How Can i start Call center for American campaigns ?

15 replies
I have Good English communication and want to start call center for American campaigns. Can any one tell me how can i start it and how to get clients?
#american #call #center #compains #start
  • Profile picture of the author TimothyW
    Originally Posted by Naseem548 View Post

    I have Good English communication and want to start call center for American compains. Can any one tell me how can i start it and how to get clients?
    I'm not sure if I should take your post seriously.

    It contains (not much more than) a blatant paradox.

    -- TW
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  • Profile picture of the author WalkingCarpet
    Americans complain about everything, so you gonna hire at least a few zillion employees.
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  • Profile picture of the author Naseem548
    ""TimothyW, How do you say that this is a blatant paradox. If you have not solution and not know about my answer at least you don't say these wording its means that you have not any info about my answer you just want to post reply to get your link visits.""

    And you know about medical transcription campaigns in America in which we get patients names, address, and bank account numbers and to put for hospitals and Doctors to make payment by Cards on monthly and annually basis.
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    • Profile picture of the author TimothyW
      Originally Posted by Naseem548 View Post

      ""TimothyW, How do you say that this is a blatant paradox. If you have not solution and not know about my answer at least you don't say these wording its means that you have not any info about my answer you just want to post reply to get your link visits.""

      And you know about medical transcription campaigns in America in which we get patients names, address, and bank account numbers and to put for hospitals and Doctors to make payment by Cards on monthly and annually basis.
      You say you have good English communications skills -- then you do nothing but prove that claim to be incorrect. It takes someone 1.3 seconds to see that -- and to reject anything you say after that. You will be out of business before you begin!

      What is "Compains?" Is that Campaigns, Companies, or Complaints? In any case, "Compains" is not a word.

      -- TW
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    Your headline has spelt campaigns incorrectly and you claim to have good English.
    That is what Timothy was saying and I agree. You can't be taken seriously until you edit your post and fix the mistake.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Fuentes
    Originally Posted by Naseem548 View Post

    I have Good English communication and want to start call center for American compains. Can any one tell me how can i start it and how to get clients?

    Contact Me HERE...

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  • Profile picture of the author singhavn
    You don't have good English communication for sure. This is visible from your Post.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    Originally Posted by Naseem548 View Post

    I have Good English communication and want to start call center for American compains. Can any one tell me how can i start it and how to get clients?
    American companies, campaigns or complaints? I don't understand your English

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10021948].message }}
  • Try other English countries but not America

    Join Next Live Mastermind Zoominar 100% Real World Secrets to Get Up And Running. Are you Stuck? Don’t miss it
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    • Profile picture of the author professorrosado
      Naseem, I am an educator and avid communicator and I won't waste my own time and life trying to compete against the old pros already established in that industry - UNLESS - I have a distinct value that none of the others possess.

      That at least would give you a chance to find investors and actually have a go at it.

      Needless to say, if you are the principal communicator, you may have already failed.

      For everyone else on this forum I offer a bit of advice. Whether it be your business, your blogs, your articles, your niches, your dreams - stop trying to be passionate with what you are not!

      Be REAL - Be YOURSELF - Then you'll find your niche and your success!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10022466].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author angry cowboy
        Originally Posted by professorrosado View Post

        Naseem, I am an educator and avid communicator and I won't waste my own time and life trying to compete against the old pros already established in that industry - UNLESS - I have a distinct value that none of the others possess.

        That at least would give you a chance to find investors and actually have a go at it.

        Needless to say, if you are the principal communicator, you may have already failed.

        For everyone else on this forum I offer a bit of advice. Whether it be your business, your blogs, your articles, your niches, your dreams - stop trying to be passionate with what you are not!

        Be REAL - Be YOURSELF - Then you'll find your niche and your success!
        really appreciated sir.....thanks.....
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10023377].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Naseem548
    All of you are saying right now according to your mind thinking because during writing heading of post i write compains, Instead of campaigns i corrected this mistake in my next post reply to sir TimothyW. And for all of my Friends that have give me suggestion according to their minds just focusing on one mistake, I inform you all that we are running Electricity and gas campaigns in Uk and we are selling many contracts on monthly basis on behalf Edf, E-on, Opous Energy and some others. All contracts are verified by verbal communication through online e beam Dialer.
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    • Profile picture of the author TimothyW
      Originally Posted by Naseem548 View Post

      All of you are saying right now according to your mind thinking because during writing heading of post i write compains, Instead of campaigns i corrected this mistake in my next post reply to sir TimothyW. And for all of my Friends that have give me suggestion according to their minds just focusing on one mistake, I inform you all that we are running Electricity and gas campaigns in Uk and we are selling many contracts on monthly basis on behalf Edf, E-on, Opous Energy and some others. All contracts are verified by verbal communication through online e beam Dialer.
      Sorry to be so blunt -- you simply do not speak English very well. Period.

      Analogy: Someone comes up to you and tells you their ultimate goal in life is to become
      the Center for the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team. How do you respond to them
      when they fail to mention (but you can't help but notice), they are a paraplegic, in a wheelchair?

      -- TW
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
      If you are already successful in the UK, then it would be the same general process to get started in the USA it would seem to me. I mean you should already know about how to handle and get employees, know about what equipment to use, etc. You knew enough to get things going one time so it shouldn't be so hard the next time.

      One of the things that is hard for many people to accept is criticism. Think about why these posters have written what they've written. You want to go into the business of spoken communication in English.

      You are right - one small misspelling maybe shouldn't have caused the response it did. But in the call center business communication is KEY. Without proper communication - where both parties understand - sales aren't made, contracts aren't signed, and nobody benefits.Your later post, such as the one quoted below, shows that it wasn't a simple misspelling, though.

      I hope you have native speakers that can help you in your journey.

      Sorry I don't know much about this business so can't really help much.


      Originally Posted by Naseem548 View Post

      All of you are saying right now according to your mind thinking because during writing heading of post i write compains, Instead of campaigns i corrected this mistake in my next post reply to sir TimothyW. And for all of my Friends that have give me suggestion according to their minds just focusing on one mistake, I inform you all that we are running Electricity and gas campaigns in Uk and we are selling many contracts on monthly basis on behalf Edf, E-on, Opous Energy and some others. All contracts are verified by verbal communication through online e beam Dialer.
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