SYNND - Any Recent Users?

17 replies
Hi. I am about to test Synnd as I like the look of a lot of their features.

All the threads I've found are fairly old - are there any current users and what are your experiences?

Please share.

#recent #synnd #users
  • Profile picture of the author bfas
    I was on a recent webinar they did (last week), and was impressed. I didn't sign up, but will probably do so and see if it works as well in practice as it seemed to during the webinar.

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    • Profile picture of the author TJ Kazunga
      Interesting. I too like the look of the features.

      Thanks for your thoughts and the best of luck - anyone else have some titbits to share about Synnd?

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      • Profile picture of the author Harlan
        Synnd takes a long time to work.

        Be prepared for that.

        And it may not work at all.

        Harlan D. Kilstein Ed.D.
        Free NLP Communications Course at
        Get Fit In Four Minutes
        Learn how to build a Super Site Without SEO

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        • Profile picture of the author TJ Kazunga
          LOL - that answer was a bit gnomic for me Harlan...

          So, would you recommend it or not? Has it worked for you?

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        • Profile picture of the author bfas
          Originally Posted by Harlan View Post

          Synnd takes a long time to work.

          Be prepared for that.

          And it may not work at all.
          Too good...!

          Too true though; no one can what if any ranking impact it will have now although I don't think there's any doubt it will, and will become increasingly significant.

          For the time being I think it's more about social proof and laying the foundation for social signal ranking.

          My only concern is of footprints.

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  • Profile picture of the author Doug Taylor
    I looked hard at Syndd just a couple of weeks ago. i did not sign up because the voting social news sites can't be used for all of your sites.

    i actually sent support a couple of questions (which they answered promptly) and sent them the url to one of my money sites. They said it would not qualify to use on the social news sites. so i decided to not sign up because of that.
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    • Profile picture of the author TJ Kazunga
      Thanks Doug -so what kind of sites will they allow? Corporate/company websites?

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  • Profile picture of the author Doug Taylor
    I am not sure what type of sites they allow. i believe the term good value was used. I would send support a url. they will tell you if you can use it or not.

    Now they did say I could use all of the other modules on money sites, I just decided without the social news sites it would not benefit me enough to get a return on my investment.
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    • Profile picture of the author TJ Kazunga
      Thanks for that clarification Doug. I'll find out what they say and share.

      Anyone else have some Synnd advice?

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  • Profile picture of the author amflores
    I used it 6 months ago and cancelled after 4 months. It was just too much labor or expense involved. It was particularly difficult when you are managing numerous domains. I could not tell if it helped with rankings or not because I am doing various other methods as well. I theory it does make sense but it was not impressive enough for me to stick around.
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  • Profile picture of the author Agoge Warrior
    I have just started to use SYNND and now testing out each of it's functions. I do find it labor intensive but ONLY if you have a ton of sites, which I do.
    The purpose of this tool is about sending out "Social Signals" and "Social Buzz".
    No one has said improvement in Google SERP rankings are solely reliable on Social signals, social bookmark backlinks, or social votes.
    BUT, Google has said, including Matt Cutts, that G is going to rely more and more on social signals as another "VARIABLE" for ranking websites.

    In my opinion, I think it's smart to do this and start heavily using a tool like this to build "social proof" to your website.

    Social is the future guys. It's here to stay and it's not going away! I just want to build the proper social foundation to every webpage on all of my sites. Using SYNND is only 1 tool for that purpose.
    Starting to use a tool like this and throwing it away after your site doesn't jump to #1 in 1 month is foolish.

    SYNND allows you to get the following:
    - Twitter Re-Tweets from hundreds and hundreds of Twitter accounts all around the world
    - Mass article submission to the more well known article directories - Ezinearticles, GoArticles, etc (you have to input the articles in spintax) - You will need to have an Article Spinning tool separate from SYNND for this. Just input the article with spyntax and push the button.
    - Facebook "Likes" - get hundreds of FB "Likes" to your webpages from different Facebook accts from other SYNND members
    - Social Bookmarking - get hundreds of social bookmark posts to the social bookmark accounts created and assigned to all of the SYNND members around the world. SYNND creates the accounts for you so you don't have to.
    - blog comments - the software can somehow get blog comments to your own sites but I have not tested this out. I don't want comments on my own $ sites. But if you have your own blog or IM blog this might be a good tool.
    - Google +1 - This is a new feature. Still getting the bugs worked out but you get hundreds of G +1 votes from other SYNND members.
    - I've read in the forum something about integrating Pinterest into the software. Not sure how that would work since Pinterest is more of an image vote but should be interesting.

    SYNND has a ton of potential in my opinion. I've just started using it but think it's a worthwhile investment to build that social base for when Google starts weighing social signals more heavily has a larger SERP ranking factor.

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    • Profile picture of the author patlondon
      I was a member quiet a long while ago. While I agree that as we go into the signals will become bigger elements in ranking websites..

      my question is how many people in the real world are going to be buzzing on about your toenail fungus site...or your ED problem site.

      I personally only share stuff with other people that I think is funny or newsworthy. Maybe I am different than most people...? :rolleyes:

      So while SYNND may offer value to certain types of sites...I just don't really get it yet how marketers will benefit in general.

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    • Profile picture of the author kimhopkins
      [QUOTE=Agoge Warrior;5647101

      SYNND has a ton of potential in my opinion. I've just started using it but think it's a worthwhile investment to build that social base for when Google starts weighing social signals more heavily has a larger SERP ranking factor.[/QUOTE]

      Let's assume for a moment that SYNND does everything as promised. I would really like to use a tool like this but here's my concern: What kind of footprint will SYNND leave? If everyone in the SYNND network is Friending, Google +1ing, blog commenting, etc. everyone else in the SYNND network, isn't Google going to figure this out? Isn't this pretty much like an old-style link farm?
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  • Profile picture of the author stephenwaldo
    Okay, now I haven't used Synnd in awhile, but as for what type of sites they allow... You're free to use any site, as far as I know, with the social bookmarking module and the article module, but they encourage you to use non-ad content for the social networking sites, like twitter and digg.

    They have help videos that explain proper usage and such pretty well, so I encourage you to watch those if you have any questions about what you can and can't do. They're available to non-members.

    As far as how effective it is, again, I'm not a current member, but I somewhat keep up with it, and the only complaints I've ever heard were that a few people's bookmarks and other social links weren't sticking, but that could be due to user error.

    Honestly, I suspect that what you see from it depends a lot on how you use it, and that if you're smart about it then you can probably get some pretty spectacular results. When I used it, I only used it on a few sites, but I definitely saw rankings increase when I was using it. However, it was too labor-intensive for me without having outsourcing available as an option at the time. I've been meaning to try it out again for awhile though.

    I would say try it if you're looking for a new IM service to add to your tool box. I know some people have seen great results with it. Their enterprise option looks attractive if you have extra cash burning a hole in your pocket...
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    • Profile picture of the author markv
      Its worth signing up just to have a look at the forum comments from existing users.
      I was going to get a paid package a few weeks ago but changed my mind after looking at the members forum...
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  • Profile picture of the author jbogs
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  • Profile picture of the author bertyounger
    So do you actually get penalized or is the site just ignored by Google?
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  • Profile picture of the author
    I have an account with 635,000 credits if anyone wants it. Also my pro account monthly fee is $67 instead of $97.
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