What can be best strategies and techniques that I can use for selling domain names ?

by ro5hit
1 replies
Hello all

What I would like know is the best strategies that I can implement to reach out to people who are interested in my Domain Names. I completely understood, it depends upon what domains you are selling. For this I am selling domains which have potential to become a great brand for the market
I would like to know if you have tried something to sell domains and worked. I know it is not a domain name forum however most of people have experience with domain names.
#domain #names #selling #strategies #techniques
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  • Profile picture of the author Sgt Kraut
    There are only a few ways:
    • Hire a broker
    • List it on an auction / marketplace site
    • Wait for a buyer to contact you
    • Reach out via email / phone / social media / trade shows etc.

    Since you seem to have very specific people in mind, it will be the best to contact them directly, telling them about the benefits of your domain name and why it would be great investment for them.
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