36 replies
Mobile Blog Money just came out today. Does anyone know what it's all about?
#blog #mobile #money
  • Profile picture of the author cybernet
    i don't know what it is but it certainly sounds like scam. They do not tell you waht the product is but they ask you for your money.
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  • Profile picture of the author gifttools
    Not much out there yet - but it makes one wonder what you're getting
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    • Profile picture of the author LifeIsGood
      I was wondering the same thing.
      Is it the real deal or just like all the rest?
      Stay posted.

      LifeIsGood ~ It's About To Get Even Better!
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      • Profile picture of the author jprano
        The promo email I received says:
        "See $1,525 made with a CELL PHONE"

        I did not see that in the video. Has anyone seen a seen a live demo with the system making money?
        I understand there are three upsells.
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        • Profile picture of the author meevamarie
          Originally Posted by jprano View Post

          The promo email I received says:
          "See $1,525 made with a CELL PHONE"

          I did not see that in the video. Has anyone seen a seen a live demo with the system making money?
          I understand there are three upsells.
          nope have not seen that - upsells?
          now I'm really suspicious...
          My email said: Hey,

          You MUST see this...
          It could make you $236 in just 12 minutes per day....==>> Cell Phone Cash

          If you leave the page you get a 2nd offer for $37, as usual
          I see it came out in March - and today is December 1st...hmmm
          also does not have a paypal button. I realize that some people don't like Paypal - or clickbank, but at least you can get your money back, and it's not even the money - it's time lost trying and realizing you've been gullible one more time LOL ...I'll check it out more
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          • Profile picture of the author jprano
            fyi...there are total 3 upsells for mobile blog money:

            * Private One-on-One Exclusive Coaching
            * Mobile Blog Money *Advanced* Software
            * Done-For-You *Proven* Campaigns
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            • Profile picture of the author kia123guy
              I got the same email. I would like to know more information it is a complete blind sales page. We want to know what we are buying before we actually pay for it.

              Anyone have good info?
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            • Profile picture of the author WF99
              Originally Posted by jprano View Post

              fyi...there are total 3 upsells for mobile blog money:

              * Private One-on-One Exclusive Coaching
              * Mobile Blog Money *Advanced* Software
              * Done-For-You *Proven* Campaigns
              Thanks for the explanations ..
              Thumbs up
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6052729].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Metro123
    I just got something tons from the IM Review Team. The video references bill h.r. 3261. I'm so tired of hype and fluff. I believe that if this was the real deal, at least tell me what I'm thinking of buying.
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  • Profile picture of the author dftrus
    H. R. 3261 seems to have more to do with increasing protection against copyright infringement and counterfeit drugs rather than anything mentioned in the Mobile Blog Money ads.

    You can read a summary of the bill at:
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    • Profile picture of the author meevamarie
      thanks for explainin in regard to this the context of the bill - saved me from reading through it again
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  • Profile picture of the author Exel
    Well I must say that story in the promo video could have been an interesting script for
    a movie with all that talk about big conspiracies, 20-something millionaire club and the
    hero fighting against them all and for the people.

    In terms of internet marketing - not so much.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5163769].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Aussie_Striker
      Originally Posted by Exel View Post

      Well I must say that story in the promo video could have been an interesting script for
      a movie with all that talk about big conspiracies, 20-something millionaire club and the
      hero fighting against them all and for the people.

      In terms of internet marketing - not so much.
      And the 'new era club' comes up in google search results but has nothing at all to do with a group of millionaires
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  • Profile picture of the author cc422
    I poked around on the site and found this page where a lot of recent buyers are making their experiences known - my account : Mobile Blog Money - - I found this from starting at their contact us page.
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    • Profile picture of the author bigdaddy
      Well, since no one has a real live review, I guess I will go ahead and buy it. I found a couple reviews and it appears to be a mobile site generator software and then some training on how to advertise using mobile ad networks where you pay around .03 per click.

