Article Marketing Robot Review?

by cinkz
46 replies
Any AMR review? I already searching for AMR review but i didn't find it
I bought AMR about two weeks ago, hope can help building backlinks on autopilot
Really great tool for article submission.
But i have one question, how to get my backlinks indexed?
After submitting articles, i always ping them using, but the backlinks haven't indexed yet by google.
#article #marketing #review #robot
  • Profile picture of the author AlonzoTJones
    You know there are a couple of programs that have worked for me
    Seo Link Dominator
    Content Notifier

    Both are mass pingers and indexers.

    I usually get a download of live links from AMR and then upload them to SEOLD preferably because it has given me the best results and it doesn't get as hung-up as content notifier.

    Usually takes a day or two to get indexed.
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    • Profile picture of the author bobbyp21
      AlonzoJones advice is the sound one. I usually wait a few hours and run Livelinks for the article I recently posted. Then output it to CSV and sort by approved. Take the approved URL's to and RSS creator site and create the XML file. Then you can submit it to any number of RSS submit sites. I've used a few different ones but the only difference between most is the number of sites they submit to.

      This works. I've had articles found on Google within 24 hours. AMR is one of the best pieces of software that I've ever bought. The only drawback for me is that the number of sites there are is tremendous but you will only get about 50% take the article and of that number around 50% will approve it. But there are some high pagerank directories on there.

      I don't use it to post to the big player article directories like Ezinearticles or ArticlesBase or GoArticles. Just rather do that manually with the big dogs.

      Hope this helps.

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      • Profile picture of the author cinkz
        Originally Posted by bobbyp21 View Post

        AlonzoJones advice is the sound one. I usually wait a few hours and run Livelinks for the article I recently posted. Then output it to CSV and sort by approved. Take the approved URL's to and RSS creator site and create the XML file. Then you can submit it to any number of RSS submit sites. I've used a few different ones but the only difference between most is the number of sites they submit to.

        This works. I've had articles found on Google within 24 hours. AMR is one of the best pieces of software that I've ever bought. The only drawback for me is that the number of sites there are is tremendous but you will only get about 50% take the article and of that number around 50% will approve it. But there are some high pagerank directories on there.

        I don't use it to post to the big player article directories like Ezinearticles or ArticlesBase or GoArticles. Just rather do that manually with the big dogs.

        Hope this helps.

        Thank you Bob

        btw, how to create XML file?
        Can you tell me free tool to create Feeds?
        Click here to learn how to get paid INSTANTLY ! The world's first instant pay compentation plan
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        • Profile picture of the author bobbyp21
          Originally Posted by cinkz View Post

          Thank you Bob

          btw, how to create XML file?
          Can you tell me free tool to create Feeds?
          Lately I have used this free RSS Feed Generator site.
          It is working great and has the option to even submit
          your RSS Feed for you. Just avoid the ads that want
          money for services that you can do for free.

          RSS Feed Generator and XML Creator online on

          Hope that helps,

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          • Profile picture of the author cinkz
            Originally Posted by bobbyp21 View Post

            Lately I have used this free RSS Feed Generator site.
            It is working great and has the option to even submit
            your RSS Feed for you. Just avoid the ads that want
            money for services that you can do for free.

            RSS Feed Generator and XML Creator online on

            Hope that helps,

            It helps me a lot.
            Thank you again Bob
            Click here to learn how to get paid INSTANTLY ! The world's first instant pay compentation plan
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  • Profile picture of the author noble
    I've used many over the years, starting when they were absolute crapola, AMR is top notch, the best I've seen yet.

    One recommendation would be to buy a standalone spinner such as TBS or SpinnerChief to get better spun articles.

    But yes, I think AMR is worth the price and no I am not in any way affiliated with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    When using AMR, is it important to spin your articles so the same article doesn't go out to different article directories or isn't this necessary?

