Butterfly Marketing 2.0

39 replies
Hello everyone,

Since Butterfly Marketing 2.0 is going to be launching,
I had a few questions that I hoped someone who has
already used it could answer for me.

Would this be a course that is more appropriate
for someone who has some experience in internet
marketing or can a newbie do this easily?

Can one use the info to setup a membership site
even if you have no product of your own?

Can one get started building membership sites
just by buying this course and software, or is
there a further outlay of capital, besides the usual
domain name purchase and domain hosting ect. ?

I would like to hear opinions from others who
can educate me on this product.

#butterfly #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    I think v.1 was a technical script many people found
    difficult to install and work with. Expect additional
    expenses. If you are planning to get the script for
    free, what have you got to lose?

    If you just want something to do similar stuff, Fantasos,
    DLguard, and others do some of the same things, perhaps
    with fewer techy skills needed.
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    • Profile picture of the author gabbydeb
      Originally Posted by Loren Woirhaye View Post

      I think v.1 was a technical script many people found
      difficult to install and work with. Expect additional
      expenses. If you are planning to get the script for
      free, what have you got to lose?

      If you just want something to do similar stuff, Fantasos,
      DLguard, and others do some of the same things, perhaps
      with fewer techy skills needed.
      Thank you Loren,

      This helps me understand a bit more about this course and software. Do you have any idea what the additional expenses pertain to? Also I was wondering if a person needs to have their own products to sell to use this product? I could be wrong, but it seems to me that one would be somewhat established in terms of having their own product or products ready to sell.

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      • Profile picture of the author Amanda_Davis
        Extra costs would be for getting some tech assistance with install/customizing. It's quite a complicated script.

        BFM2.0 is basically a member site script - so you need to have something that people will pay for... your own products, or products you have the rights to sell.
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        • Profile picture of the author Steven Smith
          Originally Posted by gabbydeb View Post

          Hello everyone,

          Since Butterfly Marketing 2.0 is going to be launching,
          I had a few questions that I hoped someone who has
          already used it could answer for me.

          Would this be a course that is more appropriate
          for someone who has some experience in internet
          marketing or can a newbie do this easily?

          Can one use the info to setup a membership site
          even if you have no product of your own?

          Can one get started building membership sites
          just by buying this course and software, or is
          there a further outlay of capital, besides the usual
          domain name purchase and domain hosting ect. ?

          I would like to hear opinions from others who
          can educate me on this product.

          I could give you my experience with Butterfly Marketing. (I was one of those that originally paid $xxxx) and I must tell you, I am still very pleased with my purchase. I just wish I had it when I started "online" and before I spent all that money on every "I'll tell you how I did it" eBook and course. (you can probably relate to that)

          "Butterfly Marketing" includes the "Manuscript" which explains in detail a very successful time tested and proven way to market products/services and what you can do before during and after the sale. "BFM" also includes the Butterfly Marketing Software that was built and is designed to implement the strategies taught and outlined in the manuscript.

          If you are a newbie, consider yourself VERY fortunate to have found this NOW rather than later.
          Yes a newbie can (and should) use Butterfly Marketing, you'll have a very big push in the right direction.

          If you use the software to create a site (yes for members) you should absolutely get your own product. You can find some really good Private Label Rights (PLR) products in the WSO section of this forum. I would suggest finding a product (or write an ebook or have it done for you etc) that you can GIVE AWAY! Yup..you'll make A LOT more money "Giving something away" it's also a little easier when your starting, opposed selling/promoting a paid product.

          You'll have to read the Butterfly MANUSCRIPT to see what I am referring to, as it would take to long to explain it here. (Free and Paid products work, free .....is a little easier)

          The BFM SOFTWARE as mentioned above has MANY features you simply wont find in any other script/software, with the possible exception of Fantasos (currently priced at $2995)

          I have bought them all, used them all, and after spending 6 years on my err "education" I can tell you BFM Software is THE way to market any product period!

          Basically, your website is turned into a "make the most out of every visitor" machine by offering for example, let's say you gave away a free keyword software, your "sales" page explains the benefit's of the software, has a screen shot of the software in action, lists all the benefit's of the software etc etc, just like a normal sales page.

          The difference with the Butterfly Marketing Software is that the customer/client/member signs up to gain access to their FREE software, (for example) BUT, before they get access to their members area they are shown a "OTO" or One Time Offer, this is an offer that is made as an up sell to your free offer, or is something similar like for example a best selling ebook or course on how to find the best keywords etc, you get the idea.

