Tip: Don't talk to your customers like...
This is something a number of people smarter than I have brought up before, but it's something I've started becoming quite sensitive to in my own and other people's marketing, so I thought I'd share.
The tip is: don't talk to your customers like they're business owners (if you're in a B2B niche, some of the following behaviours might be excused)
Here's some examples...
* Don't tell your list that you're launching a new "product"
"Product" is a term only a business owner would relate to, plus it doesn't carry any benefit or meaning, it's empty to your market.
Instead tell them what it really is.
If it's a software tell them you're launching "a new piece of software that will help them get more porn off their PC's"...
If it's an ebook, tell them you're launching "a strategy book for helping people deal with communication problems in their relationships" or whatever it actually is...
Something they can feel and relate to... you know?
* Don't ask your customers for "testimonials" - only business owners and marketers know what that is.
Ask for "their feedback" "their thoughts" "how the product helped them". Asking that will surely have a better outcome.
* (unless you're in a tech niche, or IM) Don't ask your customers to "be affiliates" and don't put a link on your sales letter saying "affiliate program"... Only nerds like us know what an "affiliate program" is.
Instead ask them if they want to make money by telling their friends about your product. Those are words that anyone can understand and relate to.
There are many more examples but those are ones I see often.
If you're doing things like this to your customers, it might be worth re assessing
To your success,
Zeus66 -
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