Setup: One Page CPS/CPA- WordPress
What a great site and thank you in advance for reading my note! My question is as follows.
I would like to set up a one page link which will open up a Clickbank, et. al sales offer and/or CPA offers in WordPress. The visitor will first be initially presented at the domain with a popup/squeeze page so that I can retrieve their email address for subsequent follow ups and then will go right to the sales video. That will be all.
NOTE: I am new to this and have scanned through the old threads. I know this may have been addressed somewhere in the past but I could not find a specific answer to this question. Please attempt to refrain from the "lazy" comments. I am trying my best to enter this arena and it is admittedly overwhelming with all of the information out there. I just finally want to take my first step today! I look forward to all positive comments and feedback. Thank you for your help and what a great site!
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