Outdated Advertising Interest Targets to be removed in Facebook Declutter

Facebook came out and announced earlier this week that it’s getting rid of thousands of outdated interest targets. Items like old movie titles and band names will be removed in an effort to de-clutter and make marketing on the platform a more streamlined experience.

Facebook have been quick to reassure the vast majority of advertisers that they won’t notice the difference. Interest targets across all Facebook Ad interfaces and APIs will be subject to the cull.


When you lose the interest targets will depend on whether or not you already use them in your campaigns. Advertisers who do will be able to continue with affected targets in existing ad sets for,“ a few months.” However, that won’t go on forever and come August; emails will be dispatched announcing that some interest targets will no longer be available for new campaigns.

A date for the final termination of interest targets in existing campaigns has yet to be set, but it will happen. If your business model relies solely on selling Abba-themed ‘Thank you for the Muesli’ cereal bowls, you could be in for a rough ride.

Quicker Targeting for Marketers Without the Clutter?

There seems little doubt some specialist retailers and advertisers will be affected negatively by the cull of dated interest target terms. However, Facebook remains committed to a process that it insists will speed things up for busy marketers.

The platform hopes that, in conjunction with efforts like redesigning Facebook Business Manager and Ad Manager, the removals will have a streamlining effect.