          The person has to look at the One Time Offer if they want to receive their Free Keyword Software, this gives you a captive audience looking at a product that is directly related to the niche they are looking for, increasing your chance of a sale.
          * It is much easier to get a sign up for a free product that it would be to try and sell the software for $9.97.

          Each new member is optionally shown (if enabled) a backup OTO, it's usually a less expensive version of the first OTO and can (if done correctly) convert into some nice sales.

          The software also "automatically" makes each new member (paid or not) an affiliate and is shown their affiliate ID on the log in/members page. The members/affiliates also have tool's automatically created for them, such as a tell-a-friend script they an paste into their websites which you pay them commission on your OTO AND OTO2!

          You can also create multiple memberships such as Free, Silver- $9.97 (with a video series) Gold - $ 19.97 (with audio and video tutorials etc) These are just examples, but you get the idea.

          There are MANY other tools and features in the software such as banners that have the affiliate link "automatically" generated for them. Which your members/affiliates put on their websites.

          You also get to build a large email list that you can market to in the future. This should (if done right) generate around $1 per month per member!

          Additional expenses could include:

          - Banner Designs. $20-$300
          Depending on quantity, size and the amount ordered. The better the banners, the more traffic -more traffic- more sign ups - more sign ups- more people will see your OTO's and become members of your site and are added to your email list and will hopefully promote your OTO'S to make money!

          - Web Design $50-$500+
          You could however just do a text version and forgo the graphics until you start getting results from the site/s then when you know it produces, invest in some pretty site graphics.

          - Marketing $20 and up
          If you don't have a big list yet, you'll need to get people to your site some how. There are waay to many options to go over with you here, but Google Adwords or some similar form of advertising/promotion would be needed.

          In short, it's like most things in life, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it.
          The BIG boys (and Girls) who make enough to do it full time know the REAL secret of making money online IF YOU HAVE THE CORRECT TOOLS and TECHNIQUES is plain old HARD AND CONSISTENT DAILY.......WORK : )

          I hope that helps, I always enjoy talking about BFM!

          Wishing you all the best.


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          • Profile picture of the author Rolliesworld
            Originally Posted by Steven Smith View Post

            The BFM SOFTWARE as mentioned above has MANY features you simply wont find in any other script/software, with the possible exception of Fantasos (currently priced at $2995)

            I have bought them all, used them all, and after spending 6 years on my err "education" I can tell you BFM Software is THE way to market any product period!
            There are MANY other tools and features in the software such as banners that have the affiliate link "automatically" generated for them. Which your members/affiliates put on their websites.

            Additional expenses could include:

            - Banner Designs. $20-$300
            - Web Design $50-$500+
            in some pretty site graphics.

            - Marketing $20 and up
            Hi Steven,

            Yes I agree with all ... you explained it really well - thankyou.

            I was wondering ... are there really no other solutions out there that are similar to BM? What about SimpleMemberPro and Rapid Action Profits, as mentioned by Bluesquare in his post: [check post 639641 under thread 68727-not-rant-why-butterfly-mktg-supposedly-so-good ] -- sorry I am not allowed to post a link yet...

            Have you got any experience with those, or others?

            With regard to any extra costs in connection with BFM, isn't there additional expenses in relation to an autoresponder ($ depends on the size of your list). But that is no different to any other list-building venture.

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            • Profile picture of the author Steven Smith
              Originally Posted by Rolliesworld View Post

              Hi Steven,

              Yes I agree with all ... you explained it really well - thankyou.

              I was wondering ... are there really no other solutions out there that are similar to BM? What about SimpleMemberPro and Rapid Action Profits, as mentioned by Bluesquare in his post: [check post 639641 under thread 68727-not-rant-why-butterfly-mktg-supposedly-so-good ] -- sorry I am not allowed to post a link yet...

              Have you got any experience with those, or others?

              With regard to any extra costs in connection with BFM, isn't there additional expenses in relation to an autoresponder ($ depends on the size of your list). But that is no different to any other list-building venture.

              There are quite a few other software applications out there and I don't really want to say anything negative about the products you mentioned above, but I can tell you I have licenses to those (and many others) and the truth is YES those will server many people and work well for them. (there are also many top earners that don't use BFM)

              However, it you want to utilize proven practices and tactics you simply wont find a product that offers "ALL" the features (and A LOT of hard work throw in) found in BFM.