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    • Profile picture of the author oliverwinston
      Spinning your article is very important, otherwise your content will be counted as duplicate and will be discounted by search engines.

      I've been using AMR for just about as long as its been out if you have any other questions.
      Beta Testers Needed- Get $47 Product Free
      The Worlds Largest Article Marketing Network
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  • Profile picture of the author CaesarSEO
    Buy AMR. Top SEO program.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimNesbitt
    I really like Article Marketing Robot it is by far one of the better if not the best for submitting articles etc.

    Anyone who is new to affiliate marketing and on a fairly tight budget should seriously consider not only doing article marketing but getting this product to get more out of their article marketing efforts because ARTICLE MARKETING WORKS!


    For honest internet marketing product reviews as well as tips for how to make money online go to Online Internet Marketing Business
    Also make sure to check out my FREE Get High PR .Edu Backlinks Report NO SIGN UP REQUIRED!

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  • Profile picture of the author diff122
    I think the biggest relief of AMR is it's one time fee. With all article submission network out there, like AMA, SYA, UAW, MAN etc. there are monthly fees.

    Morever, AMR is one of the 1st article submission programs where almost everything is automated. With such an affordable price to go for, AMR has become one of my best tools to create thousands of backlinks.

    The drawbacks -
    Well, like someone mentioned above, out of 5000+ article directories you blast your article into, it's true, approx 50% will get success, but that too is huge if you consider the number and ease with which you get the backlinks.

    I prefer to use TBS rather than AMR's built in spinner.

    The Live Link Reporting feature of AMR has just taken this incredible software to new heights. I mean, think about it, if you know the backlinks you just created (remember with UAW, SYA, AMA, MAN etc you cannot know where you backlinks lie), you can go the extra mile to have them indexed, i.e the the most important step of link building.
    You can do many things.
    Create RSS feed, submit it to multiple RSS aggregators with for fast indexing.
    Or use a software like Backlink Energizer or service like Backlink Booster to import those live links to have them indexed.
    Or wp plugins like the IndexingTool to make google crawl and index your backlinks.

    I think AMR has truely revolutionalized Article Marketing...

    So if you have the budget, just go for it...


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    • Profile picture of the author oliverwinston
      AMR is great overall but as an FYI a new version is going to be released soon that will be even more amazing and it will fix some of the problems AMR is having right now like deathbycaptcha problems.
      Beta Testers Needed- Get $47 Product Free
      The Worlds Largest Article Marketing Network
      Get One Way Backlinks To Your Website- Post Your Article To 51,280+ Websites
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      • Profile picture of the author TimNesbitt
        Yeah I have to agree about spinning article the Best Spinner is still just the THE BEST!

        But if anyone is on a tight budget this is by far one of the best purchases that anyone can make and certainly much better than most of the so called "push button softwares" being recommended in peoples emails every day!


        For honest internet marketing product reviews as well as tips for how to make money online go to Online Internet Marketing Business
        Also make sure to check out my FREE Get High PR .Edu Backlinks Report NO SIGN UP REQUIRED!

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        • Profile picture of the author uebomoyi
          Originally Posted by TimNesbitt View Post

          Yeah I have to agree about spinning article the Best Spinner is still just the THE BEST!

          But if anyone is on a tight budget this is by far one of the best purchases that anyone can make and certainly much better than most of the so called "push button softwares" being recommended in peoples emails every day!

          I recently got the best spinner and my online business soared afterwards. I can't beleive how many tasks you can get done by having such a great tool. I use if for the description in my videos to rank higher, you can use it for articles, hub pages, squidoos, blogs, plr, your website and so much more, it is too good. Anyway, I had the article marketing robot for awhile however I think my impatience is what threw me off since I ended up returning it due to the fact that it seemed as if it was taking awhile to submit my articles. I thought the program was broken at first but I probably just needed to wait a couple more hours.

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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    I got AMR recently. So far the results of the submission are 60 success and 90 failed. Is this normal or should I be getting more successes than this?

