Excel sheets for managing Amazon Commision Clicks / Conversions

1 replies

Does anyone have any neat spreadsheets that they use to manage amazon affiliate sales.

I my traffic is increasing and when I used to be able to know intuitively what was converting and what wasn't its now getting harder as the site grows.

What I am looking for is a way of showing a list of products, the number of clicks, the % conversion and the value.

This will allow me to focus on the lines where conversion is low, and either improve the content, or do some SEO to improve its ranking.
#amazon #clicks #commision #conversions #excel #managing #sheets
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by tekken2 View Post


    Does anyone have any neat spreadsheets that they use to manage amazon affiliate sales.

    I my traffic is increasing and when I used to be able to know intuitively what was converting and what wasn't its now getting harder as the site grows.

    What I am looking for is a way of showing a list of products, the number of clicks, the % conversion and the value.

    This will allow me to focus on the lines where conversion is low, and either improve the content, or do some SEO to improve its ranking.
    Google Analytics and then use the "Goals" feature in the conversion tab. It is a beautiful thing!
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