      I am into local marketing and have been providing mobile websites to my clients. This sounds like something I can use so I will take the plunge and report back here with some real results.
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      • Profile picture of the author danifae
        Well, I found funny the page be called "index-5" so I checked the 4,3,2 and 1 too. The one has a different video, which explains things better. I did not watched it all, though. It seems endless! and I hate when the duration and the commands of the video are not visible.....
        The price under this video is 67$.
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  • Profile picture of the author steveka
    Mobile traffic is one of the hardest traffic to convert. It's even worse than ppv. Of course it is possible to make a killing with some cpa offers, as long as you have very deep pockets and all the time in the world to test and tweak to make a campaign profitable.
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    • Profile picture of the author SA Williams
      Big Scam!!!!!!! Why would someone waste anytime when they have "Made $899,859 in 45 days?"

      I can understand if it was something that was making small amounts of money and had potential to ramp up to something big.

      I guess there are just too many fools trying to get rich quick!!!!

      Steven Williams, President & CEO
      The Real Debt Solution, Inc.
      Creator of The Real Debt Solution Software System

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      • Profile picture of the author James Abrams
        I too got this email about ?

        Anytime there is a blind video for something regardless of the product being good or bad, it's a big no for me. I mean after all, if it's a blind video they are obviously trying to hide something.

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        • Profile picture of the author jambaman2
          Thanx for your comments guys!

          Personally, I am boycotting ALL of these 'flowplayer' videos that don't even tell you how long the vid is, to say nothing of FF and RW.
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  • Profile picture of the author raleigh
    Hey guys, I was able to get a copy of the program, and yes I got it at $37. Initially I was offered quite a number of upsells though their support said that the upsells are not a requirement so I opted to postpone the refund and see on what the program has to offer.

    I do believe that the market for mobile customers is quite huge and I would like to cash in on this market, Have tried that before on a different program before by Adam Horwitz, and boy I was not able to go far with that program, making optimized squeezepages was a bit cumbersome. With the Mobile Blog Money, the process is much simplified . . . well that is from where I am right now. As for it delivering its promises, that remains to be seen as I am still waiting for Admob to approve my campaign. (Heck it has already been 2 days and still no word from Admob).

    Looking good so far, just hope that the additional tutorials and vids could be uploaded sooner rather than later. As for the support, I have sent an inquiry to their 24/7 customer assistance and got a feedback after less than an hour. IF the customer support would be able to maintain their response time at least by that much then I am moving forward with this, well a try at least for the guarantee period of 60 days, then make the assessment by then.

    I will keep you inform on the progress guys once the campaign is approved and running and hope that this is one of the program that would deliver. . . by the looks of it, its going pretty good at this point. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author dorianjohn425
    Alright, I purchased Mobile Blog Money a couple of days ago.

    It's pretty much the same as all the other mobile marketing programs out there. There are a few new things here so it is refreshing to see that.

    The cost was $47 but I was able to squeeze that down to $37 through the hidden persuasion offer when you try to leave the order page.

    The tutorials are ok. Not very newbie-friendly though. I guess the coaching being offered as an add-on addresses that issue.

    While I have seen other programs with pretty much the same setup, i must say that Mobile Blog Money's strength lies in its customer support. Man, it is 24/7 and they respond to your emails within a few hours at the latest. I myself put in some emails and got a response to each one within 15 minutes ... that I think is a record in these kinds of programs. Best of all is that most of the responses are not canned. It really feels like there is someone taking the time to answer your queries.

    Now, I have things set up like how the tutorials teach you how but I have to agree with Raleigh about the admob issue. Admob sucks... too slow. But, this should not be anything against mobile blog money as there are other mobile ad networks to tap out there anyway.

    My only major complain is the upsells. There are a lot of it. But, if you keep your senses and ignore them... you should be alright.
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  • Profile picture of the author mongsky
    i've just got a copy a while ago
    had problems with the Admob part, but support guys helped a lot.
    ca't say much about the training and manual but their support is pretty good
    took a while to get approved on the ads but it's up and runnin'
    waiting for the money to haul in.
    hope it wont take that long.
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  • Profile picture of the author aaaa33030
    There is a video on youtube giving a review of mobile blog money from someone who purchased it.