    I set it to only submit to AD's which are PR1 or above. Is it worth submitting to PR0 AD's also?

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    • Profile picture of the author DIDDY1
      I agree.. I have used a lot of programs, and this one simply delivers.. Not real hard to use, little tricks you'll find help out.. The live links are amazing... In the world of crappy and expensive software, this IMO, is the best for the money!! I've take new sites and ranked them in 2 days just using this... Very very powerful..

      Man, if there is an update coming, you need to jump on this now.. There has always been talk about revamping it.. I would not be surprised if he jacked the price up, it's that good where no one would even complain about it...
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  • Profile picture of the author mcconnon12
    I've been considering buying this software and after reading this thread it seems to be an easy choice. I have only heard good things about it. Looks like I need to take the plunge!
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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    I know this is an old thread but I'm going to chime in. I've just tried the free trial version and so far I am very disappointed and there's no way I would pay for it.

    I've watched the tuition videos, I've triple checked that the email info tested and working. Out of the 500 claimed directories it submits to - 207 returned errors such as "moved permanently", "unknown" "404" error etc. So 2/5ths of the directories don't even exist. (that's not counting the ones with captcha failure)

    I tried submitting 2 articles and took a random screenshot as it was submitting. The overwhelming majority of submissions failed.

    If the trial was meant to show me how good this software is, I'm afraid it failed.

    Maybe I'm missing something?
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  • Profile picture of the author SebastianJ
    I was about to purchase this software, but reading rosetrees review led me to put it off for now. If it's that unsuccessful at posting then it's not worth the money.
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    • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
      Originally Posted by SebastianJ View Post

      I was about to purchase this software, but reading rosetrees review led me to put it off for now. If it's that unsuccessful at posting then it's not worth the money.
      That review is based off the trial. Yes it fails to a lot of directories, but the full version comes with 8000+ directories. Even if it were to succeed to 1/4 of those, that is still 2000 directories it is submitting to in literally a few minutes versus doing it all by hand.

      Plus you can add sites to it as well.

      EDIT: Never mind. You made the right decision going off one person's impression of the trial versus the tons of positive testimonials you can find all over this forum. Forget I said anything. I'm going to go have another beer.
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  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    Never make a purchasing decision off of someone's opinion of a TRIAL VERSION. Much as I like Rosetrees (athualupa guide was da bomb!), the full version of AMR is something I've used succesfully for clients and me. AND Vince continually upgrades (new version coming soon). If you follow the best practices on his forum (use a cpanel email, articles should be 400 words, etc) you won't have an issue. I routinely get around 300 instant links, with the usual being around 4k after a few weeks.
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  • Profile picture of the author srizer
    Hey can any one help me how to clean up data base of AMR, It just showing more than 8000 sites but if u put condition of minmum PR 1 and health is 50 then you get around 500 directories only and some of 50% of them get fail at submission,
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    • Profile picture of the author Kenrick C
      Hey can any one help me how to clean up data base of AMR, It just showing more than 8000 sites but if u put condition of minmum PR 1 and health is 50 then you get around 500 directories only and some of 50% of them get fail at submission,
      I visited AMR's forum today and the owner is currently cleaning up the database. Various users are asking for the release date of this update.
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  • Profile picture of the author cyberws
    The trial version of AMR is only useful for seeing how the software works. It doesn't get great results. But the paid version is very cool. VERY cool. Like someone said above, I get about 300 immediate links and then the number grows over time. This kind of article marketing is a NUMBERS GAME and AMR is the equalizer that makes playing possible.

    There are two features that make this software a winner:

    1. It's a one time payment instead of constant monthly fees.

    2. It gives the URL of your article. This is even bigger than the cost. I've paid for article services in the past and it's pretty much "Trust me the links are there". The bottom line is that getting a link is totally useless if the SEs don't find it. As far as I know, Article Demon is the only other program that gives the links so that we can make certain they get found. Don't assume Google know about your links - most likely they don't, unless you "help".

