7 Steps To Building A 6-Figure Online Business!
Listen: it's not about what the gurus are telling you. It is about what they are doing.
But it's NOT what they are telling you.
Because revealing the system is not profitable. Because the system is a lot of work.
And most people don't want to do a lot of work. So people don't buy the keys to the "system"
They buy silver bullet solutions.
They buy Facebook secrets, sweet SEO methods, 'Secrets', etc, that's what they buy.
So that's what the gurus sell. They sell what sells.
Because they believe they will be leaving tons of money on the table if they tell you the truth.
That's why what they are DOING is something different entirely.
Think about the dude selling "Make Millions with Facebook in 90 Days"
How is he selling it?
Through a bunch of JVs, a carefully written email sequence, and multiple upsells, plus he has a Facebook coaching program.
He's NOT making his money with Facebook!
Think about the guy selling the latest SEO secret system.
He CLAIMS you make your money from creating sinister special links in Google that go to high - CPA Networks that make you money on autopilot. All you have to do is buy his product and take 20 minutes to set things up and presto, you will have $350 a day coming in.
But what is he DOING?
He has a sales page, 4 upsells, a long term coaching program, a 20 autoresponder email selling series, and multiple JV partners.
I could go on and on.
No matter what people are selling that is the "solution" to making money online, they are not DOING that solution. They are DOING what I am going to share with you in a few minutes.
Now, you might be asking, well, what about this other marketer? He actually does what he is teaching.
Don't get me wrong, there are a few exceptions. Those are people who are highly ethical, moral Internet Marketers who genuinely care about you.
And there are a few out there, for sure. And if you know someone like that, you should support him or her 100%. Because they care about you. Instead of selling get rich quick gimmicks, traffic gimmicks, and so, they are teaching you the real thing instead of trying to make a quick buck selling you the latest smoke and mirrors solution that won't work long term.
But those people are few and far between.
But what I have found is that most gurus are NOT teaching what they DO, they are teaching what will SELL.
So why am I telling you all of this?
Here's why:
Because I care. Because I have to be able to sleep at night. I've been successful online. I have dozens of clients working with me. (Please note that I'm not trying to sell you anything here. Don't buy anything from me.)
Through both my own marketing and through my clients and seeing what works and what doesn't, I know what makes money online. Ethically and not. I know what people are selling that doesn't work and yet people are paying for month after month.
I don't know about you, but I couldn't sleep at night peddling those kinds of smoke and mirrors solutions.
To cut a long story short, I have to sleep at night. I'm a Christian. I'm accountable to a higher power. He's watching me every day (He's watching you too).
By now you are likely thinking, "please, Ken, just get on to the steps."
I will, I promise.
So below are the seven steps:
Step 1 - Develop a lead magnet. It should be a bite-sized information (not a very long one) in the form of a report, audio or video which helps your subscriber fix a specific problem or gives them the information they are looking for.
Beware not to give them a very long bulky information which they may not be able to consume immediately.
This will make them forget about you in a hurry if they keep your lead magnet to be digested later. Chances are they will never get back to 'eat' your lead magnet, thereby nullifying the purpose for its creation.
Step 2 - Build or get high converting squeeze pages setup to collect subscribers and an autoreponder to deliver the lead magnet to them.
Step 3 - Drive traffic from the best traffic sources. YouTube is a good traffic source as well as Facebook. You can also buy solo ads or make as swaps.
Step 4 - Create an entry level product which your competition will normally sell for $97 and sell for $7 to $49 (depending on your niche). When you over-deliver with your first-time customer, it establishes trust and a long-term and lasting relationship.
Step 5 - Create another product of $97 or $297 which others will normally sell for $1000. The principle remains the same as the one we discussed in step 4 - establishing a long term relationship and building trust.
Step 6 - Create a home study course which can be 10 to 12 hours of content with homework assignment attached to it - which if your customer does the assignments, will get them results.
Step 7 - Create a coaching program where you teach your customers how to achieve what your course or report showed them.
Simply put, a coaching program bridges the gap between where your customer is and where he wants to be.
A coaching program is where they have access to you. Where they can ask you questions and get direction.
Sell it for $1000 with a series of automated email campaigns or make it $197 or $97 per month coaching.
Have you noticed that every one of the experts in the industry has this type of system in place?
