Anybody Using WP Plugin 'Instabuilder' For Creating Webpages??

by Jeff W
2 replies
Hey Folks,

I was just checking out 'Instabuilder' - www. instabuilder . com (not affiliate link!)

It's a Wordpress plugin that works with any WP theme and If seems rather nifty and it seems as if it offers a lot of options other than just page creation.

I'd love to hear from anybody who might be using this and what they think of it!
Is it flexible? Lots of page design options? Visually - do the designs look professional (along the lines of Optimize Press or Lead Pages for e.g.)

Thanks folks for your input!

#creating #instabuilder #plugin #webpages
  • Profile picture of the author Marian
    It's a great plugin, and as you said, one of its biggest advantages is that it works with any theme! Plus the design is excellent. It looks professional and I use it in some of my projects.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff W
      Thanks Marian!

      Much appreciated my friend.


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