    AMR sells through Clickbank so you have a guarantee. For anyone on the fence ask yourself what you have to lose?
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  • Profile picture of the author kmachine
    I think that AMR is a very good tool. Also you can use it with the help of a couple of free tools as and
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  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    People need to learn patience in IM. It is coming soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall121
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Bradley
      $197?.Don't think it's ever been that price.
      It's available on Clickbank for $97 and in
      the WSO section for $87.
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  • Profile picture of the author Droopy Dawg
    I love AMR but my success rates are far lower than 50%. The newer (beta) release of AMR gives you the opportunity to re-submit to directories if you have a category mismatch... which is GREAT. But I still only get to successfully submit to appx 500 directories, and I only get about 150 auto-approved articles when I run the Live-Links report. I use deathbycaptcha to solve captchas.

    I'm sure its something I'm doing wrong that contributes to my poor success rates, but to me... its still one of if not THE best article submitting programs out there.

    If anybody has best-practices that they use to get good success rates please share


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  • Profile picture of the author CED59
    just wanted to bump and thank everyone for their specific opinions
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  • Profile picture of the author robchapman
    Overall this software is solid. The only problem I had with it was the success rate of some of the articles failing to be submitted to article directory.
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    • Profile picture of the author cooler1
      I've had AMR for about 2 months now. My results have been disappointing so far. Im not blaming the software, obviously im not doing something correctly.

      For some reason, the backlinks just don't get indexed. I put 2 links in the resource box with varied anchor text. One link to the main page and a link to the inner page, but im not seeing any SERP's improvement or backlinks indexed to the inner pages.

      I've created an RSS feed for each live links report using bulkping, then submit the feed to RSS directories. I know i can't expect results overnight, but shouldn't i be seeing backlinks indexed after 2 months?

      For one site, I submitted 3 articles. Here is the results from the live links reports.

      Article 1- Articles found: 22
      Article 2- Articles found 93
      Article 3- Articles found 193

      The reason why there was only 22 articles found for the 1st article is because I only submitted it to about 450 article directories. I was obviously too cautious and wasn't aware that they'd be such a big amount of fails during submission. Now when I submit an article, I submit to at least 1000 directories.

      Should I just keep submitting articles until I see backlinks indexed? The reason I only submitted 3 articles is because a Warrior member Tigerwar said in Jan Roos thread said he only ever submits between 3-5 articles per site and he ranks #1 for all his keywords. He says you shouldn't go beyond this because the software is powerful.

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  • Profile picture of the author Cartellian
    If you are only getting 20-200 submissions per run, you are doing something wrong!!!! Have you visited the forums and learned the best practices yet? This is not magic... It is a tool.

    If you don't learn how to use the tool effectively, it is not the tool's fault.

    I consistently get 1000+ article submissions per run, I don't ever think about pinging the individual articles, I simply move on. I consistently put new articles and blog posts on the 1st page of Google within 24-36 hours with this tool.

    A wordpress blog + TBS + AMR = Wicked Traffic Potential!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom L
    AMR is definitely worth the price but its also great to supplement it with UAW / article ranks if you have the cash.
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  • Profile picture of the author UMS
    I've used AMR for some time now.

    To be fair, it isn't the prettiest piece of software designed, but once you take a bit of time to learn how to use it properly, you will have great success with it.
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    • Profile picture of the author cyberws
      cooler1: getting articles published is one thing - getting them indexed is another. AMR gives you a list of your successful URLs so ping them or take another action to get them indexed. I use Backlinks Index Express. I have some articles I had manually submitted on two sites that were PR7 + PR8. I checked them approximately two months later - and they hadn't been indexed! That taught me a lesson. If articles like that don't get found, what are the odds all of our AMR articles will show up? If you don't take indexing-action you're wasting most of your efforts. Which is one of the strongest features of AMR, by the way - that we get the URLs.
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      • Profile picture of the author cooler1
        Originally Posted by cyberws View Post