              Now having said that, I simply mean for all of us who have spent literally years and thousands of dollars and have "had our boots on the ground" REALLY know how much work it takes to make 4 figures monthly. BFM (in my opinion) is a superior tool, but it really will only serve us to it's full potential if we do the same for ourselves and our online businesses.

              The tool is only as good as the person using it, it wont make you money, but using IT correctly will.

              I hope that helps, and my apologies to the tread starter if it appears I have taken over this thread : o

              Thanks Kindly,


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  • Profile picture of the author DEERFARMER
    Great post Steven. Very good information. Thanks for your time.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Smith
      Originally Posted by DEERFARMER View Post

      Great post Steven. Very good information. Thanks for your time.
      Your very welcome, it's always a little easier talking about subject we enjoy, and BFM is a great tool.

      I'm off to get my check from Mike now...just kidding Mike.........huum.............although......

      Take care


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  • Profile picture of the author ddw316
    Thank you Steven. I came across the Butterfly marketing 2.0 and was undecided. Now after reading your reply you answer a lot of my questions

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  • Profile picture of the author eholmlund
    Originally Posted by gabbydeb View Post

    Would this be a course that is more appropriate
    for someone who has some experience in internet
    marketing or can a newbie do this easily?
    The BM system can be used by experienced marketers or newbies. I was already an experienced marketer when I purchased it when it launched for $1000. Because of my existing knowledge and business, I was able to quickly implement it and launched 4 sites within weeks of receiving it.

    For newbies, there would be a little more learning curve, but the course contains the materials that you would need to learn.

    I've personally seen many newbies launch their first product using the BM system.

    Originally Posted by gabbydeb View Post

    Can one use the info to setup a membership site
    even if you have no product of your own?
    Yes you can. One of my sites contained only a handful of resale rights products, and it has gained over 34,000 members.

    And if you don't have a product, you should develop one!

    Originally Posted by gabbydeb View Post

    Can one get started building membership sites
    just by buying this course and software, or is
    there a further outlay of capital, besides the usual
    domain name purchase and domain hosting ect. ?
    The only other required purchases to launch a site would be the domain and hosting, as you mentioned.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[634792].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gabbydeb
      Thank you everyone for taking the time to answer
      all my questions. You were a great help! I successfully
      ordered today, and now I will be waiting for my package
      to arrive. In the meantime in the membership area there
      are some really awesome goodies, that I think is worth
      the s/h I had to pay for my free copy of the BFM 2.0
      course. I am excited!


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  • Profile picture of the author Bukola
    Wow Steven, thanks for all the information you provided. I wasn't sure if BFM 2.0 would fit into my business model and system, your post has provided me with much more clarity. Thank you.

    P.S. Could anyone answer how well does BFM work in the non-IM niches? And is the script customizable at all?
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Smith
      Originally Posted by Bukola View Post

      Wow Steven, thanks for all the information you provided. I wasn't sure if BFM 2.0 would fit into my business model and system, your post has provided me with much more clarity. Thank you.

      P.S. Could anyone answer how well does BFM work in the non-IM niches? And is the script customizable at all?

      Sure thing, your welcome!

      BFM will work on any niche, product or service, no worries there.

      As far as customizing goes, yes absolutely, in fact the index, FAQ, OTO, OTO2 etc all come basically as blank HTML pages with the default navigation links (Home | FAQ | Sign Up | Login | Terms & Conditions) , so you will actually will need to ad some sort of design to those pages.

      But fear not, it's all editable from drop down menu's from the admin area found in the templates section under site design.
      Each page/template is listed in drop down menus and are nicely organized with page titles.

      You basically insert any HTML (design) into any system template and the menu found on all default pages can also be edited from the admin area.
      If you have a menu as part of your new HTML design, you can turn the default site menu off and it wont show on the front end of your site.

      You can also have different templates and menus for the front of the site and the members area/s

      I hope that helps!

      Good look, and enjoy everyone.


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  • Profile picture of the author Joshua McCoy
    I would have to agree with steve and any of the others who have had success with bfm. It's a really great business model to use, all the stratagies behind butterfly marketing.

    Even if you're fairly new to IM, I'd say get it anyways.
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  • Profile picture of the author nzdealer
    BFM is great if you are creating a new product which will be sold over the net in any niche
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    • Profile picture of the author dave147
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      • Profile picture of the author dsm091
        Purchased mine also. Can't wait to see it and get started.

