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    Digital marketing strategy: buyer personas for equestrian centre

    Moll01 in Internet Marketing

    Hi I'm building a digital marketing strategy for a client but also using it for my thesis so need a bit of advice. My main buyer persona is "digital mom" ... [read more]

  • 7 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Creating buyer Personas: a newbie chicken and egg questions

    fig000 in Social Networks

    Hi, Totally new to all social media issues. I and my wife are writers and I'm trying to market our books. I believe I have to start with buyer personas ... [read more]

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    Personas and Segmentation in Google Analytics

    TAC:Chris in Beginners Area

    Hello all, I'm looking for a bit of advice and hoping some of you can guide me. I have a client that has 4 different personas that they are chasing. ... [read more]

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    Different Personas for the same customer!?

    Mtaly in Beginners Area

    Hello guys, I am a bit confused about an issue regarding Persona: Persona is defined as profiling or building characters that represent sections or groups of my targeted customers. This ... [read more]

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    The Dark Side: Why You Need Negative Buyer Personas for Better Customer Acquisition

    timokeefe from blog.kissmetrics

    There's been a lot of buzz about buyer personas in marketing over the past few years. But few marketers talk about the power of the negative persona, which is arguably ... [read more]