        cooler1: getting articles published is one thing - getting them indexed is another. AMR gives you a list of your successful URLs so ping them or take another action to get them indexed. I use Backlinks Index Express. I have some articles I had manually submitted on two sites that were PR7 + PR8. I checked them approximately two months later - and they hadn't been indexed! That taught me a lesson. If articles like that don't get found, what are the odds all of our AMR articles will show up? If you don't take indexing-action you're wasting most of your efforts. Which is one of the strongest features of AMR, by the way - that we get the URLs.
        I mentioned in my post that I created an RSS feed out of each of the live links report then submitted it to RSS directories. I also pinged the RSS feeds.

        I only started creating the RSS feeds about 1 and a half weeks ago though. Isn't that long enough for the RSS feeds to help get the links indexed?

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        • Profile picture of the author cyberws
          I don't know what pinging software you're using, but yes, if they're going to be indexed it should have happened by now. Are you a member of the War Room? If so, look for the pinging software by Steve Hawkins. He's been giving it away for free and it not only pings, it also submits to up to 35000 meta indexing sites. That should get your links indexed. If not, you have to do something else. I mentioned that I use BIE and there is Backlinks Energizer + others, so choose one of those programs.
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          • Profile picture of the author cooler1
            Originally Posted by cyberws View Post

            I don't know what pinging software you're using, but yes, if they're going to be indexed it should have happened by now. Are you a member of the War Room? If so, look for the pinging software by Steve Hawkins. He's been giving it away for free and it not only pings, it also submits to up to 35000 meta indexing sites. That should get your links indexed. If not, you have to do something else. I mentioned that I use BIE and there is Backlinks Energizer + others, so choose one of those programs.
            I used Bulkping.

            Im not a member of the War room. What is the name of Steve Hawkins software? Is it only available exclusively to war room members or is it available elsewhere?

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  • Profile picture of the author lancewan
    My question to people who ave bought AMR is this, on a new site what has your traffic increase been when starting from scratch and what has your conversion rate been for a signup?

    What sites have you been using it on? Affiliate or a product site. Have you made money from your efforts for the cost of the tool and the effort to get it submitting?
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  • Profile picture of the author Focused Action
    i just set up an account, selected >20% health (% that a site will result in successful posts) and only had 612 successful accounts set up - I am using a hosted email account not a free one.

    does this mean that the other 8,000 sites result in under 20% success rate.

    anyway, it is just a numbers game, blast away often and ping the live links often.
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  • Profile picture of the author onlinecasinodeck
    Originally Posted by cinkz View Post

    Any AMR review? I already searching for AMR review but i didn't find it
    I bought AMR about two weeks ago, hope can help building backlinks on autopilot
    Really great tool for article submission.
    But i have one question, how to get my backlinks indexed?
    After submitting articles, i always ping them using, but the backlinks haven't indexed yet by google.
    Collect all the links of the approve article, group it by 10, convert it to RSS feed using HostMyRSS.C0m or links2rss feed generator,then bookmarked the RSS Feed., wait for 3 day then See the result.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rucco
      I have read people on here getting close to 6500 directories to submit to, however it only found 2000 for me. Am I doing something wrong?

      Also, can someone tell me how to run the report on it that I can feed into something like Linklicious?

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  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    Vince took out a lot of directories that weren't working. Best bet is to find your own via scrape box. At the forum he gives instruction and a couple of places he goes to get lists.
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  • Profile picture of the author xkuba
    Hey Clinkz,

    I have best experience with Backlink Index Express (just google it). I achieve with this WP plugin around 70% index rate which is the best I ever achieved.

    You are true that without backlinking your backlinks many articles don't get index but trust me and try what I recommend. Everything what you need is 5 C class IP hosting with wordpress on them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    I do a massive scrapebox blast for new created articles. This helps me to index these articles within few days.

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