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        • Profile picture of the author Craig Beckta
          I grabbed a copy too.

          It was a steal at that price.

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  • Profile picture of the author WinAtStickyBids
    To those who use BFM. I obviously have to wait until it get's here, in the meantime I am trying to learn as much as I can. Problem is, I am completely overwhelmed!

    Should I just wait to get the product? Does it have the abc's and 123's of what to do? I have tried to go through all of the bonus materials but it has got me more confused than ever. I get the feeling that I'm "putting the cart before the horse".

    Can anyone offer some help?

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  • Profile picture of the author Adaptive
    I see some comments about the complexity of setup. Are there hosting companies that offer the script completely installed? If not, is this a market opportunity for someone proficient with server configuration?


    Success only requires four words. http://www.warriorforum.com/blogs/ad...our-words.html

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  • Profile picture of the author Scotty313
    Originally Posted by greatscott View Post

    I'm getting Launched out!!!

    HAHA!! Lol, that's the funniest thing I've heard all day! I'm getting pretty launched out myself.

    It seems that there's a wave of new IM's who are getting put through the ultimate sales funnel. For me it's been PPC Classroom ---> Google Cash Detective 2.0 ---> Affiliate Prophet ---> (Almost Niche Blueprint!) ---> Butterfly Marketing 2.0........I don't know which way is up anymore. Do they make a Pepto Bismol for brains?
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    • Profile picture of the author Brownknight
      Hey Steve

      Thanks for the great post i have ordered the BFM2 and my head was swimming with ideas on how i can use it. You put some great ideas in there to think about before the package gets here. I hope you dont mind if I put you in my rolodex, to throw a question or 2 at you in the future.
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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Smith
        Originally Posted by Brownknight View Post

        Hey Steve

        Thanks for the great post i have ordered the BFM2 and my head was swimming with ideas on how i can use it. You put some great ideas in there to think about before the package gets here. I hope you dont mind if I put you in my rolodex, to throw a question or 2 at you in the future.
        Sure thing and your welcome.
        When you receive your BFM kit, I would highly recommend that you take it slow...don't expect to be online in an hour pumping out dollar bills. ( just a little exaggeration there)
        BFM DOES have a " learning" curve to it.
        It is true you will feel overwhelmed and it will seem like a pretty big mountain to climb, but the simple truth is, those that do it will be successful, those that don't will look for something easier.

        It's going to be WORK make no mistake about it..but what a great tool to have.

        If anyone wants any help installing it when they receive it, just PM me and I'll see if I can help you out!....but don't tell anyone or I'll be spending my days doing BFM installations!

        Take Care


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  • Profile picture of the author makezsense
    Awesome post..I was not sure about Butterfly marketing but now its clear.
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    • Profile picture of the author Technologize
      Thanks For the Write Up Steven, at first i thought you were pitching it, now i realise you're just excited!


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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Smith
        Originally Posted by anteck View Post

        Thanks For the Write Up Steven, at first i thought you were pitching it, now i realise you're just excited!


        Hi Anthony,
        Yup, excitement it is, nothing more. .....oh and helping some fellow warriors out too : )

        Take care,


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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
    hello everyone, make sure that you have confirmed your shipping addresses,

    for some reason this became an issue for some people.

    just login and check to see that has been done otherwise there may be a delay just a word to the wise.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[671255].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MikeAmbrosio
      Originally Posted by Tim Franklin View Post

      hello everyone, make sure that you have confirmed your shipping addresses,

      for some reason this became an issue for some people.

      just login and check to see that has been done otherwise there may be a delay just a word to the wise.
      Hi Tim,

      Thanks for getting the word out, but I want to clarify one point...

      Product will be shipped whether or not shipping is confirmed.

      However, based on past experiences with large launches, Mike wanted to give people an opportunity to be SURE the mailing address is correct. Even something as simple as one wrong digit in a zip code can delay delivery...

      Sometimes we don't even realize that we've hit the wrong key on the keyboard


      Are you protecting your on line business? If you have a website, blog, ecommerce store you NEED to back it up regularly. Your webhost will only protect you so much. Check out Quirkel. Protect yourself.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[671583].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
        That is good news, as I waited about a week before I tumbled to that, so hopefully will be seeing that in the mail soon.

        Thanks for that clarification.

