Has anybody used the Growth Hackers Canvas?

2 replies
Is it worth paying for? We are just a team of 3 and I wonder if it provides enough value for the monthly fee.
#canvas #growth #hackers
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  • Profile picture of the author BuddyFox
    Originally Posted by AlphaAlpha View Post

    Is it worth paying for? We are just a team of 3 and I wonder if it provides enough value for the monthly fee.
    Most services offer free trials. Looks like they do too, albeit not as prominent on their website as most other similar services.
    ..bottom left hand corner of website call for free trial. Can prob negotiate an extended trial too tbh if you're smooth enough
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  • Profile picture of the author Irina Strikun
    I used this one. It's pretty cool and worth paying!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11195225].message }}
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