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    Panic mode sets in after consumer expectations for 2021 dip

    A new article on MarketingWeek reports that the most recent Consumer Confidence Barometer from Gfk has found a significant dip in consumer confidence, and a lack of hopefulness that things ... [read more]

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    A New Report Looks at Influencer Payment Expectations, With Results Based on Audience Size and the P

    A new article on Social Media Today asks what should you expect to pay an influencer for an Instagram or TikTok post promoting your product? It's a gray area, and ... [read more]

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    New Report Looks at Influencer Payment Expectations Based on Audience Size and Platform

    A new article on Search Engine Journal says that if you want to understand the latest social media platform updates and maximize your own efforts in social media marketing, it's ... [read more]

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    71% of marketers struggle to meet their customers' expectations

    WarriorForum.com in Learn

    How do you make sure that your website adheres to the most recent search engine guidelines? What is the best approach to stay up with continual algorithm modifications while ... [read more]

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    Starting out affiliate marketing! Could someone please destroy my unrealistic expectations?

    Eugen Ionut in Beginners Area

    Hey... I saw a lot of youtube videos about affiliate marketing and they all follow the same story... It all begins with facebook ads in order to build your list. ... [read more]

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    Snapchat publishes report on Gen Z brand expectations

    WarriorForum.com in Learn

    As mentioned on my previous report, Gen Zs are the next generation marketers should start strategizing and targeting. Now Snapchat published a new report on what Gen Z consumers expect ... [read more]