    Their explanation: It's like using adwords but for mobiles. Think of it as the PPC boom that happened, but for mobiles. Cost per click is low (a few cents) and competition is also low.
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    • Profile picture of the author cybernet
      ppc on admob is not new... Last year most people i know were loosing money doing ppc on admob.

      Has anything changed?
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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    A lot of these Clickbank mobile products haven't really been living upto their hype. It a shame really as it's market I'd loved to get involved.

    Let's hope this one delivers.

    James Scholes
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    • Profile picture of the author cybernet
      if any of you make even $10 with admob ads please let us know
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    • Profile picture of the author seankaye
      Originally Posted by xxxJamesxxx View Post

      A lot of these Clickbank mobile products haven't really been living upto their hype. It a shame really as it's market I'd loved to get involved.

      Let's hope this one delivers.

      You're a sensible dude, I always enjoy your comments and reviews here... So I thought I'd drop my opinion on this one.

      Think about it - do you like getting ads on your mobile phone? I HATE them and NEVER click on them - ever. I suspect that I'm not alone and that's one of the reasons those mobile ad models have all been below expectations.

      Take your article marketing to a whole new level with RapidAction Writing!

      We create awesome content and help you generate the quality backlinks you need to rank organically!

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  • Profile picture of the author jasonthewebmaster
    Originally Posted by Legend Dude View Post

    Mobile Blog Money just came out today. Does anyone know what it's all about?
    Maybe its about starting a mobile blog? Makes sense...
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  • Profile picture of the author skagenweb
    Looks very similiar to Mobile Money Machines. Anyone know if it is from the same creators? I used Mobile Money Machines and didn't have much success with it, so Im not sure if I should bother signing up with this.
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  • Profile picture of the author JawadAshraf
    Many mobile marketing products has been launched in past few weeks in the clickbank and are over-hyped. This is also similar to them, here is a mobile blog money post that explains what is this hype all about.
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    • Profile picture of the author tonywarrior2
      Firstly I thing the quality of the promo video is superb, so superb in fact that I bought the $47 product. However, the 'reason why I am selling you this info' made me laugh out loud (wanting to prevent the government and large corporations taking over the internet? I mean, come on ...)

      As I worked through the materials in the course I kept thinking ... "when are the new ideas going to come". Unfortunately, they never came.

      The course starts with some motivational content, which was good actually.

      Then it moves on to talk about mobile marketing, choosing products (strangely enough one of the clickback products used as an example of a product to sell has a site which doesn't work on a mobile), a bit about copywriting (be {cough} 'inspired' by other ads, particularly print ads), some info about wordpress plug-ins and so on.

      The presenter sounded bored, and sighed every now and then, which did not inspire confidence.

      I'm going for a refund on this product because I don't think it's value for money as the info is freely and easily available (and I would guess most people here would know it anyway), plus I'm annoyed that I have wasted several hours of my day going through the course, when I could have been doing something that would actually earn me money.

      There is an upsell of a $197 coaching programme backed by a money back guarantee, which sounds great and I am tempted just for the general marketing education. However, I can see it being another waste of time.

      Anyone here gone through the $197 course?

      The weather is lovely in Italy.

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  • Profile picture of the author blackbelt
    Great question! Personally I purchase nothing unless it comes referred, then I'll check it out.
    Joe's Done It Again I'm excited to guide those who are ready to earn $100-$500 cash daily. http://cashdonerite.com
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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonlin
    Some reviews would be nice.
    Want a 13 Part FREE Internet Marketing Course - Taught By A PREMIER CLICKBANK SUPPER AFFILIATE? Did I mention taught through VIDEOS?
    Yup, I'm not hyping things up for you. Click here to check it out!
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  • Profile picture of the author nickbrander
    Many sites look like legit, but in the loooong run you will spot the secret behind it. Learn, read tutorials.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfwarrior
    Well,it looks fishy and my friend didn't like it either!!
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