        Originally Posted by MikeAmbrosio View Post

        Hi Tim,

        Thanks for getting the word out, but I want to clarify one point...

        Product will be shipped whether or not shipping is confirmed.

        However, based on past experiences with large launches, Mike wanted to give people an opportunity to be SURE the mailing address is correct. Even something as simple as one wrong digit in a zip code can delay delivery...

        Sometimes we don't even realize that we've hit the wrong key on the keyboard

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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[671643].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author lakshaybehl
        Originally Posted by MikeAmbrosio View Post

        Hi Tim,

        Thanks for getting the word out, but I want to clarify one point...

        Product will be shipped whether or not shipping is confirmed.

        However, based on past experiences with large launches, Mike wanted to give people an opportunity to be SURE the mailing address is correct. Even something as simple as one wrong digit in a zip code can delay delivery...

        Sometimes we don't even realize that we've hit the wrong key on the keyboard

        Thanks Mike!

        My brother logged in today and confirmed it, so we were worried we wouldn't be getting it for a long time. But thanks for confirming that we would be getting it in a couple of days too..
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  • Profile picture of the author LittleMike
    Steven, great advice. I'd like to throw in a few concerns here for some other people that may have received BFM but haven't gone through all the material yet.

    First of all let me just say that I am no expert and I'm still working on setting up my site as well. With that said, here are a few of my observations:

    It comes with NO instructions. That's right, you get the TOOL but the knowledge you have to find elsewhere. Sure it gives you a brief overview of how you would implement a BFM site, but it does not actually come with any installation instructions in the package. You do, however, get a link in the first CD to the website where you can find instructions. I will warn you right now, there is definitely a bit of a learning curve and everything on that site is outdated (they were using BFM 1.6 or something). Most of the instructions will still apply but there are new features that are not covered at all.

    You can find great advice on the caterpillar forums for installing as well as troubleshooting. I suggest you create an account (it's free) and do so immediately.

    SSL encryption - THIS IS PROBABLY THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT WAS COMPLETELY LEFT OUT OF THE INSTRUCTIONS!!! Mikey F tells you on the website to go and get a merchant account with IMAX. This step is COMPLETELY optional. However, if you want to use Authorize.net (IMAX is a reseller) and you want to use the One-Click upsell then you need to get that merchant account. However, and this is the fine print they don't tell you about. YOU NEED HOSTING THAT SUPPORT SSL ENCRYPTION. I cannot stress that enough. In order to get an SSL certificate, you need a static IP address. Most if not all webhosts will NOT support an SSL certificate on their basic hosting plans. They WILL support it on some of their more expensive plans, though. Do not make that mistake and as with everything you should do in your marketing, plan plan and plan some more before implementing. Like they always use to say in the shop, measure twice, cut once. This is so important.

    Other things you should be aware of:

    Products. You will need your own product or BFM is useless to you. You will actually need at least 2 products to use BFM effectively. The first product should be something that is of great value that you are going to give away. The second product is of equal or higher value and will be used as your OTO (One Time Offer). Optionally you can have a third for your OTO Downsell (if they don't take the OTO) that is cheaper than the original OTO.

    Steven pretty much explained everything else, so I won't repeat what he has already explained. Remember, BFM is just a tool. You still need to have a plan and you need to IMPLEMENT that plan if you're going to have any success. From what I've heard, with BFM you will definitely succeed in your online business, but you must take action.

    So on a side note, who wants to help me with my site and possibly become JV/Affiliates

    Hope that was helpful, gang.

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    • Profile picture of the author LittleMike
      Originally Posted by Intrepreneur View Post

      JV on one condition it's a vice versa JV, you scratch my back and I scratch yours.. Im almost completed my OTO, and downsell, so wont be long until Im nearly finished, just need to make a good copy for the OTO and then the DS.
      Of course. That's how every JV should be - an equal helping for everyone involved.
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  • Profile picture of the author DanielFonda
    Weird I have never heard about it. At least I have learned something new by reading this post. Thanks!
    http://www.warriorforum.com/warrior-...ml#post1157486 - Backlink building, article writing services (cheap)
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    • Profile picture of the author dsm091
      I have purchased this and I have heard that it was really hard to get the script working. It is actually very easy. Don't let this scare you with your purchase. But as others say this is a tool to help you.

      I have read the book like 4 times already. It is a lot of work but I am going to follow through with this one.

