Clickbank - how long they hold your commissions for?

by smak
5 replies

Can anyone kindly let me know how long does it take before clickbank pays you. I know there is a holding period and also minimum commission threshold to achieve before they transfer money to your account.

Thanks in advance.
#clickbank #commissions #hold #long
  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by smak View Post


    Can anyone kindly let me know how long does it take before clickbank pays you. I know there is a holding period and also minimum commission threshold to achieve before they transfer money to your account.

    Thanks in advance.
    It depends on how you set your stuff up. For example, if you decide you want to get paid weekly, it will actually be two weeks before you see money for a particular week. Once you start getting payments, you'll be able to see how much you'll be getting for the upcoming week. Does that make sense? This assumes that you've met the threshold (think $10 USD is the lowest you can set it for -- don't know what that is in pounds).

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  • Profile picture of the author rachelamitsharan
    Cilckbank's payment period is either weekly or bi-weekly ( more common). You can choose how frequently you want to get paid. The week ends on a Wednesday every week or every other week depending upon your selected frequency.

    Payments are typically sent two weeks after the end of your payment period.

    Also note that you can set a threshold amount for release of payment. It should be $10 or higher. Once you've enough money in the account that is beyond the threshold, a payment would be triggered at the end of the payment period.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I'm assuming you're an affiliate.

    Minimum amount threshold is $10. Once you pass this, plush your have the 5 different credit card payments (Paypal NOT included).... they'll mail you out their check for whatever amount over $10.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    Clickbank hold payments until your account reaches threshold. And also meet the customer distribution requirement. That means you must generate commission from two different payment options.
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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