Getting users on a debating website
New here, first post, just starting to look around, nice to meet ya, and whatnot.
I'm the owner of ForDebating.com which is being developed by ePixal. For the last couple of months I've been trying to get users to use the forums and create debates but it's going nowhere and the forums just look like I like talking to myself. I've tried adwords, Facebook groups, Google+ groups, recently spun up a twitter account, got some Fiverr backlinks, bought some "traffic", and even tried to get some people with page owner on Facebook who wasn't able to get the interest he was "sure" the site would garner. I have a Facebook channel with several videos on how to use the service as well.
Now I know the site has issues with the mobile aspect so all my advertising is devoted to desktop/laptops for now. When (if) ePixal gets done with the core functionality I'm going to contract out getting the mobile and Facebook app done next. But I'm struggling to get users to the site to start using the service. I have what I consider pretty cool features. I'm doing direct advertising via an Ebay style of bidding, live anon chat and voice through Discord, 1v1 and 2v2 debates, bi-weekly discussion post, quizzes, and they are in the process of getting the 16 man debate tournaments up and running so I can start the free cash prize debate tournaments up.
Anyway if you wouldn't mind looking it and giving me some feedback I'd appreciate it. I'm driving traffic there, I've got about 90 user, but no one is posting but me and my wife. http://fordebating.com/LeaderBoard.aspx?style=Forum
Thanks in advance,

Benjamin Ehinger -
[ 2 ] Thanks - Reply
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thomarv37 -
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brettb -
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