      I think the offer has closed though for now.

      I agree with the SSL cert. I will never buy from an unsecure site. Even if it was my own!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Smith
    Re: LittleMike,

    Yes all are valid points, it's true Mike and the gang have put "a lot" into the BFM script, but for those who have just started using it, I'm sure it all seems like a mountain of information that's hard to find and assimilate.

    In regards to using a dedicated IP, This is NOT necessary, and in fact I would recommend you start out by using Click bank, PayPal, 2checkout.com or some other 'third party' processor until you have a successful website that's actually making you money!

    You can always update any website you have "at a later date" to a dedicated IP if your website is making an income and you want to process payments online.

    Remember though, a credit card processor usually costs $25 and up monthly plus their fees and that is per website. If you have several websites, it might not be the perfect solution for you.

    Yes you will need a "product" (or service) to sell. You could buy quality PLR material and then customize it to look completely unique.

    You could try looking for or having someone create your own product (like a fellow warrior) on something that interests you, (and has a sufficient amount of people that are also interested in the same topic) it could be an ebook on that topic or a "how to" book or series of videos you could have made etc..

    You also DONT NEED a second product,but if you did have an up sell to your original product, you would make more money from One Time Offers (OTO'S) An example of an OTO upsell would be to offer a video package upgrade at a reduced price (One Time Only) as shown on your OTO page.

    If your customer (who has already paid for your main product) says No to the "One Time Offer" they will still be able to purchase and download that product form their members area but at a higher price, naturally, becouse thay said No to the OTO, they now have to pay more.

    I hope that helps!



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    • Profile picture of the author LittleMike
      Originally Posted by Steven Smith View Post

      Re: LittleMike,

      Yes all are valid points, it's true Mike and the gang have put "a lot" into the BFM script, but for those who have just started using it, I'm sure it all seems like a mountain of information that's hard to find and assimilate.

      In regards to using a dedicated IP, This is NOT necessary, and in fact I would recommend you start out by using Click bank, PayPal, 2checkout.com or some other 'third party' processor until you have a successful website that's actually making you money!

      You can always update any website you have "at a later date" to a dedicated IP if your website is making an income and you want to process payments online.

      Remember though, a credit card processor usually costs $25 and up monthly plus their fees and that is per website. If you have several websites, it might not be the perfect solution for you.

      Yes you will need a "product" (or service) to sell. You could buy quality PLR material and then customize it to look completely unique.

      You could try looking for or having someone create your own product (like a fellow warrior) on something that interests you, (and has a sufficient amount of people that are also interested in the same topic) it could be an ebook on that topic or a "how to" book or series of videos you could have made etc..

      You also DONT NEED a second product,but if you did have an up sell to your original product, you would make more money from One Time Offers (OTO'S) An example of an OTO upsell would be to offer a video package upgrade at a reduced price (One Time Only) as shown on your OTO page.

      If your customer (who has already paid for your main product) says No to the "One Time Offer" they will still be able to purchase and download that product form their members area but at a higher price, naturally, becouse thay said No to the OTO, they now have to pay more.

      I hope that helps!


      Steven, I just wanted to make it clear that I did no way mean to imply a dedicated IP was necessary to use the BFM. However, if they want to use the one-click upsell feature that was advertised, then you MUST use a merchant account because PayPal does not support it. With that said, that would require a dedicated IP and a host that supports SSL encryption (a dedicated IP is actually one of the requirements to getting a private SSL certificate versus a "shared" certificate which is a little better than useless).
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  • Profile picture of the author AbsolutionRT
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    • Profile picture of the author Intrepreneur
      Originally Posted by AbsolutionRT View Post

      Mass Control, though expensive is better than BFM. They both have great features but Mass Control can literally make you 50k in 30 days as a relative beginner. It is WELL worth the price.
      Mass Control?

      I would like to think so considering you are meant to have a list of subscribers.. subscribers are golden.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrockSoft
    Wow Steven, thanks for all the information you provided. I wasn't sure if BFM 2.0 would fit into my business model and system, your post has provided me with much more clarity. Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Desmond Ong
    I was working out the Butterfly Marketing script just now (which had me pulled my hair, scratch my head so often). BFM is not something that is easy to digest but Mike's idea makes sense.

    Mike F is genius in viral marketing -- and BFM is generally a viral marketing + sales tool.

    Mass control is more to selling products. I have both but I think both are great and evenly match.
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