send it won't make much difference.
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  • Profile picture of the author souleclipse
    12pm or 8pm , choose either one should be fine.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Tonester View Post

      Thanks Stuart. I kinda figured that. So far I haven't taken notice of it, figuring it doesn't matter what time they get sent. People log in to their email accounts at various times.
      Not only that, but unless all your subscribers live in the same time-zone, they're going to receive it at different times of day anyway, aren't they? And these days, with so many people using ESP's like Gmail, you can't tell where in the world they live unless you analyze their IP-numbers when they opt in (and who does that?!). Even just the English-speaking world is divided up into 24 time-zones ...

      Originally Posted by souleclipse View Post

      12pm or 8pm , choose either one should be fine.
      In which country???

      (I don't know what I'm replying for: I don't even send broadcasts ).

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  • Profile picture of the author alvinhy
    You should test your list of people as everyones list of subscribers are different.
    You might have people from other countries signed up for your list.

    Test. Test and test again!
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  • Profile picture of the author johnbjr
    I like the graphic imsolutionsgroup

    I think it all depends on the niche. For the MMO/IM niche I don't think it matters. Think about how much time we spend on our phones and on the computers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    Ryan Deiss and other email marketers have done many tests and have said that 10am EST is the best time to send out an email.

    I've tested it out and the results are pretty good so try that!
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Edwin Torres View Post

      Ryan Deiss and other email marketers have done many tests and have said that 10am EST is the best time to send out an email.
      He's also apparently said that he has an open-rate of about 8% and considers that "normal".

      If that's really someone you want to listen to, I wish you good luck.

      Call me biased, but I prefer this thread, myself:

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