The problem is that they teach you something very different from what they are doing.
That's why I decided to share this with you today.
I'm tired of seeing people struggle to make money with a push button system that promises tens of thousands of dollars overnight.
Such systems don't exist. The only people making money from such systems are the guys selling them.
That's sad I know but it's the truth.
Read through the 7 steps above again and start implementing them in your online business.
Well, that's it warriors.
If you are still reading this, my guess is that you are realizing that I have just been more transparent than most of the other marketers you've been learning from.
And if you didn't know me before today, hopefully you have a clear understanding of how - and why - I've been able to be personally successful in the internet marketing world, while basically working behind the scenes, at high levels of profitability, quietly earning a full time income, that frankly, you might be surprised to find out might be, on average, month after month, much more than the income of the some of the well-known gurus who do big product launches, have hundreds of people promoting them, and are very well-known.
You see, it's about profit margins, speed to profit right in the first 30 days, and implementing a few simple elements: 3 products, a 30 day email campaign that converts leads to buyers, and a $97 a month coaching program.
You don't need bright shiny objects each month, you don't need the latest product launch, you don't need to create something new each month.
All you need is 3 products, a coaching program, and a 30 day email sequence. And when you have those 3 things in place, and have $25 - $30 per subscriber coming in - all you focus on is getting new subscribers.
And when you are making $25 - $30 per subscriber, you can afford to pay $3 - $5 per subscriber, instead of trying to scramble to find all kinds of free and cheap traffic that don't convert and take up lots of your time.
Your model looks like this:
1000 subscribers --> 3 products and a coaching program --> $15k in revenue monthly.
Rinse and repeat.
That's it. That's the formula. That's what I do.
Try it and you will not be disappointed.
Hey Ken, Just curious is this Home Course study actually about teaching these Customers how to be Coaches ? And then those guys go out and teach others how to be Coaches and in turn they go out and teach others how to be Coaches etc..etc.. It just seems like a viscous cycle with no real transfer of real life skills towards a real online biz. EXAMPLE : Here's what happens and this is a MAJOR cause of why IM and MMO niche is so f-ed up. ...You get a customer who just purchased a Home Course study on SEO and how to get his weight loss site up to number 1 in Search Engines. Intentions are great at first. But this is where the problem comes in. The Coach starts teaching the weight loss guy all the techniques on how to rank his site BUT sometime during the process the Coach says ," Btw, Weight Loss guy how would you like to actually sell this SEO home study Course to other people and I will give you a Commission as an affiliate ? Not only that I will teach you how to sell this SEO prgram and teach you how to Coach other people" And then the new weight loss guy is now a Coach and he does the EXACT same thing to other people that his Coach did for him i.e. teaching others how to sell MMO products and be a Coach. Its a never ending UGLY cycle and you have people teaching others and they have no real success in the actual SEO home study course to begin with ![]() - Robert Andrew |
For the Home Study Course, this basically teaches all there is to a particular sub niche in multiple modules.
For example, you can't teach your customer everything there is to list building in a single course. If you do, you won't be able to show all the intricacies - which reduces your customer's chances of getting results.
This is where the Home Study Course comes into play. In the list building example above, you could teach how to create and setup winning Lead Magnets in Module 1.
Module 2 could go into how to create or setup a frontend liquidating offer that makes your list building pay for itself.
Module 3 could go into structuring and optimizing your entire funnel.
Module 5 could be on how to setup your welcome emails and entire email campaign.
Module 6 could go into traffic generation and targeting.
Etc etc.
This Home Study course could have as much as 10 to 15 modules...with assignments in each module.
The purpose of the Home Study COurse is to help your customer know every single thing there is to a niche or sub niche with actionable steps they can follow in order to get results.
You could sell Home Study Courses like this between $497 and $4997 depending on your market and your authority in the market.
Good home study courses are as good as one-on-one coaching because they are detailed to a tee.
Folks who teach regurgitated stuff in a such vicious cycle as they one you outlined should be banned from the Online Marketing space without mercy.
They cause more harm than good.
'I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion'
-Muhammad Ali
<< This is not a sales pitch >>
'I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion'
-Muhammad Ali
All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
<< This is not a sales pitch >>
The best thing you can do is put yourself out there.
Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)
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