Trust Mogul - Peter Garety's Fake Trust Seal Plugin
It's a plugin created by Peter Garety that allows you to place up to 3 "Trust Mogul" trust seals on your site anywhere you like.
When a visitor clicks a seal it pops up a window and appears to be verifying the information about your contact details and so on, using an animated gif.
It has these trust seal options:
1. Site Verified
2. Security Verified
3. Privacy Verified
And it also includes a "PayPal Verified" seal option.
It was almost laughable watching his full demo video where he references a Crazy Egg article in an effort to make the argument that a trust seal increases conversions.
In fact, the article did not make that claim at all, but rather proved that ONE trust seal in particular increased conversions, Norton's Verisign trust seal.
The article actually made the case that any old unknown trust seal doesn't do anything to increase conversions, but makes people more wary to buy because they don't trust the seal!
Could you imagine buying this plugin, using it, and the word getting around about how it is a fake verification seal? Forget about raising conversions, how about suddenly seeing your normal conversion rate drop to zilch?
And who in their right mind would use the Trust Mogul "Security Verified" seal on a site with http and not https? Most people aren't stupid about what a secure site url looks like.
I haven't used this plugin and I won't be buying it and I won't be promoting it either.
It's garbage with a sharp piece of metal sticking out among the crap and it just might cut you if you play around in it.