How do I remove the header in wordpress?

4 replies
I want to remove the header section from just one page in my website.

I have looked everywhere and couldn't find a solution without editing the code of the theme.
#header #remove #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author elcidofaguy
    I would create a new page template which excludes the header code which is then picked up by your theme... Its pretty easy to do. Here is an article on WP templates with getting started...
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by FUBSZ View Post

    I want to remove the header section from just one page in my website.

    I have looked everywhere and couldn't find a solution without editing the code of the theme.
    you can usually do something like this in CSS something like:

    page-id=16 #header {
           display: none;
    If you send me a link to the page you want to do this with I would be more than happy to get you an exact piece of code to get this done for you.
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