
  • 27 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    users' segmentation based on personality: what do you think, will it work?

    personaje in Beginners Area

    There is an idea how to define/categorize website users into 4 categories to make targeting more personalized. Categories are status, inner values, uniqueness, and welfare. It is better to communicate ... [read more]

  • 8 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Career Advice - Logical / Analytical Personality

    Hi all, I was wondering whether you could help me with some career advice... I've worked in marketing for around 6 years now, and I'm coming to a point where ... [read more]

  • 60 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Introverts: Detailed Tips on Forms of Marketing That Suit Your Personality (Free Ebook)

    marciayudkin in

    In a survey I conducted of more than 300 self-described introverts, an astounding 95 percent said they sometimes or often felt "That's just not me!" when reading experts' marketing advice. ... [read more]

  • 2 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Defining your brand personality through colours

    WarriorForum.com in Learn

    Warrior Forum is predominantly red and black. Open Facebook and Twitter, and you see their signature hues of blue. Colours define a brand, and they either attract or repel customers. ... [read more]

  • 4 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Blog Tornado is here. Use Personality Marketing and Crazy Software to Boost Your Traffic & Sales

    gabibeowulf in

    My previous hot seller WSO: -> Adsense Crusher WSO Who Else Wants To Know How To Use a Simple Software To Get Unlimited Backlinks and Traffic Each Day? Step ... [read more]