3 replies
Hi guys,

Is there a way of finding out how many people have clicked on (and not bought) your clickbank link? I have noticed when clicking via a mobile my username does not appear in the link, while it does on a PC. Does anyone else have this problem?

Is the only way to do this through your own landing page? I am concious of putting too many windows between the buyer and the service.

Kind regards,
#analyitics #clickbank
  • Profile picture of the author John Moore
    I would strongly advice you to set up your own lead capture page in order to have the ability to sell them your product more then one time. Often people need to get "sold to" more than one time in order to actually buy something. This is not always the case but for some of the products I promote I sell a lot more on email 5 & 6 compared to email 1 for example
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  • Profile picture of the author S1YMY
    The ClickBank reporting stats show the number of offers shown and the click through to payment pages. If you want to check mobile then click through to an ad and see if the clickbank stats go up by 1.
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  • Profile picture of the author haroldwise
    Clickbank has its own analytic, by using it you can get most of the details. But if you want to specifically want to get details like click from PC and mobile, you can use any of url tracking online tool like bitly.com, clickmagic.com, hypertracker, etc.
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